I downloaded Dead Nation and it's a decent game. Playing it co-op has been pretty fun, but if you're more the single player type I probably wouldn't recommend it. If you remember the Gauntlet Legend games on N64, it's a lot like that. It's a top down shooter where you just mow down hordes of zombies, and occasionally bigger zombies. It's surprisingly difficult too, even on normal, which is what I'm playing through on now. If you don't own LittleBigPlanet already though, that's pretty much a have. Especially if you have kids/less gaming inclined friends.
For the people who downloaded Wipeout HD, here's a tip that took me ages to figure out. The reason your ship goes so slowly is because you either 1) have pilot assist on. Turn that shit off. Or 2) you're not pressing the fuck out of that button. It's got a default 70% sensitivity so you need to lower that to about 10%. Becoming addicted.
Looks like there is another game I'm going to kick your ass in. I caved and got Wipeout HD even though I said I wasn't all the way up until I was looking at the options. I just couldn't make myself use a free game on a Stardust HD which is basically an arcade game that sells for 9.99 as opposed to the game that sells for 29.99. To echo everyone else here, I'm sure you already pulled the trigger but Infamous is a great game, worth two play throughs inherently and it rewards you for trying to kill enemies in creative ways. And there are creative was to kill enemies. It also paces out abilities perfectly.
This is a dumb question but where do you find the fucking game after you download it? I have wipeout downloaded, I installed the fury pack and the fucking game disappeared of the list under the games section. WTF?
It should be under the disk you pick when you want to start a regular game. XMB => Game => PlayStation3 (This is where your demos are stored too)=> Should be in this list.
E3 bitches! Some highlights from Microsoft's E3 keynote Tons of Kinect stuff, including a game made by Crytek (that guys that brought you Crysis and Far Cry) that turns you into a Roman gladiator. Halo 4. Mass Effect 3. CoD: MW3. Forza 4 with Kinect head tracking, Xbox Live TV and Youtube! <a class="postlink" href="http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/06/microsoft-e3-keynote/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/06/microsoft-e3-keynote/</a> Go there and stuff. And discuss the new hotness here.
I turned E3 on just in time to see the Mass Effect 3 showing. Good times. Also, March 6th? Goddamn. I was hoping it'd be December, but a few extra months won't hurt.
Did you guys see the MW3 footage though? It looked fucking titties as well. But as this is the internet and we are on a messageboard we must bandwagon behind hating something, MW3 be thy name. Though the destructible environments seems sweet in BF3.
After seeing that video and hearing the early stuff about MW3, all I have to say is: Modern War-who? I cannot wait for BF3.
I mean BF3 looks impressive and all but am I remember BF:BC2 doing the same to MW2. Then I played BC2 for a week and found myself back with MW2 in no time at all. Much more fun even with its cheaters. Then again, I've always disliked having player controlled vehicles in a game.
Let's not forget all the other cool shit that came out of E3. Highlights: Halo 4, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, a new Tomb Raider game, Far Cry 3, Bioshock: Infinite. Here are some of the best trailers. The Assassin's Creed one is ridiculous. And lost in the shuffle, Dust 514 is now PS3-exclusive and free-to-play. "Dust what?" say gamers everywhere. Poor CCP.
Dice is also offering a comparable service to COD's Elite subscription and its going to be free. Battlefield looks good but I'm concerned about the pace of its multiplayer. If there are vehicles, then the maps are large, which could mean a lot of running to get back into action spots after respawning. However, destructible environments make it harder for people to camp and could encourage people to move around to avoid falling debris. I'm still on the fence, and will probably wait a month or two after release to see what people say about it. More titles have been announced than I'll be able to keep up with. I'll definitely pick up Uncharted but I've also got an eye on Twisted Metal, Batman, Street Fighter 3 online, God of War Origins, and the Metal Gear HD collection.
So Nintendo just announced their new "console" the Wii U. I'll find links and shit later as I'm watching G4's coverage of E3 right now. I just wanted to leave some initial impressions. First, it doesn't seem much more powerful than the 360 of PS3, which I find disappointing. We'll see though. The controller could open up a lot of new doors and really change things though, which intrigues me. We'll have to see how game developers are able to incorporate it. Also, it is refreshing to see that they're getting popular third party titles on it. Tekken, Ninja Gaiden, Batman, and Assassin's Creed? Sounds good to me. I cringe to think of how much a second Wii U "controller" will cost.
I watched the MW3 trailer and I did not get a boner. I don't want to hate on the game, but when DICE starts showing the shit they are showing, you need to drop something for the fans. "We got this X Factor right here." DICE put their shit on the table with 1. We brought the graphics. 2. We brought the detail. 3. We brought the destructible environments. - All right off the bat. They need to bring the hammer down to get this shit going. Kubla, I'm not hating on MW3 at all. If the real Infinity Ward was behind it, I wouldn't even hesitate.
I hate E3. It always makes me want to buy everything. I was pretty impresed by the WiiU video. The only other things I've looked at so far have been the XBox Live stuff and Halo1/Halo4. I'm hoping when they say live tv on my xbox they mean that I can replace my UVerse. Haven't looked for more info on it yet though.
Has anyone else picked up Infamous 2? I preordered the Hero Pack and everything it came with was ridiculous. A replica messenger bag that can fit a 13in laptop, a 9inch special edition figurine, issue 1 of the comic book, poster, game soundtrack, and 4 or 5 add-ons to the game (different skins for Cole, a few extra powers as well). The game play is extremely similar to the first Infamous, which I think is a great thing. The controls worked well and zapping the shit out of things was extremely amusing. This time, though, you start out in the video game version of New Orleans post-Katrina. I can't begin to tell you how cool the city structure is.... I'm not too far into the game, but I'd say its worth at least a rental if you haven't played the first.