That's a terrible attitude to have. It's one thing when others do something that directly hurts your gameplay experience (the javelin glitch), but in this case? Not only does it not adversely affect you, but you can even have fun breaking it up. Reporting these people is silly. What if it's just two buddies that know each other in real life fucking around with certain parameters of the game? I don't know about you, but I've done this in EVERY multiplayer game I've ever played. See what the maximum possible amount of damage is, how the spawns work, the frame rate, what it's like to have a tactical nuke, etc, etc. Lumping it in the same category as the javelin glitchers is absurd.
We caught some nuke boosters last night too. There were two guys (or one guy playing with two accounts) who just let one kill the other. They just hid in the back corner of Rundown. Luckily we found the guy when he was at 23-0-0. That guy did end up getting a nuke on us in a later game.
It does directly affect my gameplay experience when they're doing it just to call in killstreak rewards, and end the game early with a tactical nuke. I don't give a shit at all if someone wants to fuck around during the game, but when they're gaining rewards that are used against me, and ending my game early, that IS directly affecting my gameplay experience. If you want to fuck around with your friends like that, do it in a private match where you're not fucking up someone else's game.
Here's a little gem I was just told about. The history of Final Fantasy 7: Its pretty cool to read if you were a fan of the series, I know I was.
I will 3rd the vote for Demon's Souls. It is a fantastic game, although easily one of the most difficult games I have ever played through. It is the first RPG-ish game I've ever played that gave me a true sense of accomplishment for finishing it. Most games you can just grind your way to better stats to become invincible. In this game, even after I'd leveled up a lot, I would still get killed in two or three hits. It is a very rough game, and requires a lot of strategy, fast reflexes, and is much more action oriented. Another great PS3 RPG is Dragon Age: Origins. While I agree that having downloadable quests is lame and just another money grab, the game itself is excellent, and much closer to a true RPG than Demon's Souls. There is a significant story to Dragon Age, which barely exists within Demon's Souls. However, Demon's Souls (I found) is significantly more challenging, and more action oriented If you want a more action RPG, go Demon's Souls. If you want something more traditional, Dragon Age: Origins is a good choice.
I disagree with the assertion that camping yields more kills than running and gunning. Every camping spot has multiple openings to counter and one guy cant watch them all at once. Cant' sneak up on him directly? There's always a window or opening to toss a grenade into. Plus, when I camp, its hit or miss as far as number of kills goes: the action might be in another area of the map and may not migrate to my area at all. However, when an entire team strongpoints an area its a bitch if they play smart and you have to root them out.
Recently picked up MW2, and my only complaint is that I'm having trouble finishing the single player because the online game is so much fun. I just wish I didn't suck so much.
Do you guys ever have trouble finding games in matchmaking? Seems that the past couple days, I'll sit on the matchmaking screen for 10-15 while it does the "testing matches - %" thing, and once it hits 100%, it will say "we need to find x more players.", and then do it all over again, over and over and over. It's really starting to piss me off.
I have a PS3 and this has happened a lot recently and a helluva lot today. Ill also get placed in games second from the end which hasn't happened at all before. It seems to be having trouble "migrating host", what ever that means.
Wife bought me a 360 for my birthday. I already own a PS3, so what are the best exclusive games for the 360?
I've got both as well, and off the top of my head, I can't really think of any games I'd miss being just on PS3 other than Halo 3 (which I don't play anymore) and the Gears of War series. The true advantage the 360 has is the online support through XBL. If you're a strictly offline player, though, you haven't been missing a hell of a lot.
I remember asking a friend of mine this question a year ago when I was deciding between the two systems. I don't know what you're a fan of, but personally, I love racing simulators. And for that, the XBox360 has the exclusives from the best current franchise, Forza Motorsport 2 and 3, as well as the excellent Project Gotham Racing 3 and 4. For more traditional action oriented games or fighters, their best exclusives are Dead Rising (GREAT game) Guilty Gear 2 Call of Duty 2 Saints Row Gears of War 1 and 2 Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 While not a stand-alone title, the GTA 4 DLCs are also really good. The games above are all ones I enjoyed, but among other high-selling/famous exclusives, there is also Mass Effect, Halo 3, Quake 4, and Call of Juarez.
I've heard a lot of bitching on some other boards about a private match glitch on MW2 now. Anybody experience this first hand? I've been lucky enough to avoid it so far, but I know it's out there because there are already a bunch of youtube "tutorials" about how to do it. I hope they get all the glitches worked out of the game soon, it's getting to be a real pain in the ass. And when the fuck are they going to adjust the akimbo 1887s? Those things are goddamn ridiculous. If I can level up enough before they're "fixed" I'll sure as hell be taking advantage of them. Until then, I guess I'll just bitch and moan like everyone else that doesn't have them. Honestly, they only piss me off because I'm still 27 levels away from unlocking them.
Has anyone played or does anyone own Assassin's Creed 2? I beat the first one. It took a while because it got so incredibly repetetive and boring that i had to take a break from it for damn near six months. I've read up on it and all, and its said to have major improvements. So pretty much, I'm just wondering if thats true, what anyone thought of that, or is it just some marketing bullshit trying to get me to spend $60 that i virtually do not have?
It only affects 3rd person team tactical. If you try to join one of those matches now, you basically have a 90% chance of joining an 18 man 3rd person FFA on Rust. I tried it for about 5 minutes, but it was too hectic for me to find fun. As far as the 1887s are concerned. I hate them, but the only place they give me trouble is medium range situations. Long range my SCAR or TAR is going to rape them, and short range I rock the AA-12 which is a motherfuckin beast when you unlock the grip for it. That being said, I'm only 3.5 levels from unlocking them, and I plan on having some serious fun with them until I hit 70 and prestige.
When people run around with akimbo 1887's it always reminds me of the T-1000 chasing John Conner down the road with those two long metal hooks on his arms. Got my first nuke on Afghan yesterday, I always thought it was a cheap way to end the game, but there is something so satisfying about clicking to set it off and seeing your name scroll down the little nuke emblem for everyone else in the game.
I'm currently playing it. I couldn't get through part one b/c of the same repetitiveness you mentioned in your post. I am enjoying part two though. For the most part the pattern is the same, climb viewpoint, synchronize and take out objectives. Thankfully the variety of the non-objective based missions are fun. Including being the Renaissance's version of Joey Greco from Cheaters. That's right one of the side missions has you beating up unfaithful hubbys. I think the main reason I"m enjoying this game is because of Ezio, he's a much more in depth character than Altair. That and the villa. At some point (can't determing that actual point since I haven't completed it yet) you will take control of a town and have the option to spruce up the place for the right place. Each improvement makes your city more valuable and therefore increases the income the city pays you. Oddly enough, erecting a whore house and thieves guild increases your city's value.
I think im gonna rent this one first.. The only thing that the first AC had that really held my interest was the fighting. I found it quite impressive. That and the fact that i could completely own entire waves of enemies. Thanks for the info!
I found an interesting new games review site. What makes it so interesting? It's quite literate, but unlike most elitist "games crit" sites it gives Metal Gear Solid 4 & Bioshock 2/4 stars and Far Cry 2 one star, whereas Gears of War 1 & 2, Halo 3 and Modern Warfare all get 4 stars. Finally, someone willing to speak the truth to these pretentious idiots. With all these PC gamers shouting from their pedestals about Wow these controls suck I want a mouse and Holy you call that a story it's clear you've never played Cave Ultima Quest X A Boy and his Tentacle it's refreshing to find someone who appreciates these games for what they are, and can write eloquently about them. Sample writing: *Note: not affiliated with this site, I just really like it.