Gemcraft: Labyrinth <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> Great game, available for free. Infinite variety in the ways you can complete levels, and infinite replayability in that you can customize battles to make them more difficult in different ways. Cost $5 CAD to get the premium version, which adds a fair bit of content, but isn't necessary if you're just looking for a time-waster. It can seem a touch overwhelming at first, but you'll adapt quickly. NOTE: Make an account at Armor Games and use it when playing, otherwise your games won't be saved.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Valve announced the early 2012 release of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. It will be available for Xbox Live Arcade, PSN, PC and Mac. Cool.
I played the weirdest game of LoL last night. Lasted 82 minutes, we were always losing the whole time, at one point we were down 40 kills. At NO point in the game did anyone suggest surrendering or hit the surrender button. Fucking weird.
Borderlands 2 has been announced. I'm so fucking pumped to grind through this game. Game Informer has exclusive coverage of the game. The only sad part is that we won't be getting this game until after April of next year. I'm down with making announcements for a game and hyping it up, but having it be released almost a year from announcement date is kind of ridiculous to me.
I've been playing Mordekaiser in LoL lately and have been completely destroying teams. Pretty much every game I have double digit kills and a 2:1 kill to death ratio. It's funny because I've had Morde for a long time and I always thought he was useless aside from clearing minions. I even got my 2nd pentakill with him.
Morde is one of those champions they haven't touched in the longest time because they're perfect. I'm on a 6 win streak with him now. God bless his heart.
I'm hooked on Trundle. I thought jungling was fun but counterjungling is so much more satisfying. Even taking 2-3 of the camps early game gimps junglers that rely on base damage on abilities like Udyr or ww big time.
I haven't played in over two weeks, just too much stuff going on. But damn do I want that new Tryn skin, but fucking 1800 rp!? The fuck is that shit? Oh, and that new level looks fun as all hell.
So anyone else super excited for Deus Ex 3 next week? Its already being called a Game of the Year contender.
I've got it preordered. And I'm already precumming. I played the crap out of the first one and shat all over Invisible War, much like everybody else that's a fan of the series has done. I've always played a silent hacker that can snipe if necessary. If it's possible, I want to go the same way, but with small arms instead of a sniper rifle. August 23rd needs to get here already. Oh yeah, Madden is coming out the week after. I played through the demo and was suitably impressed. Zone defenses are actually worth using now. I especially like the dynamic player performance they've got setup. In the demo, I ran Green Bay's nickel Psycho package almost exclusively and made Cutler shit his pants with the zone blitzes I was using. After a couple of sacks, you could see Cutler get more nervous and tuck it and run more. This was a double edged sword though. You run enough blitzes and you're bound to get burned. I got burned and my corner started playing more conservatively. My corner gave up 3 long touchdowns. At that point, you could have thrown the ball in his general direction and he would have run away instead of covering the receiver. With the revamps to franchise mode and this, Madden looks like a must buy.
I just picked up Catherine, Huge fan of atlus games, Specifically the Shin Megami Tensie series. Catherine was made by the makers of Persona (or so I am told) So Hopefully it will be a good game. Has anyone else played it? Any thoughts or personal reviews on the game?
There's an old game show where kids play level of video games against each other. There was play-by-play coverage for certain levels of video games, all on public access. The winner would get to run through an obstacle course, grabbing different games they wanted at the end- double dare style. For the life of me I can't remember the name of the show. But it was my 72 virgins before I hit puberty.
Are you thinking of Nick Arcade? That's the closest I can think of off the top of my head. Not sure about the final round. That doesn't sound familiar to me.
Similar, the final round is completely different. The kid actually runs through an obstacle course, collecting video games velcroed to the walls as fast as their pudgy little legs can take them. Then they have to go down a slide before the time is up or they don't get to keep the cartridges.
Some pretty impressive Battlefield 3 multiplayer gameplay footage. This looks even better than I expected.
You're thinking of Video Power. At the time I would've sold a friend into slavery to get on that show. There was an episode where a Neo Geo was the for the taking. A freaking Neo Geo. That thing was like $500 at the time.
While it clearly has nothing to do with the show you're talking about, I was once a "home player" or whatever on Video & Arcade Top 10. Because of some kid who was on the show, I won a copy of Dragon's Lair for the SNES.
I wouldn't exactly say "won". More like "Punished by". That game was the equivalent of having your nails pulled out. When people talk about how hard a game is nowadays I think back to games like Dragon's Lair and just laugh.