If anyone's interested, I've created a BF3 platoon for the TiB'ers, at least the ones on PS3. If you're interested and want an invite, head over to here, then shoot me a PM with your PSN and I'll add you to the roster.
I'm going to have to rent both games before I make the final choice between BF3 and MW3. The only renting option I have in my city is Redbox since Blockbuster shit the bed, but on the Redbox website it says MULTIPLAYER FEATURE NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE for BF3. That confuses me, why would being on Redbox make online play unavailable, do they get different discs? I've never heard of an individual game not being available online. Edit: I see that you need an online pass for BF3? Does that hold true to buying it at gamestop as well?
A new bundle website called IndieRoyale is up. The basic idea is that the more people buy a bundle, the more it's price will go up (with some price drops caused by people who pay more than the minimum). The first bundle looks pretty decent for 2€ (or probably 2$ for you US people). They're still working out some kinks, but overall seems like a website worth keeping an eye on.
EA is doing Online Passes for all its games. You buy them used, you pay $10 for online access. A huge Fuck You to Gamestop and people who buy used games.
COD: Shit just got real. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/27/weapon-progression-in-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ign.com/videos/2011/10/27/we ... -warfare-3</a>
I think we all knew MW3 was going to drop a huge steaming brick on Battlefield 3's chest. Listen to interviews and media from DICE. They constantly compare their product to COD, keep saying how much better their game is, and list all the problems they see with MW3. Then listen to the Infinity Ward people. When asked about BF3 they respond "I'm sure that will be a fun game too we're looking forward to playing it." It's like the douchebag at the bar trying to impress a girl with what type of car he drives versus the quiet confident guy who ends up taking her home.
Nice, that looks like some good stuff. I had pretty much already made my choice after trying out the BF3 beta, this is just another point that seals the deal.
Yeah, I like BF3, but COD will undoubtedly set a new record this year. The figures for shooters are pretty ridiculous. Note to self - make a FPS game
I just realized how expensive October-December is going to be on gaming alone. Batman, then BF3 this week. Then Uncharted, MW3, Skyrim and I just realized the new Legend of Zelda comes out November 20th. Not the mention the billion other games I forgot to mention. Most of these games aren't even coming with any promotional $10-$20 off like most games do nowadays. And none of them are really games that you can beat and resell right away as they all have immense replayability. Our wallets are officially fucked.
I just went like 20-10-10 (maybe 9) with Mordekaiser. Got my first Pentakill. God that felt great. Until our Lee Sin fed the other team and we lost.
I'll go more in depth when I have time but I'll say this now: if you are passing on BF3 because you didn't like the beta, you are doing yourself a disservice as an FPS fan. The bugs are worked out, and I'll admit that when I first started playing I was pissed. But once you actually level up your guns and kits and get used to not running in like in CoD, it's amazing. If you run in and just hope to get in gunfight after gunfight, you have another thing coming. You need to advance slowly and use squad tactics, not just sprint in and shoot everything that moves. I'm a massive CoD fan as well and will waste unspeakable amounts of time on both, but BF3 is a different game and an amazing one at that. I'll post a more in depth review later on, but I'll leave it at this: If you like FPS games where you have to think a little bit, get this game immediately.
You can tell the people that have really only ever played COD from the others. I grew up on BF and love it, but i also enjoy COD. But it seems that people who started to play COD will never like BF style of game. COD is rush in and shoot shit, and BF is advance slowly and work in a team, as have been previously stated. And to people who judge a game by the beta, i call you all fucking retards.
I finished Arkham City's story mode a couple days ago and have been working on side missions and such since. I just passed the 200 mark for Riddler Secrets. That is going to take a while without resorting to some kind of guide. Having all the gadgets makes solving some of them so much easier at least. I damn near wanted to kill myself trying to complete Advanced AR Test #1. I honestly spent over 2 hours tonight on that single thing. I did get really awesome at using the grappling hook to get back to the start position at least. My poor friend lost his entire save file containing all of his game data for Arkham City today. I don't want to think of how many hours that will cost him. It's got me thinking that maybe I should back up all my save files to a USB or external HD once a week or so.
I'm guessing here you must be talking about PS3 or XBox, because there's almost nothing coming out for PC here. This is looking like the first Christmas in a long time with no new games for me - BF:BC2 was decent but, as I've said before, the single-player campaign is too short - the same reason I will not be buying MW3. There is simply an unavailability and lack of affordability when it comes to uncapped internet here, since online gaming sucks your internet cap like 1990's Jenna Jameson on meth, which makes online gaming not a feasible option. I'll not be getting Skyrim simply because the one previous TES game I own (Morrowind, with all its add-ons) was, to me, dull. Looks like I'll be waiting for Diablo 3 (God help Blizzard if there isn't a decent single-player campaign) and the next Fallout game, which will probably be in 2-3 years.
That is really most of the reason why I won't be getting BF3 right now. I've played both BF and COD games, and I do love them both, however at this point when I want to sit down and really think and get invested with a game, it's going to be batman/uncharted/skyrim/AC. MW3 will be for when I want to drink a six pack, sit back on the sofa and mindlessly run around and shoot 13 year old mouth breathers. Once the gaming scene chills out a little, probably early next year, and I'm be free to spend some serious game time with a shooter, then I will probably be itching for some BF3.
Fixed that for you. I'm sorry, but fuck that noise. When you put out a "beta" two weeks before the game is available to the public (as it was physically in the store at least a week prior), its glitchy as fuck and there aren't any patches...what the fuck else am I going to judge the game on? That was shitty for them to do that as they're trying to beat the big guy and trying to get some converts, you don't put a shit turd in their hands when the other game is coming two weeks away and expect them to drop $60 on a game with such a shitty impression. Especially when the games overlap. I've seen the reviews, the multiplayer is great and I'd be all over this shit if it was released in May. But come on, how many multiplayer FPS's can you really play at one time? Also I'm still one of 10 people playing KZ3 which has ridiculously underestimated multiplayer.
Rush wasn't a great game type to use for this purpose. I also tried TDM for the first time last night and didn't like it. Conquest, however, is awesome and permits a little bit of lone wolf play if you're smart. I try to locate flags that are not heavily guarded and capture them by myself, which can become very intense. My only complaint with this game is the grenades. Not being able to cook them makes them pretty useless as enemies have time to run away and get an idea of where I am.
This Origin shit is retarded, bought the game boxed and it's taken me like 20mins to install this shit. Oh god, now Origin is downloading the game EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE CD IN THE FUCKING TRAY! this game better be worth it.