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the be all end all video game thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by hawt, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    You must be new to the game. You think "Oh, its going to get better when I hit 30, and all the newbs are gone." Wrong. Its the same all the way. One thing I have noticed is that I get less drops at 30 for teammates. The other team always seems to have more leavers than my teams. Oh also, if your team are foreigners that aren't Korean, your chances of winning have decreased 90%.
  2. Celos

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    Oct 19, 2009
    If you have leavers, you need to win by mid-game. After that it's fairly hopeless no matter your score, unless the enemy team is full of idiots. The few exceptions to this are great, though. Doesn't get much better than rolling the entire enemy team with a jungler, tank and support in a 60 minute game.
  3. burned ice cube

    burned ice cube
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    I am fairly new the the game, although I did play DOTA games in Warcraft 3 way way back. Its a shame to hear the leavers don't get much better as you level up. I am only level 12 right now but have had pretty much good experiences so far, this was the first that two people left. I saw the list of players a page or so ago, but is anyone down in the lower "bracket"? I really only ever play ryze just because each ability used lowers the cooldown of every other ability. That plus some cooldown reduction items makes for a powerful combo when the situation is right. It would be cool to get some people to play with on a consistent basis.

  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    DX: Human Revolution (part 2)

    So I already gave my review, but now that I've beaten the game, a few additional thoughts:

    -The game was, as I reviewed, great. However, the overall story arc did not feel as epic or engrossing as the first game.
    -The end where you push 1 of 4 buttons was a little lazy on the developers part, at least give us different things to do.
    -It was a bit of a bummer that there were only two city hubs. In the first game you got at least 3: New York, Hong Kong, and Paris, along with little ones.
    The after credits scene was decent and definitely set it up for sequel (another prequel to DX1) but the word today is that there are DLCs on the way.
    -The scenery and locations started to look and feel the same after a while.
  5. Arms Akimbo

    Arms Akimbo
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    This was against the beginner bots. Needless to say, we lost. I would have rage quit (ok, not really), but I knew it was going to be over quickly.

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  6. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Apparently you can be banned from the Playstation Network through a game developer for using hate speech. Fucking Faggots.
  7. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    I picked up Madden 12 yesterday and played it for a couple of hours.

    When you're going through preseason in Franchise mode, your roster size is upped to 75. After each week but before your next game, you have to cut your roster down to the league maximum of 53. Rookie and free agent ratings are unlocked by playing the preseason games. It's a neat incentive to actually play through preseason. If there's one gripe I have it's with the interface. Instead of having the menu up at all times, you now have to press a button to open it. The default view is your match up with next week's opponent. It's fucking irritating because I do a lot of swapping between free agency and player management.

    Players now have roles that affect on field play. It's essentially the Weapons feature from a few years back, but repackaged and upgraded. In addition to having roles, players also have tendencies, confidence levels, and consistency ratings too. All of these features are fluid, so unless you field a bunch of guys with 5 stars on their consistency rating, no season will be the same. In game, players also have dynamic rating and tendency changes as well. You sack a QB enough times and he'll either start tucking and running or heaving it out of bounds a lot more. Your CB get burned? He'll play more conservative in an attempt to not get burned again.

    The Superstar mode is basically the Madden version of Road to Glory. Practice and play well to gain skill points that you can spend on your player rating. This mode is pretty well stripped down because that's all you get. There aren't any position battles and it doesn't appear that you gain any of the player roles that are in Franchise mode, which is a shame. No matter what your rating is, you'll instantly be put at the top of the depth chart, which sucks.

    Graphically, the game looks a lot like it did last year, but there have been some subtle upgrades from last year. The grass on replays looks pretty much like the real thing. Grass stains and uniform wear appears as the game goes on. The presentation has been beefed up a lot. Playing as the Seahawks, I was mildly surprised to see the hawk flying around the stadium before the players were introduced, just like the real thing. More commentary has been added, but like all video game commentary it gets old pretty quick. Worst of all, the volume between the old commentary and new is off. If you were watching an actual game, it'd be like someone in the production truck was fucking with the volume levels in the middle of a broadcast.

    The real meat of any game is the gameplay, and this version of Madden is way better than it was before. Players realistically bounce into and off of each other making the running between the tackles a reality and not a pipe dream. A runner's momentum actually matters now. You could theoretically reenact Marshawn Lynch's BEAST MODE TD run from the playoffs last year with this system. The passing game in general just feels right. It's challenging, but not frustratingly so.

    Defense is another issue. Granted, I've been playing on the default difficulty, but I did the same on earlier versions of Madden and never been able to do what I'm doing now. Through 3 weeks of Franchise, Seattle has given up 0 points, and allowed a total of 153 yards. Yes, passing and running.
  8. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    I just bought the new champ, Talon, in LoL. My first impressions are that he's all 100% burst. At first attack, I Q, which adds extra damage and makes the enemy bleed once I hit them. Then I E's into an enemy which blinks him there and silences them. W is an angle attack that slows for a certain amount of time, and basically attacks twice as his blades come back after they get shot out. I then Ult, which shoots out blades in a circle around me, damaging them, and stealthing me. I can then asses the situation, if I feel I can kill them and they are still within the blade circle, I hit Q again then attack, then W; if I can't kill them, I just run until stealth wears off, then flash away. All this adds up to a massive amount of damage in less than 3 seconds.

    He's pretty decent begin game if you level up your W skill, the angle shot, and makes for a good harasser. After you get enough money and a BF sword, you can begin ganking other lanes. His cooldowns are pretty awesome too as the longest is his ult of 30 or so seconds, and the rest are good after an average of 6.
    I'm gonna continue to play him as a straight AP burster, but I'll probably branch out and see what else he can do. Pretty good imo...
  9. SwampDonkey

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Portland Ory-gun
    Deus Ex question here. I never played the first, but have heard nothing but good things about the new one and want to get it. Will I be missing anything by starting here? I played Mass Effect 2 without playing the first one and didn't really like it. I need something to play until Battlefield 3 comes out...

    I have no idea what LoL is, have no idea what the things you people are writing about mean, but I find it all weirdly interesting.
  10. Subito

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    The new Deus Ex is actually a prequel, so you aren't really missing out on a continuing storyline. There are a fair share of references, some subtle and some not so much, but nothing that would ruin the game for you. Definitely worth picking up. Plus you can get the original for like $10 now.
  11. Clutch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Has anyone playing Deus Ex: HR not gone the upgrade-the-shit-out-of-my-pistol route? It seems the obvious path to take. I've tried to go the non-lethal route, but I usually fuck up or run out of darts and end up having to kill people.
  12. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Deus Ex - If you're not a computer game graphics whore, play the first one. The game play is awesome and its fun knowing there are 3 ways to get somewhere. There are also branching storylines. I played it twice, beat it once, and enjoyed the fuck out of it. I was about to buy the new one and Madden today, but Deus Ex was sold for for the PS3.

    Talon is definitely a bitch to lane against if you're not range, range-mage or tank. He will harass the fuck out of any other fighter/melee champion. Late game, his ult is useless against my new fave Lee Sin and its just fun playing against him.

    Got the new Madden and don't know what it is, but I haven't played a serious Franchise since college. I think I'll give this one a chance since I heard they made it fun. Something about the gameplay changes makes the game fun to play against the computer so I'll have to give it another shot. Running between the tackles is more realistic and awesome, but RBs still feel a little slippery. CBs and Safeties will be getting a lot more interceptions because they gave a little more weight to timing the jump. Also, they really took away the run around and pass shit for QBs. I'm sure Vick and Romo can still do it, but anyone else will probably be fucked (which is a good thing in my opinion.) They also made the Gameflow feature much smoother. On offense you get "Gameplan" "Run" "Pass" and for defense "Gameplan" "Aggressive" "Conservative" nice tweaks to keep it going if you want. Definitely a more balanced game in terms of what you can do with play calling.
  13. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Its hard not to do. I went the Silent Assassin route and modded the shit out of my pistol. I played on Hard, so I learned later in the game that it's pretty worthless regardless of the set up, especially during the 3rd boss battle against Jaron Namir. For those who have trouble with it, here's how I did it:

    Most people are going to hit the LIMB clinic and get the chip modded before Singapore. If you haven't done it yet, don't. The battles against Jaron will be a collassal pain in the ass. If you do, the easiest way to beat him without Augs is to make sure you have a few EMP mines to place on the floor of the room. Then go upstairs near the beginning of the level and grab one of the turrets (if you have the strength Aug) and carry down the elevator with you into the boss room. It sits on the outer edge of the room, and you can't move it so make sure it's facing away from you when you bring it in. Throw a few mines in front of it for when Namir jumps over the walls. He'll land on it and get disabled, and the turret will take him out quickly.
  14. Celos

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've not modded any weapons and gone entirely with the stealth route. Q takedowns only, no combat augs etc. I'm regretting the fuck out of it now that I've reached the second bossfight. FUCK. THAT. BITCH!
  15. WWSwagger

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm doing the same thing, trying to get the pacifist trophy (don't kill anyone by your hand except bosses) on the first playthrough. Haven't gotten to the second boss, first boss I just used barrels laying around the room to take out. I'm already irritated that they even included boss fights, going to be really ticked if there aren't options in the environment to take out everyone else.
  16. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    If they make a sequel to this game (and I have zero reason to believe they won't) they need to take these fucking boss fights out of it. Or at the very least make them possible to beat using different methods. I almost burst into tears during the first boss fight because I upgraded the shit out of my pistol and sniper rifle. Luckily I had the sprint aug and a lot of shotgun ammo, otherwise I would have had to have restarted my fucking game.
  17. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Dumb question, haven't picked up the game yet. But why is it the upgrading of the guns makes them worse in boss fights?
  18. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    It isn't the fact that you're upgrading a pistol. It's that you've made the choice to upgrade a pistol instead of say a shotgun or combat rifle. The bosses can take a ton of damage. Depending on your weapon choice and the amount of upgrades you've put into it, you could be going into a boss fight extremely ill-equipped to handle it.

    For example, my main weapon is an upgraded, silenced, laser-guided pistol. Using that against a boss with a shitload of health was like throwing rocks at a tank. Had I decided to use magazine and damage upgrades on my combat rifle and/or shotgun instead of my pistol, I would have had a much easier time of it. I was penalized for my weapon choice. There is no stealth option to kill the boss. You can't use takedowns, headshot him, etc. I haven't gotten to the rest of the bosses, but I'm assuming it's the same for the rest of them.

    It's a bit of a letdown to find out that in order to advance through the game, the way you play may end up shafting you.
  19. WWSwagger

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    No idea if the other bosses are like this, but I took the first boss out without firing a shot.
    I alluded to this in my earlier post. I've been going the stealth route and wasn't even carrying any weapons beyond a tranq rifle at that point. There are barrels all around the area you fight him in. I beat him by alternating between lobbing gas and explosive barrels. It only took I think four direct hits before he went down, and I'm playing on hard. I'm hoping the other bosses have similar options or else I'm going to be screwed/pissed.
  20. Jimmy James

    Jimmy James
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Washington. The state.
    This is why these boss fights can blow me.
