I didn't think any game was about to pull me away from League of Legends and damn was I wrong. Tribes is fun as FUUUUUUCK and everyone should play it
Looks like we're getting a new God of War for PS3. Here's the teaser trailer: If these guys felt they could top GOW3, I'll be excited to see what they can put together.
I'm dissapointed that they're making a prequel, considering they have already made two. I was hoping they would follow up GOW3 by somehow exploring David Jaffe's awesome original vision for the trilogy: (Spoilered for Size) Spoiler The first cutscene featured Oceanus in his water form killing Hermes, similar to Poseidon’s God form. He then said that Kratos would fight Zeus in the opening boss fight and kill him. Then a portal opened from Mt. Olympus and released the Egyptian and Norse Gods. The Titans and the Greek, Egyptian, and Norse Gods start to wage war to determine who would rule the world. Kratos also meets up with his Norse and Egyptian counterparts. They explain to Kratos that they also are trying to exact vengeance on their Gods. They both fuse their powers together to give to Kratos and aid him. Kratos then uses the powers to teleport back and forth through Norway, Egypt, and Greece. Kratos encounters Stheno and takes her head. He then encounters the Sphinx in Egypt and uses Stheno's Head to turn it into stone. Kratos then realizes to permanently kill a God is to get their mortals to stop believing in them. Kratos' plan was already in effect because; the Gods were focused on ruling the world and had their minds off their mortals. Thus, the mortal world was under natural disasters. The mortals stopped believing in the Gods and Kratos continued killing most of them. Kratos killed Thor and took his hammer and also killed Ra to take his magic. Some Gods were killed by the Titans and the Egyptian and Norse Kratos counterparts, until they all were dead. Kratos and The Titans brought peace to the world once again. The Three Wise Men (The Greek, Egyptian, & Norse Kratos) headed to the North Star and the birth of the new religions. The souls of the Underworld were now free and Kratos was reunited with Lysandra and Calliope. The Titans and humans declared the three Kratos Kings of the world and the world would believe in one God..., although it’s unknown which monotheistic religion they followed. A lot of the artwork in the first game foreshadowed this stuff. I love GOW3, but it kind of bummed me out to see what it could have been. Regardless, I'm still looking forward to it.
Given the way GOW3 ended, I'm glad they didn't resort to some lame, half baked reason for Kratos to keep fighting. Jaffe's original idea does sound like it would have been a better direction for the story to have taken though. After finishing GOW3 I felt that there was nowhere else for the hack and slash genre to go because the battles were so epic and the excuses for losing your powers at the beginning of each game were getting old. Keeping the game fresh while matching past greatness is going to be a huge challenge. I really hope they have a solid plan and this doesn't just boil down to milking a great franchise.
The never was story sounds dope. Wonder what third or fourth tier myths they'll use to keep the game fresh. GoW 3 was bad fucking ass.
I don't know about you guys, they can come back with GoW4 and tell me TinkerBell took his powers and Buzz Lightyear is the villian and the reason Kratos is fighting is because Guy Fiery took Aphrodite's Garter from him. Prettier graphics, more combat, and the challenge of how GoW 3 ended, I am fucking in. I just played it on Titan and holy fuck it felt good to finish the game. I'm sure they're going to work on the story to make this work. This is one of their big budget titles, they will switch it up somehow.
Yeah, the actual story does take a back seat to the size and scope of the puzzles and action gameplay so it isn't the most important thing to get perfectly right. But I kind of agree with Paperbag that losing your powers each time got kind of boring. Be nice if you could choose at the beginning one of the array of weapons besides the Chains of Fury and the story would change depending on which you chose. Another issue was that his chain swords were basically the coolest weapons in the game anyway. God of War 3 had a good amount of depth in the weapons and their magic abilities but theChains of Fury/olympus (which ever) were still the best when maxed out.
In GoW 3 I think they sort of caught on to that since the extra weapons you pick up wind up all being "Sword on Chain + X Factor" anyway.But yeah, overall the normal set were always the best. If they're doing a prequel I hope they start out with a voiceover that acknowledges the weirdness of prequels. "Before I killed Ares I was struck on the head and lost my memory of the events you are about to see." Instead of having it happen at the end.
Silent Hill: Downpour i've always had a love/hate relationship with the Silent Hill series- engaging story, but long, drawn out periods of inactivity and a less than handy navigation system. Downpour is no different. An interesting plot as an escaped prisoner who makes his way to Silent Hill that shares the frustration of its predeccesors. If it aint broke, dont risk it. 7/10
Diablo 3 open beta weekend starting from now until Sunday: <a class="postlink" href="http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4963739/Diablo%C2%AE_III_Open_Beta_Weekend-4_19_2012" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://us.battle.net/d3/en/blog/4963739 ... -4_19_2012</a>
I liked GOW 3. A good, quality game. However, it was inferior to GOW 2, and FAR inferior to GOW, with the original being one of my favorite games ever. As much as I love the franchise, each new iteration brings the same old mechanics and awesome cinematic beatdowns, except they feel less unique and incredible. If they introduce some neat new mechanics and an overhauled combat system into a GOW4, I'm excited. Otherwise? I might buy it on sale a year after it comes out.
The biggest speculation for GOW IV is that there will be co-op multiplayer which I am all for. Anyone playing Prototype? I heard it was the poor man's Infamous.
I really didn't want to play the third one given the fact I'm sure I could have gotten laid more if it wasn't for the second one. Well fuck now that hope is going down the drain...downloading...
I'll probably pick up the sequel on release day. I thoroughly enjoyed the first one, except the middle boss fight (If there is a 70-foot monster in the middle of Times Square I should not have to aim. That's the thing I want to motherfucking hit). The story in the first one didn't hold a candle to inFamous--I had tears in my eyes at the end of inFamous 2--but I'm willing to bet Prototype 2 will be one of the better games I play this year. It's Grand Theft Auto with super powers.
After Mass Effect 3 and a bunch of other sequels have shit the bed lately my expectations for Diablo III have diminished exponentially. In fact, I'll probably wait three or four weeks to see how everything pans out before I buy it.
I've played Diablo and can say with absolutely zero hyperbole that it blows away the previous 2. I played for close to 4 hours and it felt like 4 minutes. It was amazing.
Maybe my computer sucks but the game I was in played pretty choppily. I stopped after maybe 10 minutes. I'll probably try to play an offline game and come back to it later and see how I really feel about it.
Doesn't get laggy or choppy at all when maxed on my 4-year-old PC and I'm connecting from the EU. And it's brilliant. Played the Barbarian and Witch Doctor to level 10, before I had to leave for the weekend and everything from the characters to the music fit together so well. The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the complexity of the entire skill system (ie. it's too simplistic), but I guess it's too early to judge.