I try to have some discipline. I have a list of games I want to play in the future, and I'm watching STEAM to see if any of them get deeply discounted. At the end of the day I'll have like five or six games for the price of a single game retail.
I suck at the Mercenaries on the consoles so I wouldn't buy it even if I did have a 3DS. But the fact that Leon isn't in it is really retarded. And who the fuck is Barry Burton? (*googles*) Uhhhh, yeah. That makes sense (not).
Oh, and Amazon right now has a BOGO sale until July 9th. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_356755242_2?ie=UTF8&plgroup=1&docId=1000700501&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-3&pf_rd_r=0Z9X2Z4MND99F3R5WP7F&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1307771982&pf_rd_i=14210751" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/r ... i=14210751</a> *edit* Their selection is shit. Sorry.
I was only OK at the Mercenaries mode until the Wii version of RE4 came along. The improved controls that came along with the Wii Remote turned me into a fucking monster. And... Yes, the Leon snub is bullshit. I mean... Isn't Leon second only to Chris as far as the main protagonists go?
Anyone in the mood to take Hotwheelz's recommendation, Frozen Synapse is 50% off for the next 24 hours on STEAM ($12.50). It also comes with a an extra digital copy you can give to a friend, which I request you give to me for being awesome and informing you off this sweet deal.
Also, the 1,99€ (or the US equivalent) they're asking for Trine is definitely worth it. It's a really fun platformer with very unique (and awesome) mechanics.
I just got my shiny new replacement for my dead original 60gb ps3 (THEY NEW ONES AREN'T BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE WTF?!), and can't get into the PSN. When I try to "use existing account" it tells me that it's down for maintenance? Is that actually true or is my new ps3 just busted too?
Not exactly -80%, but seems like you got your wish. With Episodes from Liberty City included no less.
Don't forget: It's best to wait until the very last day before buying any game that isn't a Daily Deal. It might be a deal and you'll definitely regret not waiting. Also every Daily Deal usually shows up on the last day of the sale, so if you were on the fence about something Valve still has one more chance of snagging your sweet sweet cash. Also, it might be better to add money to your Steam wallet in one lump sum instead of making a bunch of small purchases each day; your bank might put a hold on your card.
Yep, I've been camping. Arkham Asylum was on my list too. Today is a good day for video games. Ok, here's the question now. I'm gonna buy at least Left 4 Dead 2; is it worth picking up Left 4 Dead (original) as well for an extra $2.49?
It has fewer zombie types and fewer online players than 2, but it's definitely worth the 2.5$ in my opinion, if just for playing through the campaigns once.
I bought Elder Scrolls Oblivion the other day to pass the time and had a couple questions: 1. Is it always this boring? It seems like all the missions are generally the same, maybe I'm just bored of video games. 2. I heard there was a level up scheme, anyone know what it is? 3. What should I not miss in the game? Like, what should I be doing/factions to join/missions that are fun/etc.
1. Yes. The only exception is the Dark Brotherhood and it's missions. 2. I started to type some guidelines, but this page has it covered. 3. Aside from Dark Brotherhood: mods. Google Oblivion mods and just mod the hell out of the game. Mods make the game unbelievably better.
In short: yes. This was my assessment from like a year ago: I now (briefly) have health insurance again and am back on the good stuff and that game is STILL a fucking snoozer.