I really hope they allow you to transfer downloaded games to the new consoles. I still have to play through WipeOut and inFamous I got for the outage and I just picked up GTA SA and am loving the game (it fucking crushes GTA 4).
Can't speak for PS4 (although I agree I hope it does, as well) but Microsoft said the games won't move from XBLA to the XboxOne. The exact quote: From Here. I wouldn't be surprised to see that PS4 goes the same direction, but that won't make me less annoyed, as I have quite a few games I've downloaded for my PS3. Then again, I'll be hanging on to my PS3 as a Blu-Ray player for the foreseeable future, so I guess, whatever. That is actually one place Nintendo trumps Microsoft and Sony. Nintendo seems to at least be focused on games, even if they can't get developers behind their new system. Transfer stuff from the Wii? Absolutely. Classic gaming? Sure. Even the GamePad is a great thing for playing detached, so I can play games while my wife or kid are watching TV.
This annoyed me at first, but I suppose if he's right, then he's right. I mean, how often do I really throw on something like Jade Empire or old Madden? Or consciously choose to play older versions of Halo? KOTOR is the only game I remember getting serious next-gen replay value out of.
I never use backwards compatibility because I keep my old consoles around, so I guess he's right in a different sense. Though that's mostly because backwards compatibility generally comes with a ton of bugs/stuttering added to gameplay. So I don't use BC, but that's because they always fuck BC up.
Thanks, and I agree, I usually buy the greatest hits editions because they've proven to be pretty good games and they're cheaper than buying them as they come out. I'm leaning towards picking up a 360 to catch up on some of the titles that weren't released on PS. Anyone have both? Is it worthwhile or should I use that money as beer money? I don't think I've ever played an xbox but I've always kinda wanted to check out Halo. Any thoughts are appreciated.
That's the rub. I remember playing a lot of my PS1 games on my PS2, and I probably spent more time playing GB/GBC games on my Gameboy Advance than I did playing GBA games. Good backwards compatibility is hard, and the added value might not be worth the investment. I get that. But it is disingenuous to claim that people don't want it. If that was true, why the hell would anyone be asking about it?
Was it just me or did GTA 4 really fucking suck? The story started way too goddamn slow, you were running all over and the reason wasn't clear except to do GTA style shit, and none of the characters at first were likable.
I'm hopeful that if the new xbox is really as multi-faceted as they claimed in the reveal, it will be incredibly popular even among people who don't play games. If so, I think there's a great chance that flashing your xbox will become a lot more popular and more viable. You really have to stay up on the latest flashes to avoid getting bricked by Microsoft, but a wider need for that type of software could make it more available, similar to jailbreaking cell phones now. The most exciting thing for me about the next gen of consoles is their ability to wean me off of cable completely. I have automatic torrents set up to d/l all my favorite tv shows. If they offer a decent interface that can compare with Boxee or some of the linux media box solutions, this could be a great media hub for under 400. I'm also wondering how hard cable is sweating right now. Xbox is cutting out the middleman by signing deals directly with content owners like the NFL. On the other hand, this could present an opportunity for cable companies. Dealing with the hardware associated with cable has always been a huge pain the ass for both the customer and the people from cable and satellite services who install them or try to get you to return them. If they can just pipe the content through your broadband connection, maybe they can eliminate that cumbersome aspect of their business. Of course, in doing so they would sacrifice a significant capital investment in the cable infrastructure they already have. I'm very interested to see how that shakes out. I sympathize with everyone who is concerned about the price of used games. I'm an unrepentant pirate but it sucks that those of you who are willing to support the companies are getting screwed over. Come to the dark side. It's cheap here.
GTA4 was the first one I actually got into since Liberty City, and I uninstalled after about 12 hours of gameplay. Way too much running across the city this way and that, too many things to do for too little gain, honestly there was an article on Cracked that said it best.
Well they chucked out a lot of the cool things that made GTA SA so great and added a lot of repetitive and boring stuff in their place. The expanded friendship thing was the worst, the first guy you could become friends with if you cared enough to do the lame ass activities with was a depressed dude who'd start calling you and threatening to kill himself if you weren't going to hang out. After that I never fucking cared to try any of the other people. You couldn't buy properties, couldn't enhance your player beyond clothes, and the over all story was fucking weak and uninspired vs the 90's South Central theme of San Andreas.
Great making sure I wasn't missing something. I never played San Andreas, I was very deep into Vice City before it crashed on me and my save corrupted, and I then I played Liberty Cities stories on PSP and loved it. It was just too much bullshit in GTA IV without any info on what the payoff/end game would really be. I think I about about 7-8 hours into it.
It's kind of sad, Xbox Live Arcade has better titles than the 360 has exclusives. I'm a fan of the Cave shmups, the older Halo games, Gears, and a bunch of XBLA stuff (Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun, Street Fighter, Guardian Heroes, etc). Everything else that's really good is multiplatform. Personally, I've got an Xbox, 360, and Gamecube - if I was to buy a console now it would either be an N64 or a PS2. The game libraries/exclusives for those are amazing, and I missed out on a bunch of great games over the years.
IGN gave the Last of Us a perfect 10/10, calling the game a Masterpiece. This makes me light a fire under my ass to hurry up and finish the game, because if they're rating it better than Uncharted 2, it must be fucking nuts. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/05/the-last-of-us-review" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/05/ ... -us-review</a>
Gamestop talked me into preodering that shit. Now I'm glad, and good guy Last of Us is coming out on a Friday so I can sit all weekend and lose myself to video games like it's FFVII again. I'm fucking PUMPED.
It's not just IGN, 56 reviews on Metacritic, the games rating stands now at 96. Virtually unheard of for a new IP, even if it is a Naughty Dog production. http://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-3/the-last-of-us
The latest on Xbox ONE, straight from the horse's ass...I mean, mouth: <a class="postlink" href="http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/main" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/main</a> They want to turn console gaming into PC gaming, only with all the restrictions and none of the perks.
There is such a dickish tone to that licencing write-up. It's like they think we should be grateful for the things they gave partly back even though it's less than what w used to have.
This sums it up quite nicely. It's ticking me off how many people are (rightfully) complaining about the dismal status of next gen consoles, yet they'll still go out and purchse one like a good little lemming. Hey assholes, you know how you get these companies to stop being twats? Stop buying their shit. I guarantee you if noone purchased the XBone (hah!) because of the always on bullshit or the used game crap Microsoft would change its stance in a week. But you'll buy it because heaven forbid you don't play Call of Modern Battlefield 7: Revengeance right fucking away. I despise the companies, but I hate the consumers.