For any of you MMO types out there, if you got plenty sick of WoW like I did, I strongly suggest you grab Guild Wars 2. I'd have no problem paying a monthly sub fee (which you don't have to) to play this game. This is as close to a game changer as I've played over the last 5 years, and I'll be rocking it for a while. The traditional "grind" isn't nearly as apparent, and if you like group play, it's here in abundance. Looks gorgeous, though for some it seems a little difficult to figure out what you're supposed to be doing from the get-go. I've been playing since the beta started, and the shine hasn't worn off yet. Definitely worth the $60.00 even if you don't plan on being a long-term player.
I have some gaming friends who are encouraging me to play it. I have yet to make up my mind, especially since it is $60. One friend offered to let me play on his account and see if I like it so I may do that. My husband is a gaming snob unfortunately. He's calling GW2 the "flavor of the month" mmo and won't play it. He does, however, play WoW on a free server. He claims that all other mmo's try to recapture what WoW did but I think he's missing the point. I think that's what new mmo's are to HIM but not to most people, and not to me (since I never played first mmo was UO and UO was way more hardcore than WoW ever was.)
Figured I'd post this here and ruin the rest of your week. Have fun being productive again, ever. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -2013-r110</a>
I've still never played any Metal Gear game. What's the best way to experience the series in this day and age?
Download Metal Gear Solid on the PSN and play through that, then pick up the Metal Gear Solid HD Collection, which has MGS 2, 3, and Peace Walker (you can probably find this for $20 somewhere). Once you get through those, pick up MGS4, which is also probably pretty cheap by now. They're long games if you watch all the cut scenes and listen to all the conversations. If you skip the cut scenes and conversations, it is easy to breeze through the game in about 8 hours. With the cut scenes, the play time extends to about 25 hours. Yes, there are that many cut scenes. Yes, they are all fairly important. You really have to play them in order to be able to follow what is an admittedly very, very, convoluted storyline. They refer back to older games constantly, and if you skip stuff, you'll find yourself being lost or not knowing what the hell you're supposed to be doing. If you REALLY want to get the full experience, download an NES emulator and get the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (a copy of the original Metal Gear comes with the HD Collection, though).
I strongly recommend this. Don’t rob yourself of the experience by watching a playthrough on Youtube. There are clever instances where you have to do some problem solving and plenty of twists. The graphics may be dated, but the voice acting is top notch and the plot is better than a lot of movies. Anyone picking up Tekken Tag Tournament 2? It got a glowing 39/40 review from Famitsu, making it their highest rated fighter in over a decade. I’ve usually preferred Street Fighter or Virtua Fighter in the past, but haven’t played a fighting game in a while. Capcom has pissed me off with disk locked content and Virtua Fighter is really difficult so I stepped away from the genre. I’m really tempted to buy this, but I have a backlog of games to go through. I’ll keep an eye on it and eventually get it in a couple of months.
Well, I think FreeCorps, myself and maybe a couple of other people are the only ones who have expressed any interest whatsoever in the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition. Anyone else planning on getting themselves a copy? I have to admit, despite being a big fan of the series (mostly BG2), my feelings are a bit mixed. I haven't played BG1 in forever so the chance to revisit the game provides a potentially interesting experience. Mostly experimenting with playthroughs of different characters since I think I mostly stuck with the same party of characters every playthrough. Most of my reluctance towards the game will hopefully be resolved by the enhanced update. You know, buggy, shitty AI, kinda meh graphics (1998, I know, but still meh) etc. I am intrigued by the new characters somewhat. I never really had much interest in Wild Mages, but I'm hoping that her backstory and personal quest provides some decent entertainment. The Blackguard is probably the one I'm most interested in. It's a new class kit (although just an evil Paladin, really) but his backstory and personal quest sound pretty intriguing. Using him may result in my party may result in an even more evil party than usual. Over more recent BG2 playthroughs, I started using Viconia and Edwin more. So with them and the Blackguard, it may result in a half good/half evil setup. Might be interesting anyway. Especially given how characters who did not get along (typically one good and one evil) could get in full blown fights in Baldur's Gate, resulting the death of a party member. The Monk is the one I'm most torn about. Yeah, at higher levels, they are complete murder machines.......but at lower levels they can be complete cannon fodder. I'm hoping they give him decent stats and some good monk specific gear is thrown in, otherwise he may just be a wasted character. So, enough meandering rambling from me. Anyone else excited? I've also been indulging in playthroughs of BG2 (the most recent of many) Icewind Dale 2 (first time) and Planescape Torment (also first time). I had heard that if BG1 sells well enough that the other Bioware D&D games will be getting the enhanced treatment. And an additional possibility of Baldur's Gate 3 on the horizon. Reason enough for me to pay for a copy of BG1.
Nintendo announced their Wii U is being released on November 18th. It is backwards compatible with the Wii (although I don't know if that counts for downloaded games, of which I have many), and they have that new controller that looks like a tablet. Apparently it uses the Tablet as the primary controller, with Wii Controllers for the other controllers. They've also announced a large launch lineup including games like Assassin's Creed III. It's said the Wii U Graphics are on par with the PS3 and Xbox 360, just in time for Sony and Microsoft to release their new consoles. So is anyone interested in this thing? I've considered it, but my Wii mostly collects dust at this point unless I am playing games with my nephew. On occasion I break out Mario Kart Wii or Super Paper Mario or a Zelda game, but for the most part I just use my PS3 for everything. I think it'd be cool if I could transfer all my downloaded games (i.e. Zelda: Ocarina of Time) and then somehow remotely play them on the Wii U tablet while my wife watches TV. That could make for an interesting twist.
I had a Wii for maybe 6 months before it started collecting dust and I sold it. I went and bought the PS3 Move and that was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. When the Move works, it fucking works. One of the best games for it is actually the one that comes in the primary package is Sports Champions. Second best game is actually a Wii port, Dead Space Extraction. There are also a few mini-games that are fucking awesome. Then there is Heavy Rain which is killer for it. I can go into more details but I'm just gushing at this point.
BlackMesa Source has been released for any HL fans. The website is currently down atm due to demand. I'm not really sure of the options of download, I beleive you can get it through steam, though I'm not sure. Trailer link below, since I'm apprently retarded with the youtube tags. edit: added torrent link. It's a free game and this link was published on the publishers facebook page.
Yeah, I'm on board, too. I'm not a gamer at all, but I played the shit out of BG2, but weirdly never played the first installment at all. I don't really know how I am going to find the time to dedicate to it and I played it so many times with so many different character types that I'm a little concerned I'll just get bored with it even with whatever new crap they throw in.
Nerd Rage! I's nice to hear that the response to the game has been positive and that the delay will mean even more (hopefully) features, but it still blows big time. I need some distraction from mindnumbing unemployment. BG1 might be an interesting experience for you. At least from the perspective of seeing party members in 1 that make appearances in 2 either as party members again, seeing them in nifty little cameos, or seeing them get killed off rather unceremoniously.
One of the diplos killed in Libya was a diplo in EVE Online: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -their-own</a> Well... shit. If you played EVE at any sort of higher level, you knew Goons and you knew Vile Rat. This is a little bit of a gut punch for some reason. RIP.
To all of you that enjoyed Planescape: Torment, Fallout or Baldur's Gate, consider supporting this Kickstarter project.
Just 100%'ed my second game ever, Infamous 2. Wow, that game was fun, and a step up from the previously fun Infamous. If you haven't played it, and you like sandbox style games (think Assassin's Creed), you will love this.
Finally playing through Halo: Reach. The fact that I was in Egypt when this thing released really fucked it up, otherwise I'd have been all over it for years. Halo 4's looking... interesting. Apparently 343 Industries has some of the Metroid Prime guys on board. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> ^ Multiplayer footage. Check out the new Thrust ability around 0:20 (sprint is now its own button).
It should be a crime, how much I'm enjoying the shit out of GW2. I'm on Maguuma, if anyone is playing. Being in a group makes it 100x more fun.
Anyone else buy Madden? I haven't played it too much yet, I've gotten my ass kicked everytime I've played and I'm a perennial buyer. Running seems damn near impossible, and the game took out the virtual training mode it touted before. They added more online stuff, but took away some offline. Not a huge fan of that.