The problem is you guys didn't play Heavy Rain with the PS Move. That changed the whole experience, otherwise you're driving a Lamborgini with a string of spaghetti and a hat. Or playing Diablo/Starcraft with a controller. Yes, exactly. The fight scenes, driving scene and everything is completely different when you're using the PS Move. Played with the Move that game is a hands down A. Speaking of Deus Ex, I'm in the middle of playing it now. Its the only game I keep taking breaks from because I'm going to be so fucking sad when I finish it and I don't want to finish it.
Anyone else play Missing Link (the DLC)? Im on my way through my 3rd play through, and I'm thinkin of getting it. I also just found my PS2 copy of DX1 and will probably fire that up again at some point, an even better story IMO. Invisible War isnt great, but it's not the abortion it's made out to be.
If Deus Ex was an A+ (and I believe it is) then the DLC is a C. You're stuck on a boat with tight hallways for most of the 3-5 hours it'll take for you to do everything. If you can get the DLC for like $5, go for it. But don't pay full price like I did.
A+ for everything that is not a boss battle. That first one was fucking retarded and I hear they get worse if you tried to go stealth/non-violent. I basically had to hide for 5 minutes, let him blast himself with his own grenades, then come out and pop him in the head.
What a retarded way to ruin the game that was. I didnt realize there were boss battles until I was treking through the underground facility and realized all the other bad guys were gone and Bennett showed up. I can understand the end boss, kind of, but the mini ones? Lame. DX1 had them, but they could usually be avoided except for Walton Simmons and Bob Page. I think its going to be a while before a sequel as Eidos Montreal is looking to launch DX4 with PS4/XBox 720 and their current project is Thief 4 (which I hope they dont fuck up).
You ever have time off, so you play videogames so much that you end up losing a day? Fuck Football Manager. Seriously. On the plus side I won the Premier Division. Yeah, I'm playing as Arsenal, but still...
I finally finished the game last night (sans the endings, I've saved just before making the choices) and I have to say that I didn't really mind the boss battles. Except the last one (with the three consoles) because it was way way too easy. The biggest downside is the penultimate boss battle didn't let you save post-cutscene so I had to go through the rigamarole of skipping it every time I died.
Wow, those ending cinematics are not satisfying at all. I loved the game, but it crapped out right at the consequences part.
Is anyone familiar with a cloud gaming service called Gaikai? Sony just acquired it and it is apparently a big deal because of its implications for the future of gaming. The goal seems to be for users to be able to stream Sony’s entire catalogue through consoles, tablets, PC’s or phones. There will be no need for firmware or hardware updates because the game will run off of the cloud server. We’re still a long way from seeing this in action, but the idea sounds promising. Here are a couple of links for those who are interested: http://www.officialplaystationmagaz...the-cloud-save-service-will-transform-gaming/
OnLive does pretty much the same thing and has already established software/hardware/catalog. The pricing's a bitch, though.
Onlive and Gaikai are still considered to be in their infancy, but as things like infrastructure, ISP caps, and latency improve, cloud services will become huge. It will make gaming more accessible because buying a console will no longer be necessary. I assume that it could also eliminate cheaters from multiplayer games because the central cloud server would be processing everything. I’d still buy a console to have more precision with shooters and fighting games, but it would be great to pay a monthly fee and have access to a massive library of action/adventure single player games.
That's the other thing that's holding these services back. The games in the OnLive monthly fee library are either old or shit. Once in a while a gem might appear, but most of the new releases end up being sold at the same price point as retail. They need to get a bunch of publishers aboard to make it worthwhile. Paying retail for a game that I can only use on that service seems like a horrible idea.
I am more ridiculously hyped for this game than anything since the original Street Fighter 4; I don't even care if it sucks as an actual fighter.
I finally finished Final Fantasy XIII after 2 HDD crashes and 40 something hours of gameplay. Wow, I want the writers of this game publicly executed. I want the art designers/directors and music composers made honored for a year straight. That game was fucking beautiful from beginning to end. It's going to be awhile before I get 13-2 but wow, that was pretty. I can't figure out what the fuck was wrong with those writers, why was 90% of the dialogue pep-talks, and the other 10% jibberish about what Fal/L'Cie? I'm about to finish Final Fantasy IX and the writing was SO much better. There were still those weird anime emo moments where the hero doubts himself and all he needs is his friends, blah blah blah, but it was still better.
It's getting an anime adaptation too. I've been putting off reading the manga, but I might have to check that off the list soon.
There have been several anime adaptations already. I haven't seen the Phantom Blood movie from 2007, but watched the two Stardust Crusaders OVAs from 1993 and 2000. The one from 2000 was good, but the 93' one was a real classic. On the subject of games, the 1998 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure arcade game is a hidden gem when it comes to fighters. Lots of fun, even if Pet Shop was too broken for it to be a serious competitive title.
It's available on Steam now, and it really is enjoyable to play. Probably the most fun I've had in a multiplayer FPS in years.
Has anyone played the BF3 close quarters combat? Is it as awesome as all the videos look? I'm starting to think it was a real bad decision to trade in my copy.
I got bored, drop $20.00 on the Dust514 Beta. Things you should know before you should ever decide to do this. 1) When they say beta, they mean beta. 2) Every weekend, all your progress in the game with skills, and money will reset. 3) No seriously, this shit is bugged, this isn't a demo with a glitch or two. 4) This game has some serious fucking potential if they do what they say they're going to do. 5) This game will also destroy your life.
Paying for betas is a good idea if you want to fund the development of the game. Most times, you also get a discount compared to when the game reaches a finished form. Obviously, the risk is that the beta version sucks and so does the final finished product. However, if you do the proper research beforehand, it's a quality investment.