I always try the peacekeeper but same i cant hit anything with it, but die to it. My friend that i play with has always had disconnect issue. But the other night both of us were dropping all the time, we quit early because it was pissing us off. One thing that would make it better, if you could rejoin a match in progress.
Speaks volumes about their investment in stress and load testing. It’s hard, expensive, and time consuming, but the benefits are huge. As we’ve seen. You'd be amazed at how many of my customers treat s&l testing as optional and then have it bite them in the ass later.
It seems like it is really good... when it works. The 'when' is my problem with it. I used it a lot for awhile because everyone else said it was so good, but I finally gave up on it and switched to the auto shotty/wingman/prowler for close range. With the peacekeeper I'll own the crap out of everyone in one encounter and just blank on the next one. At least with the auto shotty I know why I missed. Besides, the mastiff seems to be easier to get now instead of just being an endgame weapon.
And one thing that sucks and not the game, if the fucking origin launcher. I have never seen a bigger pile of shit. Try adding a friend you just played with.
Example #10000 of how EA hates its customers. But seriously, the Origin launcher blows. Hilariously unintuitive and a pain to deal with. For anyone that plays PUBG, the mobile version just released Survive Until Dawn mode for a bit. It’s basically PUBG + Left4Dead. Pretty fun.
And the last two nights we haven't made it more then 30 minutes before we quit. Crashing constantly now.
We were having similar issues when we partied up, and it looks like the game sends players to random servers and then doesn't adjust when they join up in a party. At the start screen don't hit X. Wait about 2 minutes and then hit the options button. Close the menu that comes up, and then you can hit R3 for the data centers list. Make sure you are all selecting the same data center, whatever is close-ish that has a relatively low ping. Then continue into the game and party up. I don't know if that's what's causing the problems you guys are having, but it worked for us. You can't get to the data centers once you go into the match screen, and the menu won't pull up once you close the first menu from the title screen unless you wait a little bit so it's really weird how you have to get to it.
Halo MC coming to PC... Steam even. I have to say, I'm looking forward to it. Anyone else? Halo was the first video game that I ever remember wanting long before it came out. I remember watching gameplay at Apple conventions when it was being built for a Mac platform... only to hear that MS bought it to launch this thing they were calling XBox. So of course, that's why I bought an XBox. Probably my most nostalgic video game series ever.
No mention of Google's "Stadia" announcement here? I played their Project Stream beta and was pretty blown away by how well it played. My chief complaint was just that, if the stream detected "unplayably" poor quality on your internet connection, it just threw you out. That resulted in some situations where I couldn't save progress, and they'll only suspend a game for 20 minutes so if you don't get back on a good internet connection in that time, you've lost whatever progress. But overall, neat stuff. I could play Assassin's Creed at 1080p and high quality graphics, on any computer I wanted, anywhere, with no installation of software. That's really convenient for someone who's busy a lot - if I got a half hour of downtime, I could just throw the game up on whatever computer I was sitting in front of (including at work on a Mac), play for a bit, and exit out to pick it back up later. Input lag wasn't a problem. My biggest problem with games is time commitment. It was way easier to actually play an entire game if the whole process of getting into and out of a game is nearly instant from any Chrome browser on any device.
It was big news in our company yesterday, but I just haven't had time to dig into it and see what's up. I'm very interested to see how it works and give it a try.
It was a funny experience to play Assassin's Creed @ 1080p/30fps on a several-year-old dual core Surface Pro 4 with an integrated GPU. It may not be right for everyone, but it sure as hell makes gaming accessible to anyone with a decent internet connection, without any up-front investment.
After looking everywhere I can't seem to get access... stadia.com pushes you to the google store and shows you a video promo, but nowhere do I see anything about signing up, etc. Weird.
There's no access yet. Project Stream was their beta/"technology preview" (read: no guarantees but it's free), which ended in Feb.
There are really no words to express how happy I am for this https://www.bloodlines2.com/ The first Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines is one of my favorite video games. Buggy, unfinished mess though it is, I still love firing it up and playing a half mad bloodsucker who can turn invisible, fight werewolves (and weresharks!), explore haunted hotels, fend off serial killers, do favors for a vampire stripper, mind control people into thinking you're their pet turtle that they flushed down the toilet when they were a kid, and becoming co owner of a nightclub after killing off some russian gangsters. It looks like they are getting a lot of the people that worked on the original game, too. Which is definitely promising.
I have a lot of friends that are fans of the Battlefield series so against my better judgement I let them force me into getting the new one. "They just added a new battle royale mode! Come on brah, you love BRs. You gotta play with us." This shit is so terrible it makes me question my friendship with these people. First, the good: - The firestorm is probably the coolest force you into the circle game mode storm I've played in a BR. - The map is pretty. The Bad: Everything else, and I do mean EVERYTHING. - All BRs are better played with a mic, but every other BR I've played has been making strides to allow for easier communication with players not using one. Battlefield V utterly neglects this. The fact that you are playing in a squad was completely lost on the developers. Not only is it a struggle to convey any sort of information to teammates, they don't even get a notification when you ping. You know that 'ping' sound? Like, it goes PING when you ping? Yeah, this game doesn't have that. Teammates have no idea you pinged something unless they are looking where you pinged, which 70% of the time defeats the purpose of having to ping in the first place. Other times they can't even tell when they are looking in the direction you pinged unless they have the map pulled up. Sometimes terrain will block a ping, sometimes it will not. There is no consistency as to how this manifests itself. - The characters are slow. It takes nearly a full minute for a 100 meter dash. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be playing as a soldier in WW2, or as a WW2 veteran as they are in 2019 because my character sure as fuck moves more like a hundred year old man. - All character classes are disabled. Classes are only 'cosmetic'. By 'cosmetic' I mean they all look like the same half-assed rendition of the same generic soldier wearing the same generic uniform. I'm all for shooting being the focus, but literally nothing to differentiate between characters? There's supposed to be a strategy aspect to BRs as well. - The inventory system is a cumbersome chore to navigate, like everything else in battlefield V's "vast and dangerous landscape". I'm faster now after a few games, but while getting used to it, it took almost 30 seconds to drop ammo for a teammate because it is such a piece of shit. When you kill someone their loot is all dropped on top of itself. So... not only is it a bitch to tell what the fuck they had on them, it can be damn near impossible to select the item you want to take once you see it because it's difficult as fuck sometimes to select around all the other bullshit on top of and below it. This is kind of hard to describe, but imagine a pile of barely discernible crap, and if you move your cursor a fraction of a centimeter up or down you'll select the wrong turd. - The glitches. All BRs come with them, especially on release, but this how you die a good 1/3 of the time in the current state of this game. EG, a match I played my character randomly started doing some sort of breast stroke in the middle of the fight. I would fire a couple bullets from my machine gun, he would try to swim on dry land, and so on until I died. There is too many of these sorts of glitches to count, and I'm sure I haven't experienced all of them. - Since the characters are slow as fuck, fights usually comes down to who sees who first. Then you try to ping, and maybe that works, and if someone sees you before you see them and is even a little competent at shooters you die 90% of the time. Camping is all the rage in this game. What's the meta in battlefield V? Camping. Fucking camping. There's more problems with it, but I'll stop there. This game fucking sucks.
Anyone else playing Mordhau on PC? Its got a big learning curve for this type of game, but its insanely fun.
Juice, I played Chivalry for a bit, some of the same feel. Fun, especially with friends I saw Mordhau on Steam, but not on sale. Even so, it does look fun.
Its worth the 30 bucks Id say. A 64 player team melee brawl is a great change of pace from the Battlefields of the world.