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the be all end all video game thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by hawt, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    That's true. Then again, we either play video games or we don't. It sucks. Not surprised Duke Nukem sucks balls. They just need an HD remake of the original. I'll be in. In other news, my friend keeps beginning me to play KZ3, and as wonderful as the online is: everyone on it sucks. The people make that game suck. You either rape by 100 points, or lose with 0. Completely frustrating.

    I popped in MW2, played Groundwar on Strike. Fast forward to being down 8700 to 9600. I camped this building, got pred missile, harrier, and pavelow. Rallyed up to 9900 a piece then this 10 year old on our team got the winning shot. God that rush felt amazing. I don't think I'm moving on until they block game hosting...
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    You should try Socom 4, I dont think Ive seen another game with such a love/hate relationship with online gameplay. I've also never had a game where the outcome can be so affected by your frustration level before (the head bursting SFX is the best and worst sound on the planet). There is such a great game under some boneheaded flaws. There is supposed to be an update for the game today fixing a couple of the big ones (PE4 charge fix being the biggest Ive seen on the list). They also still need to majorly tweak respawning as the tactic of rushing two or three guys behind the spawns make the game rapetastic. Also they need to make customizable games that allow for no nades, if they arent going to reimplement the grenade arch from earlier socoms we should at least be able to make games without them.
  3. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    Anyone else stoked about the co-op mode of the new Ghost Recon? It looks fuckin sick (sorry, couldn't find a higher res version...)

    #2523 iczorro, Jun 14, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  4. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    Can't blame any one group, loosely grouped as they might be.

    Fact is, times are changing. Truth be told, I don't find $60 to be killer expensive when you put what you're purchasing into perspective. If you get even 10 hours of enjoyment out of a product at that price, that turns out to be $6/hour, which is peanuts compared to booze, movies, takeout pizza/chinese, most drugs, and other forms of entertainment such as go-karts, golf, paintball, etc. Couple that with the fact that the majority of games have far, far more than 10 hours of content, and you have a damned good deal.

    Gamers these days also have the luxury of being patient and buying games well after the release date and paying substantially less. I've gotten a number of incredible games for my PS3 for under $15, and dozens of old school wonders for the PC for less than $10. The downside? I had to wait a few years. Boo-fucking-hoo.

    It's really all a matter of perspective and patience. You can't expect a gaming company not to want to make money. What you can expect is to be gouged if you can't exercise a bit of willpower and restraint when making purchases, coupled with a bit of cost/benefit analysis. Play smart.
  5. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    I actually am not finding DNF to be totally horrible. It's not GREAT by any means, but it's got a few jokes that actually work, and in a lot of cases it seems to be taking good shots at itself for things other than "Hey it took us forever to come out"
    If the character models were nicer, and they didn't have all the stupid console-itis, it'd be solid title.
  6. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I could put this in the Rant/Rave thread but you guys are the only ones who will get it.

    Rant: Worked on Heroic Nefarian last night. Got the bastard to 300k (out of 51M) and he hit the enrage. We lost two DPS at the 20% left mark. If that didn't happen we would've had him. FUCK!

    Ok, I'll stop now. On other WoW news, Firelands should be coming out on Tuesday the 21st. Anyone excited for it?
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    I guess I see why there is a backlash to giving an unfair advantage to one group and not the other. But I can't blame them for wanting to reward pre-purchasures. Game companies don't make any money on the game if it is sold used. Rewarding the fans that preorder just makes sense when you think of that. Sure gamers who are super price conscious can wait but even as you described 60 dollars is really pretty cheap cost/benefit wise. Even if you included all the DLC in the price it still stands up. Which means preordering is always going to have a place in gaming. Personally I find it fun and part of the anticipation to preorder and do midnight launches. It would be stupid for game companies not to want to make these type of fans happy.

    Game companies bitch more about reselling games sine they dont make a dime, honestly I think gamestop's return and used games are a fucking rip off. I got a brand new Socom 4 a month after launch for 42.50 shipped from Amazon, guess who's going to get my future business?
  8. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Just finished Infamous 2. Some thoughts:

    --Like that they revamped the blast shard and dead drop detection system. In the first game, finding blast shards was a bitch because you had to go literally all over every inch of the map, while finding dead drops (which there were fewer of) was incredibly easy. This time they reversed it, and made it slightly easier to find the 305 shards, and slightly harder to find the 29 dead drops.

    --Side missions were more varied in this game than in the previous one. They all repeated once or twice, but I never really got bored with the side missions, which is more than I can say for the first game.

    --Regular missions were stupidly easy. Honestly, I played it on normal and with good karma choices and weapons, and it was incredibly simple. Even "tough" monsters went down fairly quickly once I unlocked the sticky cluster grenades. Chuck a few, and pretty much everything dies. The final mission was incredibly easy, too. Overall, no where near the challenge level of the first game.

    --Storyline was decent, though not as good as the first game. Spoilers of the ending ahead:

    First, the ending, either way, is going to be a downer. Mild kudos on the creators for giving the game a final decision that actually has some weight. For those who don't know, the final decision is whether to kill every single human being without the conduit gene (billions of people), or kill every single human being with the conduit gene (thousand), including yourself and your friends not named Zeke. Either way, a lot of people die, it is just up to you to choose. The good ending is Cole sacrificing himself, which leaves very little to no room for a sequel.

    --They were also smart to add User Generated Content missions to the game. Basically, you can create your own missions, and others can play them and rank them. This ads some replay value after you've completed the main story, but how much will depend completely on the people creating the missions. The few missions I played were created by Sucker Punch (the game's developers) and kind of sucked, so who knows.

    Overall, I'd give it an 8/10. Not as good as Infamous, but still a pretty good game overall. If you enjoyed Infamous, I think you'll find this a slightly disappointing in that it doesn't quite live up to its predecessor, but it is still a very enjoyable game.
  9. awwwSNAP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... wer-is-yes</a>

    Just Stumbled upon this, and I think it's pretty awesome. And even though Gearbox is catching some flak over DNF being godawful, the fact that they are cool enough to do this for some random dude really impresses me. I've considered picking up Borderlands before when I needed an FPS fix, and this might be the little bit needed to convince me to do it.

    And that is a legitimately decent looking girl too. I'd definitely hit it. I'm still not entirely convinced, despite G4's best efforts, that smokin hot girls really do play video games, but power to this guy for finding a good looking one that he can game with.
  10. Obviously5Believer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Arma 2 is going free to play by the end of June.

    The catch:
    No high resolution textures.
    No mods.
    No singleplayer story campaign.

    Other than that, you get a working and nearly complete version of the world's best combat simulation game. I'm still planning on picking up Arma and Operation Arrowhead when they go on sale, but this is a a great way to try it out without any sort of monetary commitment.

    Speaking of simulators, I've been trying out Digital Combat Simulations' A-10C Warthog game and it's just about the most detailed combat flight sim out there. "Game" isn't really the right term. DCS makes A-10 sims for the DoD to train new Warthog pilots, and one of their terms is that they get to use their flight model and data for an entertainment version of their sim. The result is pretty intimidating:

    I believe the start up procedure is identical to a real A-10c. Don't we have an A-10 driver on this board? I'd love to see what they think as far as the accuracy of the systems.
    #2530 Obviously5Believer, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. bukowskionice

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Shadows of the Damned

    Long story short--guy in my building nabbed the leaked version. Got to hang out and play through the first hour+ myself tonight.

    Firstoff, it's extremely obvious that the creators of RE and No More Heroes did this title together. Oddly enough, the other game that I was constantly reminded of was the under-appreciated title Wet. Very grindhouse-noir, with a touch of spaghetti western tongue-in-cheek. Absolutely brilliant so far in terms of style and presentation, and if you liked RE5, yet also dig the ability to move and fire, you'll definitely like this one.

    There's even a bit of meta-humor, with the game poking fun of itself for ridiculous design choices (human heart consumption extending your ability to exist within Darkness, etc.). Brushing up on your Spanish profanity also adds a little to the player's ability to get some of the humor. Chinga tu madre, puto...

    With that said, I really hope everyone who nabbed the leaked version will shell out the 60 bucks to get the real thing. I'm going to go and reserve a copy tomorrow after what I saw tonight. We vote with out wallets, and to see developers putting out games like this as opposed to the nth military shooter every year, well... I'm happy to vote for the art-house shit. Just like when I bought games like Wet, Mirror's Edge and Indigo Prophecy... they may not be the greatest games of all time, but it's all about incrementally encouraging developers to take design risks.

    Can't wait for this one to come out. I definitely agree with the other statements likening it to the Arkham Asylum sleeper hit of the year potential.
  12. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    Has anyone played Warhammer 40k Dawn of War 2? I'm thinking of buying it. It looks like something I've been looking for in a game.
  13. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    So Alliance Tournament IX, the ninth annual tournament where the alliances of EVE Online compete for unique and expensive prizes, just concluded. To give you an idea, this is one of the last tournament's prizes that got blown up recently. Scroll down and you'll see it's worth $1,163 in real money. Gulp.

    The tournament final was a sham. Here is a writeup of this year's winning alliance, Hydra Reloaded, and the way they colluded with second-place alliance 0utbreak to ensure they defeated their archnemesis, Pandemic Legion, and ended up 1st and 2nd. If you're not familiar with EVE it might be a bit of a tough read, but it's a great glimpse into the dedication that people have towards EVE, and the kind of thing you won't see in any other MMO.
  14. RCGT

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Here's another writeup of the matter, this one aimed at people who don't play the game. Still cool.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ntroversy/</a>
  15. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Hey, I figure you all can help more than I can.

    My gf has a bunch of marriott points and is considering buying either a Wii or an Xbox 360 with Kinect. She's not a heavy gamer, she basically wants the system for the following reasons:

    -To be able to watch enough stuff that she doesn't have to pay for cable
    -To work out when too lazy/cold/whatever to go to the gym
    -Some dancing-type games would be nice
    -The occasional fun-type game (which is redundant, but I think you get what I mean)

    Which would be better for her for those things?
  16. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I'd go with the 360 and Kinect. XBox Live has Netflix, Hulu Plus, will be getting youtube and internet TV. Plus all those workout games that are/have been coming out too. Nintendo is going to release a new console in 2012, so games will be coming out less and less for that particular console.
  17. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I agree with Jimmy James that an Xbox is the way to go, with a few things to note:

    1) Xbox online costs a monthly/yearly fee. I'm not quite sure what it is, but there is a fee involved (I think it is $60 for a year, but not positive on that number).
    2) The Wii does NOT charge for online play, but online play for the Wii sucks. Wii does have Netflix, but Wii is also not in High-Def, nor does it up-convert, so anything you stream from a Wii on to a High-def TV tends to look crappy. If you're looking for streaming, Xbox wins that by a landslide.
    3) Wii probably has better "fun" games (i.e. Wii Sports Resort, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Wii-Play), but because they're changing systems soon, they're going to stop making games soon, while they'll keep making 360 games for at least a few years, including dance games.
    4) Wii has Wii-fit, which is actually a good fitness tool if you use it regularly. It works as a scale, balance board, and you can use it for aerobic or strength activities, as well as Yoga. Kinect doesn't have anything close to this, although the dance games are likely much better.

    Overall, I'd say go with the Xbox. You can get everything you need with the Xbox, and it's entertainment streaming options are so far above and beyond that of the Wii that it makes the Xbox preferred. The ONLY reason to get a Wii would be if you wanted to get Wii-Fit and use it as a fitness tool, but that isn't enough of a reason to get it over the Xbox.
  18. WickedBitch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 1, 2010
    Has anyone tried F.E.A.R. 3 yet? I had a copy pre-ordered from Amazon but I had to cancel it because I lost my cushy, wonderful job. I was going to rent it from one of the rental stores but I just can't spend the extra dough right now. If it really truly blows then I'll probably wait until it comes down in price.
  19. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    RedBox is going to start renting video games for 2 bucks a day. So there's that also. Sorry about your job.

    Played LoL for the first time in two weeks and man I missed the trash talking.

    EVE Online is some crazy shit. As I said before I played for 5 years before having to quit. Its awesome to read shit like that, but its more depressing to want to get to the higher levels of the game and have to do shit like that. It's absolutely ridiculous. All the meta-gaming is so tiresome. Half the game takes place on MSN and IRC. It also makes you a paranoid fuck that causes you to lose sleep and worry about shit 24/7. I miss the game though, helped burn hours in college, but having a real life and trying to play that shit is ridiculous unless you are a full-blown nerd with no friends or life.
  20. PewPewPow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think MT is the long-awaited deathknell to be honest. The rage all over the forums is hilarious, and people are getting fed-up with CCP's incompetence.

    In other news, I can't wait for SWTOR to come out eventually. They put up a new trailer that looks siiick.