Jesus titty fucking Christ. Like a moron, I decided to go to the hollow BEFORE I fought the Boss in Blightown. Now I'm cursed, poisoned, out of arrows, and trying like hell to get out so I can get uncursed and restocked just so I can ... ...GO BACK. I've never simultaneously loved and hated a game so much.
The new Uncharted trailer is out and it's like one for a movie. It's going to be 2 long weeks. It also looks like Naughty Dog is taking a page out of Activision's book for future DLC.
So I played for about 30 minutes last night. Spoiler And is it just me, or did they just jump into the story without explaining what Arkham City actually is? I'm used to games holding your hand and over explaining everything *coughGearsOfWar3cough*, but if I didn't know anything going into the game I'd be confused as to who Hugo Strange is and why he's running Arkham City. If you liked the first one, I'd say you'll like this one too. So far it's vastly more "open", grappling from roof top to roof top is awesome
Spoiler The did explain it, Bruce Wayne explained what it was right before he was kidnapped by Tyger Security. If you don't like Arkham City, something is seriously wrong with you, this is easily the greatest superhero game ever made.
Ah, that's right. Like I said, I guess I'm used to games treating everyone with kid gloves, over explaining every decision. This is a good change.
Arkham City rant #2: Dear Spoiler Augmented Reality Training and the stupid holographic rings that you gotta fly through, Get fucked. I hate bullshit like you. Sincerely, The BatBitch
Damn I still have to play through GoW3, MGS 3 and 4, AND the first two of these games. How to find the time.....
You are so fucked it isn't even funny. You're so fucked. Like triple fucked. Call off work, tell any girlfriend or boyfriend to off themselves, and get to playing. Fortunately all of of 3 of those great games are 10 hours max if you're decent at video games, maybe even shorter. I think Uncharted 1 and 2 are 12-15 a piece.
Shiiiiiiiiit man MGS4 probably has 10 hours of cutscenes, I know the ending was almost 2. But yeah you are pretty fucked. Not that I have a 360, but I heard Gears of War 3 is pretty meh, God of War 3 however is pure ass-kickery, wasn't sure which you were referring to.
Id probably be willing to blow through the MGS games with guides, 3 more than 4, as I really want to keep up with the story. God of War I'd probably do by my lonesome unless I got stuck on some insane puzzle (I am looking at you fucking spinning cylinders of death). Probably add those Batman games everyone is raving about to the list as well. Add CoD MW3 and probably BF3. Shit.
GoW puzzles aren't that hard. I'm out on BF3, just not feeling it. The singleplayer reviews weren't that good and nothing beats a killstreak, I'm sorry. Also, can we talk about the Madden Curse striking again? Peyton Hillis has been playing like shit, getting hit with nagging injuries and left the last game with a hammy injury. I'd start sewing EA at tis point.
I just started playing LoL again after a 2 month hiatus, Graves was just the champion I was waiting for.
I played Warhawk and unless they controls are identital to Ace Combat, I'm not doing it. If I want to fly planes, I'll get Assault Horizon. If I want to kill people on the ground, then occasionally rain some death from above, I'm in. I'm sure BF3 will be a fine game, just I can't double dip in that genre.
Holy fucking controls Batman*. Played for about two hours last night and just towards the end did I feel as if I was finally getting the controls down. Playing Assassin's Creed all last week probably didn't help since it's the same type of open world/climbing game but with different action buttons. Amazing game so far though. I actually do wish they would hold your hand a little bit though because I searched that goddamn Steel Mill for a solid half hour looking for a way in to destroy the Titan Container. The game never said anything about not being able to get in there unless you're in the main objective line; information I only found out about because of youtube. Also, anyone with any Augmented Reality tips would be greatly appreciate. I can't even do the first one. Amazon tells me I have to use my $10 gift card before 10/31, I am so not ready to make the decision between BF3 and MW3 yet (Uncharted 3 is going to have to be a rental). *Someone had to throw in the Holy Batman cliche
Christ. Thanks for bringing that up! I hadn't even noticed. Holy small window-of-time Batman! For the record, Silent Hill Downpour has a $10 pre-order credit so if nothing else, you could use it toward that but given how poor Homecoming was (from what I've heard - I haven't made it that far in the "series" yet), that might be better off as a rental. The only game left I really care about that has an official 2011 release date is Skyward Sword. Shame there's no pre-order credit on that. *edit* *picks jaws up off the floor* I am still a girl, remember. I don't really care for war games and, while I never played B:BC2, I thought BC1 sucked more balls than it had a right to. I also don't give 2 shits about a COD game unless it has zombies in it and Bethesda games (ie, Skyrim) put me to sleep soooo.... Arguments about whether or not that makes me a "true" gamer start in 3, 2, 1.....
I'm a guy and I've been gaming since I was 2, and I feel the opposite. I think all these generic stale shooters are the games who attract the "non-real" gaming crowd (if there is such a thing). Oh so you're thirteen and CoD is the greatest franchise ever? Let me stick your head in a toilet while I sing the song of storms.