I Redbox'd it this week. It really is an incredibly fun game. The Saints franchise really found its direction and ran with it 100% on this title. Everything is so over the top, and it's great. I just went on a car chase that was actually a rickshaw being pulled by a gimp. It seems to go really quickly though. I am over 35% through the campaign in just a couple days of playing. I know there are a ton of other challenges to do as well, not to mention co-op, but a lot of that is stuff I don't typically do/enjoy in sandbox games. Ultimately, I'm going to buy this game, but not until it goes down in price.
Not outright crashes, but it is certainly buggy. I downloaded the first patch a couple of days ago, I anticipate more forthcoming.
It crashed on me 2-3 times in a row when I left the alchemy store in Whiterun, but that's about it so far.
Every now and then Skyrim will just shut off, for no good reason. It was annoying until I started quick saving every five minutes. And now it just feels like I'm cheating.
Yep, all I can say is make sure your video card drivers are the absolute latest. If you have an AMD chip, there's some advice to manually override your antialiasing settings with Catalyst control. I can't find the comment thread but I'm sure some googling around will help
I have that same problem. No lock ups or error message, just Bam...Straight to the desktop with no warning. I just updated my graphics drivers yesterday though, so we'll see if it happens again after that.
I'm still at level 8, I haven't leveled up in a week. Now I'm scared to. I do love enchanting weapons though, that's really badass. I also like the mining/smithing deal, that's a lot of fun. I think I'm in the 40's in Archery, and combined with sneak, that's a lot of fun.
This is an insane deal going on right now at Best Buy: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Sony+Computer+Entertainment+-+PlayStation+Move+Mayhem+Bundle+for+PlayStation+3/3991358.p?id=1218444836601&skuId=3991358&st=move%20mayhem&cp=1&lp=1" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Sony+Comput ... &cp=1&lp=1</a> Includes: - PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter - PlayStation Move motion controller - PlayStation Move navigation controller - PlayStation Eye camera - Resistance 3 - Killzone 3 All for $99.99 +free shipping If I wasn't broke as shit and didn't already have Killzone3, hate Resistance, and not give a fuck about the PSMove, I'd totally be all over this.
If only... So over Thanksgiving I picked up Orcs Must Die! during the steam sale and holy shit is that game fun. It's basically first person tower defense. You control a guy that through different levels that have about 10 waves of orcs each. Basic Tower Defense, the orcs come out of a door and head towards a goal, and you can place various traps around the level to stop them, as well as use a sword, crossbow, and a couple spells to help kill orcs. The whole style of the game is great, kind of a quarky, funny feel to it, and the traps and stuff you can use are great. It can get pretty damn hard too, I'm currently stuck on one level where the strategy I've been using just doesn't cut it. Highly recommended, full price is only $15 and if you can catch it on sale I would say it's almost a must buy.
Don't be. While the NPCs get tougher, i still don't find them to be too difficult to enjoy the game. Also, availability of certain types of weapons and armor is tied to your level.
Dragon weapons and armor better be damned well worth it for as heavy as the freakin Dragon Scales and Dragon Bones are. I have a drawer in one of my three houses devoted to nothing but those damn things, pain in the ass for my mule, er companion, to lug around.
Daedric armor is actually better in terms of armor rating (for heavy armor users), though dragon armor is still pretty strong and much lighter. The benefit of working my smithing skill up to 100 is that I had enough mats for a complete set of dragon armor, completely upgraded by the time I reached 100. I also had enough leftover to make a few chest pieces, which sell for about 2000 gold each, not including any enchantment. I'm actually having a hard time finding an NPC with enough gold to purchase it from me. I wound up finishing the Empire vs Stormcloaks storyline. I sided with the Empire for this character. It was surprisingly easy. Almost disappointingly so. Nevertheless, it was pretty fun, but I think it unfortunately messed up the quest I need to purchase the house in Windhelm. The Jarl's steward keeps telling me to come back, no matter how many days I wait, and I can't pick up the quest you need to solve the nasty business that happened there.
Well look at that, it just so happens to be today's daily deal. $3.75 and 100% worth it if you have any interest at all in the tower defense genre, or just fun, puzzle-ish types games at all.
Oh shit, guess who just got a Diablo III beta invite! Downside is that I'm already spending all of my little game time with Skyrim and MW3, when am I going to fit this in?
Skyrim This just showed up in my Twitter feed from IGN. May be helpful to some of you. Bethesda's Tips to Make Skyrim Run Better on PS3
Anybody play enough of or follow what was going on in The Old Republic? Seeing as it comes out in a week, I've been trying to figure out what class to go... Can't tell if it's going to be a ranged dominated game pvp-wise or melee classes will be alright. I only played the weekend beta for a few hours and Sith Inquisitor seemed pretty fun. I'm used to playing ranged (Mage for like six years in WoW) and wouldn't mind changing it up going a semi-melee class. In other news, I still can't find any good info regarding which servers top guilds will be flocking to aka where the community will flourish. Same goes for which faction, although I've heard practically everybody is going Sith or horde are whatever the fuck the bad guys are called.