I just bought D3 today and can't wait to install it tonight. I used to play D2 for days, literally, with my buddies where we would switch off and on doing cow and Meph runs. Anywho, my laptop is above minimum specs, but below recommended, anyone figure that to be a major problem? I do not. Do we need a bnet account or anything right now before we install? I'll post my user name later tonight.
Motherfucker I'm hooked. Fortunately I have no responsibilities whatsoever this week so I can afford to fuck off and play all week. I'm awwwsnap in game
I saw the video Kimaster posted and ended up buying the series after having a go with the demo. It's pretty good so far and the story is pretty good. I was a bit cautious before buying it because I've played the telltale Monkey Island and Sam and Max games which were really good but I found the UI a bit awkward on the PS3. But they've changed it in this and it's much better, you don't have to cycle through all of the points with the shoulder buttons. I don't remember think there were any particularly challenging puzzles to get through or anything. It still entertaining and fun to play but it's more for the film like aspect of it and the quick time events that you have to do.
If you're on the fence with Diablo 3, give it another few days at least. especially in North America. These servers are a disaster.
In terms of game play - it's good. But server lack is sucking balls. I finally got on last night 10 minutes before my date showed up. Had to seriously re-evaluate myself as a human being when I considered asking her to hang on a minute while I finished this bit. Managed to refrain from being that much of a fucking cretin though and after she went home, played for a couple of hours. Really enjoying the game/game play - despite the lag. The graphics and the story are well implemented. Does seem like they've tuned down item drop frequency/value from the open beta weekend though.
Just a few minutes ago servers went down again. Good times! Is it more telling about me or the game industries lack of quality that despite how ineptly Blizzard has handled this launch I'll continue to buy their products? Sigh.
Activision-Blizzard. This is probably indicative of the future of their games. I tried to play for a couple hours today, managed to play about 30 minutes. I'm jealous of my jobless friends- they got like 8 hours in.
Go to options, change region to EU or Asia. Characters can't switch between regions but you can start an alt or whatever.
Pretty good summary of the mess with Diablo 3 requiring an Internet connection and the servers being down;
I'm playing Ocarina of Time for the first time. Yes, really. I just got through the Water Temple as a teenager. I've gotta say, the game took a while to grow on me, but I'm fucking hooked now. The puzzles are addictive, and the music is just fantastic. I can definitely see why this is considered one of the best games of all time. Anyway, I love Let's Plays, so here's one: <a class="postlink" href="http://lparchive.org/Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://lparchive.org/Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time/</a>
Of all the funny videogame writing out there, not a lot gets posted here. I thought this was a pretty good article that also happens to be written by a former A.V. Club Writer David Wolinksy. "12 Games Boycotted for incredibly Stupid Reasons."
Bought the Ico/Shadow of the Colossus re-release pack for the PS3 about a month ago, but never got around to play it until now. It is awesome. I wasn't aware it was possible for me to love SotC more, and yet here we are.
Just finished Mass Effect 3 after stopping to replay ME2 as a renegade that gets most of the squad killed. I was still unclear about some things and decided to read summaries of the plotlines preceding ME1. The Evolution and Revelation stories are interesting and could make a good prequel game. Spoiler After completing ME3, I assumed that Illusive Man’s indoctrination began some time after the Lazarus project in ME2. This would explain why he sent Sheppard to the Collector Trap and why the Reaper IFF left the Normandy vulnerable. However, it looks like Illusive Man’s indoctrination began during the First Contact war. So the big question I have is why would the Illusive Man bring back Sheppard from the dead? Especially if he had Ken Leng doing his bidding. I was also a little disappointed that I didn’t get to face off with Harbinger. After ME2, I thought that boss fight would be a given. Overall, I had fun with the game and will be playing it a few more times with more survivors from ME2.
Apologies for the double post, but I found something big that clears things up quite nicely. It turns out that the ending is well thought out and pretty awesome after all. Major spoilers below: Spoiler Shepard has been fighting the indoctrination process for the whole game. The Reaper’s made Illusive Man revive Shepard because he/she is a famous spectre that is trusted, respected, and has close ties to high ranking officials. Bringing people back from the dead is impossible for the most advanced races in the galaxy, yet the Illusive Man achieved it, likely with Reaper tech. This explains why the Collectors didn’t hesitate to kill Shepard at the beginning of ME2 and attacked with lethal force throughout the game. ME2 was all about recruiting and gaining the loyalty of some of the best people in the galaxy with the hope that an indoctrinated Illusive Man could gain the trust of Shepard and then aid in his/her indoctrination. An indoctrinated Shepard would be a huge asset in the Reaper harvest. Criticisms of the “lack of choice” regarding the ending aren’t accurate because the story isn’t over yet. If you side with Illusive Man’s reasoning and try to control the reapers, you become indoctrinated and fail the mission. If you choose synthesis, you become a husk and also fail. The only way to resist is to choose the false renegade option and destroy synthetic life. When you do this, you wake up from the blast and are ready to continue making the final charge to the Citadel. This essentially makes the game incomplete, but it adds a great twist to the last few scenes. There may be a chance to fight Harbinger after all because the war is still raging.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.shacknews.com/article/74039/humble-indie-bundle-5-launches-limbo-amnesia-psychonauts-and-more" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shacknews.com/article/74039/ ... s-and-more</a> Latest Humble Indie Bundle contains Psychonauts, Limbo, Superbrothers: Sword & Sorcery EP, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. If you pay more than average you get Bastion. If you don't have these games you will be missing out big time if you don't get this. I don't work for them, by the way.
7$ to get hours upon hours of great entertainment. I cant vouch for Superbrothers, but the rest are brilliant. The only reason not to get this bundle is if you already own all the games.
This makes me unreasonably happy. New DLC for Dark Souls which will offer more areas to explore and more bosses and enemies to kill. Of all the games that get DLC, this is the first time I've been genuinely looking forward to it.
Has anyone played the latest Max Pane sequel? I wasnt a big fan of its predecessors, however Rock Star rarely does wrong.