On another note, the service fucking sucks. If anyone playing LoL still reads this thread then can you comment on how shit's run in NA? Server stability etc. Double post because my game client just crashed when I was carrying with Anivia (15/2/x) and can't even fucking log in anymore.
Are there fun RPGs anymore? I mean fun like "with a sense of humor." It seems like they're all so serious and dark these days. I'm replaying Dragon Age Origins which, while it has humorous moments, is definitely not a funny or lighthearted game. I think the last game I played that was funny was Deathspank, which was fun but didn't have a whole lot of replay value. I don't even really know what I'm looking for - just something good but not brooding. Not even an RPG necessarily. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated - I have a ps3 and a computer that can handle most games that aren't Crysis 2 on full max everything. Also no Portal until it drops in price pretty radically. I'm thinking I may have to suck it up and nerd out and get into the Disgaea series, because SRPGs are generally awesome (and I fucking lost my copy of Tactics Ogre for ps1, which is valuable, and also one of the greatest games of all time)
Have you cleared all the other Cata raid content? I think I've hung up my WoW boots[of +5 stamina] for good though. After I got my first of 8 level 80 toons to 85 I just couldn't see myself getting the rest to 85 and then geared. Really I just got sick of the time it takes to get anywhere. I didn't mind it so much in BC, in Wrath things came easy and I preferred it that way with all the toons I have, I just don't have the patience anymore.
It's been shitty since the Vayne patch. No idea if its just me or not, but I keep disconnecting from the chat every 5 seconds. Also, just got Heavy Rain and holy fuck this game is fun as hell when playing with the Move. It definitely improves the experience by at least 50% because doing all this shit on a controller would bore the fuck out of me. Also, its depressing as fuck. Amazing game though.
Naughty Dog is dropping the Uncharted 3 Multiplayer Beta on us today at 2 pm pst, for people with Infamous 2 vouchers and/or Playstation Plus subscribers. Since everyone should have the free month from the "Welcome Back" campaign, there's no reason not to have your asses on there tonight for some TiB fun.
I'm currently 7/13 in Hard Modes (we got a pretty late start and we only raid 6-8 hours a week) with a kill on Heroic Nefarian. I'm guessing with the full amount of time on this tier we should clear Heroic Ragnaros. Yeah, I know what you mean about getting up and geared. Well now it should be easy to get an 85 geared once you get justice points since you can buy the T11 gear with justice points now instead of valor. I'm lucky that I just have my Holy Pally and a Mage, but I am leveling an enhance shaman as well.
Found this story about a guy who fucked over a bunch of people in EVE Online for a ton of credits. I have never played a MMORPG in my life, and didn't understand a few of the terms used, but I found this completely fascinating. It helps that the author is a decent writer. The Scam http://www.wirm.net/nightfreeze/part1.html
It's hilarious that on Part 7 he references Tucker's flame war with himself regarding paid internships at law firms from The Great Charity Auction Debacle.
I can't talk about WoW without going on a cantankerous old man rant, but I'm going to try to remain as civil and non-elitest as I can: How do you have fun raiding nowdays? I tried raiding in WotLK and it just seems so banal now. You get your toon to 85 then run heroics. You run heroics until you get enough points to buy the heroic gear. Once you have enough gear with the correct ilvl you start raiding. Whatever you play, your gear, enchant, gem, and reforging guidelines are all laid out for you. You read up on every boss strat before you even set foot in the raid. It just feels to me like one big assembly line and really kills the fun for me. And don't get me started on what all these design changes have done to the attitude of most of the playerbase... I was in a progression raiding guild back in vanilla WoW; my guild got many server firsts back in the day and I was one of the (I guess) few people to clear the original Naxxramas before BC came out. I enjoyed raiding back then, but with all the changes I don't like I guess the game has moved on and left me behind.
Awesome read. Cracked.com just had an article about this stuff: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-biggest-dick-moves-in-history-online-gaming/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-bigge ... ne-gaming/</a> Apparently the biggest game heist ever was in Eve where a player set up an in-game bank and once he got huge made off with almost 800 billion ISK
The WoW funeral ambush gets me every time, especially when Scatman starts playing. Pwnage at it's finest (did I really just say that?). I borrowed the neighbor's 360 network adapter (because I'm too cheap/broke to buy my own) and have a headset that someone left behind many moons ago at work (a sweet NFL/Madden coach-style headset) so if someone wants to do a quick round of L4D or something, I'm down. Of course, I am also half drunk and am a lousy shot on the best of days but still... (I only borrowed the adapter because I bought Morrowind GOTY for the oldest dude a fortnight ago but my ancient-ass 360 wouldn't play it without an update. God bless Bethesda and their insomnia-killing software.) *edit* Errr, my gamertag is ZombieBabe927. That is also now my PSN ID if anyone cared.
Holy crap! I gotta ask, and forgive me for being naive about this - I think my disdain of Microsoft nickle-and-diming everyone to death with fees and shit is well-documented - but is playing online always this full of shit? Every game of L4D I tried to play had players with multiple gamertags just trying to increase their score and EVERYONE has some kind of fucked up hack that lets them get away with murder. Granted, L4D is an ancient game comparatively, but shit. People actually PAY for this crap? There was a story a while ago about the #1 female gamer on XBL yawning while "playing" football online with some guy that purposely let her kick his ass to increase her gamerscore. You know why the PS3 faithful were howling about the network being down? Because we don't have to deal with shit like this (well, actually we do but not this rampant). Each game has its own scoring/rating system and you don't have truckfulls of retards trying to inject themselves with E-steroids. What does a girl have to do to play a decent multiplayer game around here anymore? No wonder my neighbor didn't put up too much of a fight when I asked to borrow the adapter! (and P.S. - I presume no one uses headsets because I didn't hear a fucking thing. Hardly anyone uses headsets on PSN either. Maybe because they all sound like Peanuts teachers. Wah-wah, wah, wah, suck-my-cock-noob, wah, waaaaah.) (and P.P.S. - I'm more than half drunk now and am at least 2/3 surly. My bad.) *edit* In case anyone was wondering: <a class="postlink" href="http://kotaku.com/5422154/achievement-chore-she-plays-for-gamerscore-whether-its-fun-or-not" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://kotaku.com/5422154/achievement-c ... fun-or-not</a>
Speaking of video game addiction, I took my own advice and picked up Disgaea 3. If you played Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre Advance (or the original if you're a real badass), or any similar games and enjoyed them, it you owe it to yourself to give the Disgaea series a try. 3 is the worst-reviewed title in the series so far (IGN gave it like a 6.5?) and it is still fun as shit. Their major gripes are graphical - the graphics look like mid-stage PS2 quality at best, and admittedly the camera has some issues and it doesn't move during action - which means your whole squad can be getting destroyed and if you had the camera at a bad angle you can't see what's happening at all - but overall I'm having a great time. The main character is the prince of the underworld, on a mission to defeat his father for stepping on his video games (resulting in a loss of millions of hours played). It's one of the least serious games I've ever played, and takes plenty of opportunity to poke fun at itself, its genre, video games in general, and everything else they could think of. It has a colorful cast of characters, appropriately offensive stereotypes (there are some pseudo-bosses that are caricatures of mexicans and I couldn't not giggle to myself when they were on screen spouting mexinonsense while my 50 year old hispanic roommate and her children were in the room), princesses who are way more badass than their princes, incredibly deep gameplay once you get the basics down, literally infinite levels (every item has a "world" inside full of randomly generated levels that you can fight through to power up the item), and tons of other sweet shit. The level cap is 9999. There's no damage limit - you can get your attack to 99999999999 if you have the time and punch people for 900 trillion damage. I'm not very far in, but this game has actually made me laugh out loud a few times. Good stuff. If you're the type of person who gets in the kind of mood where you need a good RPG, and don't get turned off by the turn based kind, give this series a shot. It is awesome.
Has anyone else tried out Frozen Synapse on Steam? I picked it up a couple days ago and tried out the multiplayer today for the first time over lunch with a guy I work with. Definitely a lot of fun, I can see myself playing it much more often. It's basically a turn based, overhead tactical shooter type game. Lot's of strategy involved with telling your units where to move and aim for the upcoming turn. It also seems to be set up so that you can start a game with someone, do a couple of turns, and then leave it for later in a sort of "chess through the mail" sort of thing, and you can have several different games going on at once. If anyone else around here has it, hit me up and we can get some games in.
I PM'd this to Ms. Bitch, but figured it might be useful to others... If you've got a laptop connected via WiFi and an extra network cable, you can actually use your laptop to connect your XBox to Live.