I've never played the previous Civs and I haven't dove too deep into Civ 5 but it's my understanding it was just streamlined to make it less tedious. I did read about how you can't force stuff onto other civilizations like Civ 4 though and that sounds kinda cool. Today I finally made it far enough into one of my games to get nukes, there's nothing more fun than dropping a few nukes on a city. One of my allys throughout the whole game got hit with them too due to a close border[oopsie!] so I ended up just taking them out with a couple more nukes.
Just beat the first mission is Deus Ex and didn't save the hostages, not on purpose though, holy fuck its crazy how you forget to actually explore shit in an 'FPS' game because so many are on rails. Fail on my part. Love the game though.
I did the same damn thing, it pissed me off. I explored every nook and cranny for the rest of the game though, that's for sure.
I rented this game yesterday because my friend wanted to check out the multiplayer. I absolutely loved it. As WendeI and Tey suggested, there are some awful glitches in the game. At one point it wouldn't let me come go up these stairs while my partner was able to move freely. The mini-map is also a nightmare. My partner and I would be on the same quest, but the mini-map would be telling us to go in 2 wildly opposite directions. Grouping up within the game with your friend might be a bit difficult too. It has an interesting multiplayer capability where if someone is in the same area as you (even a complete stranger), you can group up with them. This didn't always work though and we found it easier to just form a party via the XBL dashboard. Glitches aside, the overall gameplay is fun, particularly with multiplayer. There's something wonderful about looking at a zombie and suddenly seeing its head explode without any idea why. My friend did a good portion of solo play with another character and said he didn't see any increase in the # of zombies or their difficulty with multiplayer though, which is a bit disappointing. I think if you're playing solo it could get boring and repetitive. However, with someone to talk to and run around with, five hours just flew by for me. That 5 hours of main quests and side quests only got us through about 10% of the main storyline, so you have an idea of just how much gameplay there is.
Anyone else playing Red Orchestra 2? So far it's a really great game IMO, definitely more of a thinking man's game than COD. There's a few bugs still in game; horrible pings for most people, the cover system is wonky, and the class progression doesn't seem to be loading people's XP right, but once they iron that stuff out it should be fantastic.
Just found out that the GoldenEye PS3 port will be Move compatible. I'm very intrigued and now dangerously close to finally buying a PS3 because I love the Wii version of GoldenEye and I find playing using a Wii Remote to be a lot of fun. Has anyone here played a Move compatible FPS? If so, how was it?
Becareful, its not as accurate/responsive as you'd like it to be unless you buy the gun and sit exactly 8 feet away from the camera.
The GoldenEye bundle that I linked to comes with the Move Sharp Shooter and distance from the TV won't be an issue.
Dread, Well go and be merry! I haven't pulled the trigger on the Gun yet. Let me know how it goes! On a side note. I've been getting my ass kicked in LoL recently. Teammates just aren't playing smart, I'm getting off to bad starts. Its making me sad. Anyway, more PS3 for me. I'm fucking loving the Madden Franchise mode. Its awesome.
320 GB PS3 acquired. I bought the complete edition of Grand Theft Auto IV and I'll grab that GoldenEye Move bundle in November.
So, fuck Dead Island. The gameplay is good enough but the game is glitchy as shit. I don't even get how the developers thought this piece of shit was ready for mass production. First of all, there's no 'save' option. Leaving doesn't auto-save, so it's up to the game to decide whether or not it's going to save. You know it's happening when you see a red symbol flash in the top right corner. I've seen it maybe.. 3 times. Yesterday I logged off with 32% completion, 8 hours played. I even quit the game and logged in again to check if the save file worked or not. I respawned in Act 2 as expected, so it worked, right? Wrong. Today I start it up and instead of level 21, I'm level 12 again at 15% completion with 5h30mins played. ... Spoiler That's just straight up bullshit.
Did you hit "continue"? Or did you hit some other random option. I've almost fucked myself over a few times due to the way the menu system is implemented (shit) When you go to join a friends co-op game for example, you can hit "new-game"(almost always recommended also) or click on your characters name. Sometimes, you have a third option, which is a save of your character from some random point in the game. I did this and it loaded me back as a lvl 18 when I was 30+. I had to go back and make sure I was choosing my lvl 30+. Not just click what seemed to be the most obvious choice.
Dead Island - I actually figured out the sure way to save last night. It's basically the same way as saving in LA Noire. Pause the game. Go into the options screen and change something (like switching from digital fighting controls to analog). Now unpause the game. It should save each and every time. Also, I never select the "load last checkpoint" option when entering and exiting co-op games.
The Battlefield 3 beta is starting on September 29 for all platforms. I've never played battlefield before, so it'll be nice to give this a try. Hopefully it can live up to the hype.
The important thing to keep in mind, aside from the fact that it's a beta and it will have bugs and glitches, is that it isn't Call of Duty as made by EA. Battlefield and Call of Duty are two completely different types of FPS. There are no killstreaks and no perks. You can lone wolf it CoD style if you'd like, but you won't get many points doing it. If you want to be at the top of the scoreboard at the end of a map, then you'll need to play like a squadmate. That means picking a class and providing that role. For instance the Assault class in BF3 gets the Medic kits from BS2. That means you'll be at the front lines of every map, you'll also be responsible for dropping Ammo packs so your team can resupply, you'll also have to drop Health kits and use your Defibrillator to revive downed teammates. You will learn very quickly playing Battlefield that there is one rule to remember, you are not safe...anywhere. One of the things I can't wait to see is the Frostbite 2 engine and how Destruction 3.0 shakes out. Basically in Battlefield everything is destructible, and I mean EVERYTHING. You like to corner camp? You can't do that when a tank blows the corner of the building off...
I think I'm overdue for a change from call of duty. I like it, but all I'm able to play is team death match because the camping and genade launching gets ridiculous in objective modes. I don't think my collection needs another COD title, MW2 is always there if the urge arises. I don't mind playing with a squad as long as everyone contributes to the objective. The assault class you mentioned sounds like the role I'd be into.
Well there are going to be four classes in BF3 Assault - Front lines, responsible for dropping ammo pack, health packs and reviving. Engineer - Vehicle busters, they get the RPG's & anti-tank mines. Once you unlock the repair gun you become responsible for repairing your teams vehicles. Support - Unsure exactly what their role will be, since this is a new class. From what I've read, if you go prone or bipod with your LMG and lay down suppressing fire, it will affect the opposite teams screens and ability to regenerate health. Recon - Snipers, can call in mortar strikes, can tag opposing players so they show up on teams radar.
This may be a dumb question, but do you need one member from each class in a squad, or can everyone choose assault, for example, and try to overwhelm the opponent? Also, I understand that battlefield has larger maps than COD. I'm concerned about the pace of the game, is there a lot of action, or are there large gaps where you have to hike around to find enemies?
Diablo 3 beta invites have officially begun (not counting the friends & family beta which was weeks ago). Be sure to check both your email and battle.net account. I, of course, did not get an invite because Blizzard hates me like Hitler hated Jews. In other news, I'm now offering blowjobs for those who share their account info with me so I can play some of the beta.
Any person on the team can be anything they want. You can have four assaults, four recons etc. Your team will not be as effective if you do this, but it is possible. In BC2, if I'm attacking I like having a Recon w/ shotgun who rushes and throws out motion sensors, two assault classes that capture MCOM Stations(bases), and a medic that hangs mid-range as a spawn point dropping health packages and reviving when possible. If the map is vehicle heavy, replace one or both assaults with engineer classes to take out enemy armor. The pace is definitely slower than COD. There will be sections on a few maps, where you are running over a lot of terrain to get to where the action is. The action is FAR more intense than COD when you're in the midst of it though. Sneaking into an enemy base and destroying a MCOM Station, while multiple helicopters, tanks, and enemy troops are trying to ice you is one of the most satisfying gaming experiences I've ever had. I've logged hundreds of hours into COD games and am a complete convert to Battlefield. The amount of strategy required compared to COD isn't even close. There is a map in BC2 where two MCOM Stations are located inside buildings. If the enemy uses tanks, C4, RPG's, and other explosives they can destroy the buildings without arming the actual stations. What I like to do on this level, is just assume that the enemy will advance to the next set of stations. In order for the opposing team to advance to the next stations, they need to pass through a wooded choke point. I equip an Assault class with C4, and blow up every single tree that I can while they are destroying the buildings. When they try to advance, there is no cover, and nowhere to hide. You can even load C4 onto an ATV, drive it towards a tank, jump off and detonate, destroying said tank. It really is a completely different game.