Battlefield 3 is an absolute piece of garbage. The game itself is fine - nothing spectacular, but ok. It's trying to load the damn thing. Pop-up windows appear repeatedly asking me if I want to download HD, sign onto EA's website, watch a fucking trailer - jesus, can we actually get to loading the game? Except it doesn't. It fucking doesn't. It gives me some bullshit message about my profile being damaged (which is crap, because I can view it, and load another game, which plays fine), and starts me form square one. So I get the joy of playing the first 2 hours of the game over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over . . . it's as much fun to do as it is to read.
Got an e-mail today suggesting that Microsoft is announcing the new Xbox on May 21. The jist of it is that it's going to have a 7790 series radeon chip, 1.6gz processor, 8 gigs of memory w/ separate video memory, heavily Kinect based, emphasis on social applications, blue-ray player, and slightly less graphical capability than the PS4. I'm disappointed. I will never forget getting my Nintendo 64 for X-mas when I was 9 or 10 and the feeling of wonder and excitement that overwhelmed me. The library of games seemed infinite, the graphics too good to believe. I know these types of lightyear jumps aren't going to happen anymore, but I just can't get hard for console gaming. I love the feel of the controller in my hands, I love using my surround sound and television to play, and I love pwning my friends on xbox live. But I'm not willing to pay 60 bucks for a game anymore unless it has rich replay value or multiplayer like cod or halo. It just doesn't make sense when I can download any game for free on my PC. Also, my gaming PC is two years old, I built it for 800 bucks, and it will run circles around the new xbox. I never thought I would become a PC fanboy, but I really don't see how consoles are going to remain competitive. ESPECIALLY if they actually use always-on DRM for the new xbox, which is what they've hinted at, destroying the market for used games.
Speaking of which since it came up in the diddling yourself thread. What's happened with the Wii U? I mean Im not into gaming the way I once was but I hear NOTHING about it and how long has been out five months?
People would actually have to buy it to report back to us... sales figures make it seem like that isn't likely.
Own one. The launch lineup was abysmal, which has seriously hurt them. I only own New Super Mario Bros Wii and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (which, to be fair, I am playing the hell out of). The lack of any real good games is killing this system. The lack of a virtual console isn't helping. They're starting to get better, though. They've launched 1 virtual console game a month for 30 cents each, for the 30th anniversary of Nintendo. Balloon Fight was an odd choice for one of them, but they've also release Punch Out!, F-Zero, and Kirby, with Super Metroid due next month. The actual virtual console launch titles are kind of sparse, too, but that list will grow. The biggest benefit, and the reason I bought it, was the off-screen gaming. I can play any of my games using only the game pad and the screen on it, so I can actually play while my wife watches TV, or the TV is otherwise occupied. In this regard, it's a success. That said, they really really need some damn games for this thing. A new Mario, Metroid, or Zelda would go a long, long way for their sales.
I don't really see where a new console is necessary and I think Sony and Microsoft might roll back their release dates. I remember being excited with past console releases, but with each console generation the improvements are more and more subtle while the consoles continue to increase in price. Games are skyrocketing in production costs, yet people already think twice before spending $60 on a game. Eventually developers are going to push back and they'll shift to different markets like mobile phones.
Or maybe even an interesting and creative game that isn't a rehash of a franchise that's been beaten into the ground?
I'm going to buy the PS4, by the time everything is affordable enough to not require a console, I'll be too old to be gaming as hardcore as I am now. The problem is Sony seems way too fucking excited about this share feature. I've never been gaming and outside of something that happens in Call of Duty, really be like "OH MAN, I really wish I could send this gaming thing I just did in a clip!" Then again, talking about "plays" made in Call of Duty are things people don't care about longer than 2 seconds so no big deal. The built in Move wand along with the speaker, and sixaxis could be interesting. Looks like they're getting developers in on this early and its not so foreign to them. I think we'll see some pretty innovative things in bigger titles that incorporate more body movement and will move past gimmicky.
Yeah they want everyone to turn into Randy Savage. The whole motion controller thing is still a gimick for casual gamers. Honestly I don't know of a single game that used the Sixaxis.... Maybe Warhawk did?
Well looks like they plan on doing super basic, but useful shit we never thought of, like split screen automatically adjusting itself if a controller gets handed over or someone moves. A few other games used the Sixaxis for minor things but nothing major. Uncharted, Killzone 2/3 Resistance, Rachet & Clank, and I think even Batman used it for guiding throws. I'm a huge fan of the Move, but I want to see what they do with it. I think they can incorporate it better now that developers know its sticking around.
Anyone been paying attention to the Oculus Rift? From what I've read they're trying very hard to make it actually viable.
I've been playing the poo out of Civ5 lately....not that I'm any good at it. If you want an easy game let me know and I'll send you my steam ID.
Has anyone here played Vanquish? How come I never heard of this game when it came out? It looks fucking awesome.
re: Vanquish. I own the game. If you're looking for a challenging yet fun 3rd person arcade robot mech shooter that has a terrible take on Americanism, then you'll love the game. The story is a bad action hero story. The main character smokes to be cool (even though its like 2075), and you of course are fighting Russians who control massive robots with beautiful glowing spots you're supposed to shoot. The thing that bothers me about the game is that it grades you after every level. I hate the fucking Japanese and the grading you in every fucking game. Can I just beat a level and not be judged? Fuck.
I just finished Mass Effect 3. Holy hell that was an intense ending. I'm upset the adventure is over. I'm really going to fucking miss my Commander Shepard.
What’s your take on the breath scene at the end for having a high EMS score? Do you take the game at face value or are you a believer in Indoctrination theory? I’m not familiar with any DLC after Leviathan, but I don’t think a clear answer to the end has been confirmed. I’m in the indoctrination theory camp and think it is the greatest sci-fi twist ever. It took advantage of the video game platform and did something that cannot be replicated in another medium. Spoiler The final choice puts you in the same shoes as Saren and the Illusive Man. The Reapers are subtle and frame things in a way sway your opinion from Destroy to Synthesis or Control. It highlights the manipulative nature of the Reaper Indoctrination, letting players empathize with their victims (Saren chose synthesis, Illusive Man chose control). Anything but the Destroy option is a failure. It would be genius if Bioware confirm it, but that would also mean admitting that Shepard is still in the middle of the battle on Earth and the game isn’t complete.
Its a pretty convincing theory, and definitely leaves room for a 4th Mass Effect (which is being written as we speak). Did you play the Extended Cut with the new endings? They kind of wreck the Indoctrination theory I think. For some reason, after 3 games, over the course of 6 years, I rather take the game at face value and not break down every little detail like that. I'm happy the story ended the way it did. Well, I did go and watch the other 2 perfect endings. Spoiler Unless errything is in his mind. I went with Synthesis because it was the happiest route at the time. I really love EDI, didn't want to cockblock Joker like that by choosing Destroy. Also, the bloody side thing is a little off, there is an enemy that blasts you with a shotgun before you get to the beam. You can poke a few holes in it just by explaining the fact it is a videogame. "Why weren't the entire reaper forces there?" Well fuck if all the reapers would there, how could the game progress? What's the actual point of them then? I think it laid everything out. Because at the same time why would people die in my happy indoctrination?