you guys do that mastery challenge!? UGH haha, I got that FMJ crap on most of my weapons. So question do your setups reflect the games you play or do you do a specific setup for each different game?
And play on those ground war matches with 12-18 people per side instead of of 12 or less. They switch between domination and deathmatch. That's how I get most of the weapons challenges finished up quicker. As much as I hate the fucking "rundown" level, it is the easiest one I've found with the FMJ.
Definitely agree. Ground War is really good XP overall as well. I also found that Demolition levels you up pretty quickly.
If you want to get the FMJ challenges play Headquarters. I wait 'til the headquarters goes online and hose the room down through a wall. People tend to stay in the corners too so concentrate your fire there. I got so good at it I was getting 7-10 penetration kills a game.
To shift the topic somewhat, there is an interesting article about the psychology of achievement and how it relates to game genres. ... -fake.html Another look at the same issue, without the emphasis on games Makes me feel guilty for loving dragon age.
That's a good article. Over at Insult Swordfighting, Mitch Krpata has put up a series called Games of the Decade, about his favorite games of the past 10 years. Some you've heard of, some you haven't, some that you really should play. Go check it out.
I'm loving MW2 because you can use a different strategy depending on the level and gametype. I am HATING these glitching douchebags that have figured out a way to glitch the Javelin to where they can run up to you and if you knife them, you blow up. This one guy last night would not stop doing this shit. Anyone know how to handle it other than only killing them from long distance? They are able to get their shot off even as they die, so if they are facing you, you're fucked.
Riot shield with blast shield works okay, I survived a head-on blast. One guy was running around with an RPG and whenever someone would come near him he would just blow them both up and deny the glitcher the kill. Other then that, maybe flash or stun them so you can get some distance before firing?
Just thought I'd put some thoughts up on Assassins Creed II since it really hasn't been mentioned. I rented it thinking I could beat it in about 10 hours like the first one, but it ended up being over 20 hours and I still didn't do everything. The controls are better this time around and it has more things to do but it stays pretty true to the first one for the most part. It's definitely a fun game and if you liked the first one you're going to like this one too. Now I have to figure out when to fit Dragon Age in while keeping up with MW2...
I'm getting pretty close to the end of Assassins Creed II, with around 16 hours played so far, and I've been loving it. One of the biggest improvements for me over the first one is that the main character, Ezio, has so much more personality than Altaïr did. I also really liked the "Truth" deal with finding the glyph's throughout the world and having to solve the various puzzles.
That should be almost stopped now. XBoxLive is threatening bans to anyone exploiting the glitch, and a patch in in the approval process. I couldn't figure out what was going on the other night, everyone was running around with javelins. Luckily the guys were idiots, and I killed them a lot more than they got me. Those javelins laying around were pretty handy when the enemy helicopters showed up.
Really? I just finished playing for the night and earlier I played with someone who only did the glitch. That's it. He never actually tried to shoot anyone, he'd just set up the javelin glitch and run around stabbing. Quite successfully too, since he'd get 5 kills sometimes from the explosions. Seriously, fuck that guy. I filed a complaint on him and if what you say is true, I really hope he does get banned. (Disclaimer: I was curious so I looked up the glitch and tried it out once, but it really sucks your soul out every time; I don't understand how someone can do it exclusively.)
Yeah, I just got off and there are still some assholes doing it, pretty much exclusively. I filed complaints on all of them. Trust me though, it's way better than it was a couple nights ago. I tried to play a few matches before bed, and every single game I got into had 5 or 6 people doing it. Half the people in the match were running around with javelins. I joined and left 8 matches, and they were all the same. Finally I said fuck it and went to bed pissed off.
The only guy I've seen do the Javelin glitch finished 10-21 or something like that. I really don't understand the appeal.
I love how that article is written with this slant of "these poor gamer's are getting banned for something that's the programmers' fault." No. Fuck that. When you play and only go around using this glitch it A) makes you a massive douche, and B) apparently violates the Terms of Service for Live as someone pointed out in the comments. I really get tired of gamers playing the victim like this. Just don't cheat, how hard can it be?
Yeah and don't be 14 with the mic switched on non stop and hearing your four year old blather on is also unacceptable.
I can't get their site to load, but if they're complaining about getting banned for using it, I only have one thing to say. Fuck those guys. I read some other article or forum post where the people using it were trying to defend themselves using the argument that by abusing it and pissing everyone off, it was forcing the company to fix the glitches faster. Bullshit. If that was the case, they would have all stopped once they announced that a patch was in the works. For anyone that get's stuck with these annoying assholes in a game, if you knife them, apparently the javelin won't explode. The only way they can kill you is if they knife you, anything else disables the javelin. If you have commando enabled, it's not too tough to get them first, plus it leaves a lot of javelins laying around on the map to blow up their helicopters and such.
The guys in Ground War are still doing it, since there are so many players on the map they're usually finishing 30-10 or better.