Thanks for the advice. I played a match last night and sucked, I was 0/6 around the 30-40 min mark, but I somehow pulled off a double kill near the end and ended up 4/8, which is better than I expected. Had a blast though, I can definitely see the appeal of this game.
Well it'll be how the game goes. And by the way, staying above +500 in wins and losses in non-ranked games just is not going to happen. So don't obsess over it. The game will rubberband you in matchmaking. Just don't let yourself get down by 30 losses or something drastic. If you lose 5 in a row, take a break and come back later. If you're playing with foreigners, they are 90% assholes who will die trash talking their own team and you will mostly likely lose. Also late game, when everyone is roamting together, figure out who is calling/commanding the game (it might have to be you) and go from there. Carrying and calling the game are different things. Also, have any of you league of legends people head of JobeBot? Apparently its a legal like stat and info bot you can use through chat. Add JobeBot then message it !help for all the tools. You can look up champ details, and you can look up summoner details, W/L for both rift and dom.
NOOOO stay away from Mobafire and Leaguecraft. Not only are they supposedly virus-questionable, but the guides blow ass. is your go to resource - that's the website the pros write guides for, and Team Solo Mid just won a $25k tournament (which is big for this game, even though the SC2 prize for the same was like 80k or something) so they know what they're talking about. You can also watch them, and most pros, stream. It's a little tryhardy, but some of these guys are pretty funny and get drunk as shit, and this is one of those rare things you really can get better at by just watching other people do it to learn strategy (ward placement, builds, counterpicking, gank routes, etc). Also, stick with it at least past level 5, because people make smurf accounts to level to 5 for referral rewards, so you're probably fighting a lot of level 30s. But that ought to drop off after 6, and by then you'll be starting to get a feel for it. Stay away from Master Yi. I'm awwwsnap13 in game, add me if you want and I'll queue with you and try to offer whatever advice I can. Although I'm on such a terrible losing streak I don't know how much use I'll be
Yeah and you got that losing streak all over dare you? He just said he didn't want to go tryhard. He's level 1. Don't let him get into all that other stuff. Mobafire is training wheels. I may or may not have spent an hour doing this: Also Solomid has a ton of incomplete and not updated to patch builds. I also said "Do not read the guides." If you go to either of the builds sort by score the top two: Item builds and Skill Progressions are usually identitical to the ones on Solomid. He just got the game, he chill out until level 21 or "Tier 3." Then you can care about runes, mastery builds, and all the other "ranked" match stuff. He's going to learn a lot about that stuff with people yelling at you in game anyway with people on alt accounts or what not.
I use those websites but not really to follow the strategy too much. I only check the skill build, masteries and item builds. Those are things that people should be following for the most part, at least until they get a feel for it and figure out how to swap out items for different circumstances. People put countless time playing games and theorycrafting over the best item builds. I don't think people should come up with their own stuff too much if the "best" builds in mathematical terms are already discovered.
Just to be clear, that is all I'm saying use those website for. The actual gameplay write-ups are not something to be treated like a bible. Unless they talk about match-ups. Certain heroes eat other heroes, in mid, but still avoid the actual breakdowns of gameplay. Like if you're playing and you're an AP champion, and the other team sucks, why not get Mejai's Soulstealer for shits and giggles? Once you get the basics, you'll get better. Each champ has at least 3 mandatory completed items then the other 3 can be situational.
I never see Xerath played, I also never see Viktor played. I wonder what the stats of champion usage actually are.
Yeah, I've been looking at solomid and mobafire both during work, but its mainly for the item builds and to a lesser extent the skill progression. I just don't want to get in a game and spend 50% of my time looking at the items, and then buy something that is a complete waste. I just played my second game as Annie and had a pretty good time, got 3-4 kills early on and ended up only being 6/6, we had a Xin Zao and a Shen on the other team that obviously knew what they were doing and got fed really early on by guys on my team that were oblivious. But yeah, really enjoying it, I should have picked this up earlier on when I first downloaded it but I played 1-2 bot matches and that was it.
Annie is great, underrated champion. Her ult is a game changer if she's on pace or fed. You save up that stun for Tibbers it is a nuke with a stun (Like Cassiopea's ult) and it is all over.
The new Mass Effect 3 Resurgence pack is out. Six new classes, four weapons and two maps and two new playable races. Best of all, it's free. By the way, the new Krogan Battlemaster is amazing.
I'd love to get a TiB crewed game going. Heck, to keep it simple, I'd make a new account so you're not fighting people 20+ levels higher than you.
Every time I get on, I'm always trying to get a full TiB crew going. I always get random games going with Palin4President, Solcon, Thorgouge, Fitznoozly, Hammsburglar, AwwwSnap13 and sometimes RLC. I see TappedItTwice but he insta-queue's and I can't invite him.
I'll play a tib game... I'd like to get a ranked 5s team set up but barring that I'll queue whenever. I'd be willing to make a smurf to play on in low level games, too, if we can get a time set up
My laptop is in the shop with some eastern euro dude named Aldi. Tired of playing LoL with a shitty FPS because my processor is working at 25%.
Really, I'm the first to see this? Oh, yes. It is no exaggeration to say that since Nov 2011, this is the only game my xbox has seen (well, besides the wife and her Pacman CE).
Just got Max Payne Mobile for the iPad The original was pretty fun and I remember the insane amount of hype for it when it first came out. I was skeptical about the mobile port, but the controls are a lot easier to use than I expected. They dont feel awkward or uncomfortable and it plays almost exactly like the PC version does. I say almost because I feel like theres a bit of help with aiming which almost feels a little too easy at some points, but its not often enough to make it boring. As far as Rockstar Games' ports go, theyre 2-0 as far as Im concerned as GTA 3 is also good on the iPad. Im not sure how much it goes for on Steam these days (I remember it was one of the first non-Valve games on there), but for $2.99 in the App Store, its a steal. 9/10 Angry Birds Space By far the weakest and easiest of the series, which are already pretty easy to any veteran gamer. It has too few levels compared to its predecessors, and theyre giving it the EA-treatment by getting greedy and trying to make you pay for additonal content instead of just developing and releasing it with a patch. Plus it crashes about 1 out of 4 plays. Dont bother. 2/10
I just started playing Tribes: Ascend. Pretty fun game so far. I haven't invested a lot of time into an FPS since the original Counter Strike. It's free to play, worth checking out. Very fast paced.
Hey guys, I'm looking to do some premades and maybe some ranked league of legends. Feel free to add me( Nerd Räge ) or send me your lol name. Also, can we got a thread dedicated to lol?