Wait till you watch the terminals. I have two words for you: Spoiler Ancient humans. FWIW, I'm having a blast in Multiplayer. Resubbed to XBL for the first time since Halo 2. I only really venture into the team playlists if my XBL friends are on. Teamwork is really important in this game. Try playing Team Slayer Pro. No loadouts, no ordnance, no radar. It lets the core mechanics shine, and the core mechanics are really good. (That said, you might also run into a bunch of xX MLG Hardcore Xx kids.)
Just realized that I don't have to watch squeaky-voiced twelve-year-olds slap their virtual undescended testicles against my avatar's helmet after they catch me with my shields down anymore. I take it back, this is the best game ever.
So here is a question: Anyone have, or planning to get, the Wii U? I've been seriously considering upgrading from my Wii, but then again, I don't play my Wii very much. The only game in the last six months I've wanted to play is The Last Story, which I'm hoping to get around to soon. That said, it looks like the Wii U will get a lot of the next Gen games that it has been missing (i.e. Black Ops 2, Assassin's Creed 3), it is finally truly hi-def, and I am intrigued by the idea of the game pad with the touch screen. There have been a lot of good reviews of the system so far, but I am still kind of torn based on the fact that I don't play my Wii a whole lot.
If games come out on it that you want to play, get it. I am hesitant about new gaming consoles. The Vita didn't get shit for support or new content. We are trying to sell ours now because of that, with little success.
I've always wondered why companies sometimes do this? Millions have been spent on R&D for it, so why not support it properly? Seems like Sony's shooting itself in the foot. Maybe the Vita was just launched too early, since they're still selling thousands of PSP's?
I keep looking at the Vita and saying "Eh...I can't." What they should have done is come up with a way for the Vita to be backwards compatible. To hell with "Piracy" of PSP games. They completely abandoned the system and no one is even selling the thing in America anyway. They alienated the group of people with PSPs awhile really not killing it with the Vita or supporting it with enough advertising. I keep walking by it like "I'm never going to play it, I shouldn't."
Game Stop is doing "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" on used games, and since I never rush out and get brand new games, I stopped today and got Arkham City, NBA 2k12 and Uncharted 3. There goes any chance of accomplishing anything this weekend.
Well, after a few weeks I think it's safe to say I'm quite thoroughly disappointed with Halo 4 and Black Ops II. The new Medal of Honor was just completely terrible, looks like I'm headed back to Battlefield 3, I just hope they don't fuck up Battlefield 4.
So I finally finished Borderlands 2 yesterday. It took about six weeks because me and the person I was playing with had some scheduling conflicts. The bad: The story is really lacking in some areas. They give a little, and I emphasize a little background about the characters, but that's it. They also don't talk about the vault origins at all from what I remember. Also, the final boss fight was a joke. It took a lot of damage, but seemed completely inept at harming you and was a major let down. The ending was short and unrewarding as well. The good: The game is a lot of fun. The humor is great, and while I've heard others complain about the mission variety I never had a problem with it. You aren't only killing people, but I didn't expect too much beyond that anyway since the first game like this one is almost a pure shooter. The length of the game was nice too. Nothing crazy, but you get your money's worth. Overall, I'd highly recommend it to someone who hasn't played it yet. I am really looking forward to this. However, it sounds like they're saying the original ending was the real ending and this is just some extra scenes. I suppose everyone has played it by now, but just in case - Spoiler I won't bother getting into the why now, but the game's ending makes no sense whatsoever unless Sheppard was indoctrinated. I hope this is a true alternate ending, and not a slight addition.
Finally started AC3 over the holiday weekend. Please tell me it picks up a little, because this beginning part is really starting to drag on.
Re: Re: the be all end all video game thread It takes forever before it finally picks up. That drove me crazy. I finished the game recently and, excepting AC1 which I didn't play, AC3 is the least fun, interesting or exciting of the series ( 2, brotherhood, rev, 3).
I've been noticing a ton of little glitches AC3 such as the Red Coats freezing in place, characters glitching out, weapons passing through bodies, fighting sequences being very choppy, etc. Is anyone else getting these glitches and rather pissed at the shottiness of the graphics?
I had some problems with horses getting stuck, but I played for 50+ hours and only had maybe 2 redcoats get stuck in rocks in the wilderness. And once I fell through the ground into a forever nothing. But hey, quick travel points are fun, huh?
I am still really trying to get through the beginning of AC3, but last night I was doing the hunting stuff with your little Indian buddy and just thinking to myself "what the fuck am I doing?" I just bought Dishonored and Torchlight 2 each for 50% off which probably isn't going to help.
If you're talking about glitchy games, there hasn't been one part of Halo 4 that has been glitch-free for me. In one game today, I spawned without armor abilities three times in a row. And my loadouts reset themselves twice.
I think Im just going to trade AC3 back in. I'm about 50% through and I really tried to enjoy it, but this game is incredibly boring. The moves take about 5 seconds to master before it becomes repetitive, Connor is a lame main character, and the side missions are pointless. Not to mention the fucking glitches and bugs. It's too bad, the game is beautiful, but it could have been so much better.
It's alright. Nothing special. You can play on higher resolutions, there are a handful of new characters, and some of the mechanics from BG2 and ToB are included, which makes things better. Ruleset is still 2nd Edition, which is nice too. Truth be told, it's just like playing the original, which isn't really too bad a thing.