I don't think there's been much talk about it, but holy shit is Bayonetta an awesome awesome game. The story was totally incomprehensible, but the action way more than makes up for it. It's Devil May Cry-meets-God of War-meets-Ninja Gaiden and it is fantastic. Frenetic, totally over the top fights, and boss fights that rival anything from Devil May Cry (except Nightmare 3 on DMD from Devil May Cry 1) or GoW in scope and fun. There's a huge variety of weapons/combinations and moves, and all kinds of stuff to collect. DMC1 is my all-time favorite game, and I think Bayonetta is a much more worthy successor than fucking Devil May Cry 4 was. It's also surprisingly difficult. I've beaten all the Devil May Cry games on DMD, and Bayonetta kicked my ass the first time through, just like DMC did the first time. It was awesome. Bottom line, if you like DMC or GoW, give Bayonetta a shot. It is sweet.
I've been posting some negative opinions lately, but having played this title over at friend's house, who considered it one of the most over-hyped pieces of garbage and worst wastes of $60 ever (I mostly agree), let me offer a different perspective. Forget how awful the dialogue and "story" is. Forget how nauseating the main character gyrating her pussy to Japanese pop music is. Forget the seizure-inducing cavalcade of flare effects and garbage on the screen at all times. Even if it weren't for all those flaws, the combat in Bayonetta is just putrid. Comparing it to Ninja Gaiden is hilarious, considering that NJ has the best, most innovative combat of any 3D action game ever made. To be fair though, no one expected Bayonetta to reach that level, and in order to be a great game, it didn't have to. However, it also fell short of both God of War and even Devil May Cry depth; the fights are just repetitive sequences of dodging and landing a single bread-and-butter. There's no balance to any of the weapons; there's one simple-minded attack that is almost always the best against any enemy, in any situation. The only positives of Bayonetta are the varied levels and environments, and some fun boss fights. I thought the first God of War was one of the greatest games ever, and Bayonetta mostly sucked. Save your money, unless you really love the Devil May Cry franchise.
It kinda reminds me of Timesplitters combined with magic. Check out some of the videos on Youtube. (It's no MW2 but it is not trying to be.)
I used to work at Best Buy, and I'd hand people GoW, and tell them "When you play this, turn off your phone, if someone calls while playing, you'll throw your phone." What I didn't think about is people would throw their controllers too...those games are fucking epic. Can't wait for the third one. The demo is ridiculously great, and it's off year old code. I'm scared of replaying the collection in HD because I'm afraid I won't leave my house again. COD is bad enough.
No kidding. I went through one and a half controllers (right side of the second one doesn't work any more).
So I'm about three hours or so deep into Heavy Rain and I've got to say this may be the first video game that actually makes me care. Fair warning, the game starts out slower than a snail fart, but the opening and the way it teaches you about the controls forces you to start caring about the people you're controlling. I was called a bad person no less than 5 times last night simply because of a pre-scripted event that is horrifyingly tragic. You can call it a QTE fest all you want, but when you're doing them because you don't want to get stabbed and raped in your aprtment and it feels almost more natural than using the controller in a standard way it immerses you fully into the game, which I think is exactly what they were going for. I shudder to think what sorts of Saw and Se7en like situations they are going to unveil the further down the rabbit hole I go.
Popped open Napoleon Total War last night, so far I've only done the Italian campaign but I'm loving it. Artillery seems much more effective at inspiring fear in your enemies and the mounted riflemen are excellent. My only gripe is a few graphics issues but nothing game ending.
Yes, this is exactly what I thought of while playing. The FBI agent even kinda reminds of me Brad Pitt sorta...and there was one scene in particular that was verrry se7en to me. The game is visually gorgeous. The walking controls piss me off though, but maybe I'm just retarded. Spoiler YESSSSSS. When I was in the chapter with Mad Jack, they made the tapping button fast a lot harder when I was thrown up against the machine about to get run over, and I got run over, and Jayden died. This elicited a big NOOOO MOTHERFUCKER and instant replay of the chapter when I found out I could. I played him as the nice guy, ok.
Since PS3 controllers are fifty plus bucks Ive started to place a hat on the end of the couch so that I have something so throw or beat against the hand rest. It's cathartic enough to get by without having to piss money down the drain.
I posted this in the "Can Somebody Help..." thread, but the only response I got was to throw my Xbox off a balcony because it is possessed by Satan. Maybe I'll have better luck here. I think my xbox 360 is broken. I was playing Bioshock the other day and I noticed some weird degradation of graphics a few minutes in. So I saved the game and quit, then restarted my xbox, but it isn't displaying anything (I was using an HDMI cable). I played around with other inputs, like the composite and rgb inputs that came with it and nothing works. I know it's on because I can still turn it off with the controller, but it's isn't displaying anything. Anybody have any idea what happened or how to fix it?
I tried the Aliens/Predator demo on the 360 today for a few turns. It seemed really dark, I couldn't see shit. You can play as a Marine,bug or predator. With the demo,I'm pretty sure it was random but, I got stuck as a Marine for about four games. Normally, I wouldn't bitch, but I couldn't kill anything. I put two full clips into an alien and the fucker would not die. Played as an alien for one game, and it was still dark as shit, but I could run really fast and on all surfaces. Confusing as hell. Not sure if I'll be picking this one up or not. I tried the Bad company demo and it was some good fun. I'll pick it up as soon as I can. I'm not sure if it'll be better than COD multi-player or not.
Speaking once more of turn based strategy, I've been looking for a very old game called "Warlords 2 Deluxe". Does anyone know where or if I can download a copy of that game, preferrably for free?
Has anyone played "MLB The Show 09." I'm thinking of picking up '10 when it comes out in March, and want to know how difficult the learning curve is. I haven't played a baseball game since the SNES days, so I wouldn't want to spend 60 bucks only to throw the game out a window in frustration.
I was a huge fan of the AVP movies and stood by requiem as a decent sci-fi movie despite the negative reviews but the game is terrible, I had a better time fantasizing about being the predator in MW 2.
It's funny because I was just talking with my friend about it. He says MVP 05 is the greatest baseball game ever created. I, and he, agree that MLB the Show is pretty good as well (although it does get into some ridiculous unrealistic situations as well). He also had this to say about 2k games...
Fuck Heavy Rain. It's not right. I'm only a couple hours in, and NEVER has my heart gone racing as much as it has while playing this game. If you are a PS3 owner, this game is a MUST buy.
I agree that it is a great game, but I'd say it's the second best sports franchise out there now. Not trying to start shit, but it could be an interesting discussion. IMO, the NBA 2k series is #1, followed by The Show, with Madden being third.