Dude, nobody is saying you can't have an opinion. The thing that puzzles me is the amount of energy you and a lot of other people are putting into being mad at a company because you feel like they aren't living up to your demands as a consumer. In the end, Microsoft is just providing a service, and it's up to people if they want to pay for it or not. I just don't see the need to be upset about something as inconsequential as an entertainment choice.
I like it but I do agree that there are a few too many cut scenes. Kept me glued to the controller most of yesterday.
For the metal gear fans puzzled about why Keifer is voicing snake, here is an interesting theory that could fit. Nothing in the video is confirmed by the way, it’s all speculation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tb1WhDdto08 The youtube tags are't working for some reason, sorry.
And "you shouldn't buy this" is what a person who actually cares about this stuff would and should say if he doesn't want the industry to move in this direction. I don't understand what your problem with that statement is.
The point FreeCorps is trying to make (in a mind-blowingly angry fashion that reads as "Rabble rabble rabble fuck XBOne rabble rabble rabble) is that people like Jimmy James, who willingly give away their rights of ownership and say "fuck it" when Microsoft says they're going to bend you over the proverbial table when it comes to ownership of your games, is you encourage the entirety of the gaming industry to move in that direction. Microsoft is taking the DRM leap, and the road they're going down leads to gamers not OWNING their games, but rather leasing them from a publisher for a period of time, and storing them "in the cloud," where they can't trade it in, loan it out, or do other things we've been doing with games since 1985. Eventually it'll get to the point where you flat out don't own games, you rent them for extended periods of time. $60 will buy you the right to play the game from the cloud indefinitely (which in this case means the life of the console, about 10 years if it is a particularly long console run), without the ability to trade or loan it to friends, or trade it in towards new games. The game isn't your property anymore. You're paying a high rental fee, basically. As it is, they're putting a bunch of restrictions on you, the gamer, for the games you purchase. If you, a consumer, say "sure, that's fine," other companies (Sony, Nintendo) will follow suit, and we will ALL lose our ownership rights to games we buy, once that happens. He is passionate because he sees the trend and road that console makers and publishers want to take, and that path fucks gamers over. So when he sees people going down that path willingly, he gets angry. Maybe too angry for his own good, cause you know, Like A Boss!
On a totally different note likely only FreeCorps will care about, Dreamhack Open Summer Finals for SC2 were yesterday and I don't think i've ever seen a crazier finish than Jaedong vs Stardust game 3 <a class="postlink" href="http://www.twitch.tv/dreamhacksc2/b/418180382?t=8h45m" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.twitch.tv/dreamhacksc2/b/418180382?t=8h45m</a> from here for the next two minutes or so
That was a crazy event. I had it on one of my screens here in the office (because I use two screens like a baller) although I was mostly listening to it as I worked. A couple of things. Sjow taking out Life? Nuts, but not entirely unprecedented. Sjow has like 2 good results a year where he takes out a really good player unexpectedly, then people think maybe he'll overcome his insanely (for a progamer) low APM, then he gets steamrolled by someone else because his multitasking is atrocious. Losing because you can't look away for 5 seconds to build supply depots is comical. Stardust making it that far and taking out 2 good zergs in the process (Violet, Hyun) shows just how powerful toss 2 base play is. All-ins are literally 50-50, and depending on the map even more favorable. I think Blizz should let it play out a bit longer to see how it shakes out, but it might be something for them to look at. Jaedong steamrolling Taeja was awesome, but not nearly as awesome as the announcers finally saying "fuck it" and letting loose with all the dong jokes one could ever require. "The dong is getting ready to explode all over Taeja...'s depot wall!" Oh boy. Game 3 of JD/Stardust made me cry. You have muta/ling. HOW DO YOU LOSE A BASE RACE WITH MUTA/LING. OR EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY NOT KILL AN ARMY THAT'S MOSTLY GROUND ONLY COMPOSITION WITH YOUR MUTAS? Fuck everything. Also, while I think he does good for the community and it reflects well on him that he rarely rises to troll bait and is quite open in his communication, I still can't shake the feeling that inControl gives off juuuuust a bit of a douchebag "I'm better than you nerds" vibe.
Life's game must really be off - this didn't get a ton of hype but TLO beat him as well in the consolation matches for the DH Winter invite.
I saw the results but I didn't watch those games. It's hard to take things away from mirror matches though, especially ZvZ.
So the big news is that Microsoft is dropping their ridiculous DRM policies. <a class="postlink" href="http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/update</a> This says two things to me: They only tried this bullshit because they thought they could get away with it. I wouldn't put it past them to try it again somewhere down the line. That said, good news for those of you planning to buy the system.
I think I might be the only person on the planet that is annoyed by this. I was looking forward to sharing my library with my family without having to give them my discs. I'm hoping against hope that the games that run in the cloud (Titanfall, Forza) will require internet access and won't have their features gimped by this.
I just read that update and it read as if someone threatened his children and made him type that at gunpoint. But I enjoyed what I saw. I think it's important especially since they are charging $100 more than Sony and were providing less flexibility.
If I remember right, the policy was going to be that you could only share each game with one person, after they'd been on your friends list for over a month. Another article, probably saying the same stuff: <a class="postlink" href="http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/microsoft-reverses-always-internet-used-game-policies-xbox-211818635.html?fb_action_ids=672339439447819&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_ref=facebook_cb" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in ... acebook_cb</a>
I'm starting to think that Microsoft actively hates their customers. Compare this whole fiasco with the way they crammed the phone interface into Windows 8 because they thought it would make people want Windows phones. They keep trying to sell us what they wish we wanted, and they seem genuinely confused when customers don't act against their own interests. I'm still probably going to sit this generation out for at least a couple years. All this does is change the playing field from one company I don't trust and one that's actively fucking me over to two companies that I don't trust. What I loved most about the Xbox controversy was the PC gamers talking about how Steam was the best alternative. Steam is basically the exact model Microsoft was shooting for. PC gamers are just so used to being treated even shittier by publishers that Steam does seem relatively benign to them.
I think the main issue was that people didn't trust Microsoft and the publishers to provide the type of deals you find on Steam. They assumed they would keep both digital and physical copies of games at $60 without the ability to sell them after you're done. This removes a lot of financial flexibility for people with tighter budgets that still like to play a lot of games.
I have a metric shit-ton of games on Steam, including a good number of AAA games. The largest purchase I've made was for ~15€. Most are between 5-9€. Compare this to the first-sale price of console games, 50-60€, that drop in price like snails (at least here) and the willingness to accept this trade-off should be pretty understandable.