Damn, scratched my MW2 disc today by being a retard and tripping over one of the wire's pulling the console over. Anyone have any methods that actually work to fix the circular scratches, or should I just bring it to Gamestop to see if they can refinish the disc?
GameStop doesn't resurface discs. And depending on which GameStop you go to- it might not even be accepted as a trade.
Most video stores (Family Video, Blockbuster, etc) will have disk resurfacing, usually for about a buck per disc. Interesting side note: if you get the circle scratches from your Xbox standing vertically, Microsoft will replace your disc for free, depending on the title. Heavy Rain is my PS3 GOTY. Hands down. Game over. This is THE fucking game I've been hoping would be made for years now. I went out and bought a Dreamcast today just to play Quantic Dream's first game, Omikron. Loved Indigo Prophecy when that came out, too. Having spent a few hours getting in and not finishing it feels like watching the first 90 minutes of The Godfather and attempting to walk away for a day to go to work. It's that intense. Cracked into my Bad Company 2 campaign today, too. DICE really is trying to take the torch from Infinity Ward as the industry's war game badass. The intro mission and first part of the first snow mission were all I got to bang through, but the intensity and cinematic nature of the game were really upped from the first one. The gunplay just felt better too; using the Type 99 to blast a few Japanese soldiers in the face felt like it had more oomph than in World at War. Their Frostbite engine doesn't look all that graphically impressive until shit starts blowing up and falling down around you. I'd love to see the guys at Volition (Red Faction: Guerilla) take a crack at a war game with their destructive abilities sometime (though NOT a fucking GTA sandbox in space again).
I preordered this on Steam yesterday. But it was the last day for the beta preview and I was not able to play. How did you get it?
Starcraft 2 Beta has been cracked. Well, sort of. You can play the game in single player but without any AI opponents. If you just want to dick around and see the new units and work on build orders it's fine. Might be a good tool for newbs, or anyone who isn't really familiar with the original game as there have been some significant changes and from what I hear a lot of the competition is steep online. I've not been blown away by this or any of the videos I've seen from the real beta but it's way too early to pass judgement. The basic game fundamentals have not changed, it basically just has a much needed facelift and added units. Some like this idea some don't but I'll buy it the first day it comes out anyways. PM me if you can't get the crack to work but it's pretty simple if you search around on TPB
Just finished the first God of War. Many curse filled tirades later I have to say, the game is pretty fucking good. About as well paced as any game Ive ever played. There were a few point where throwing the controller could have helped my psyche. I got stuck for a while when I couldnt figure out the swimming pattern needed to beat that grate challenge in the under water level. Fucking thing probably smooshed me for 2 straight hours before I got it. Lets not even mention the fucking spinning cylinders with huge blades in the Hades level. As for the story telling, I'd say the game was definitely creative but acting and cut scenes were not as good as say Metal Gear Solid.
That shit must have taken me four hours when it first came out. I was sick, AND hungover, and refused to go with my friends to Seaworld because I HAD TO DO IT. If I was the controller throwing type, I would have needed five or six of them.
You guys do realize that the trick is to keep going up the cylinder without stopping right? It easy as hell once you time it right, even on god mode.
Heavy Rain has some heart pounding moments, damn. I love this game, the only thing that pisses me off is the rotation of options when you're talking with someone. It's hard to read sometimes and almost caused me to get the other detective shot in the face.
I've had a PS3 for about two years and until this week I hadn't played a single non sports game on it. I picked up Heavy Rain a few days ago after reading some of the posts in this thread and watching the trailer. This game is incredible. It does such a great job of making you feel involved. I cant wait to play it some more later and see this story unfold. Thanks to all of you that recommended it.
Just finished ME2 and now I think I'm gonna go pick up Heavy Rain and play it a bit tonight. From all the comments about it here and other places, it looks like its gonna be worth it.
Just finished Heavy Rain. I think we can safely say that in 10 years, it will be looked on as a giant benchmark in the industry, the same way the original Metal Gear Solid was for cutscenes and including storytelling into games. This is easily in my top 5 list of all time. The big twist I quasi-saw coming (had a hunch, but then again, I had about twelve hunches lol), and somehow, the logic and writing actually made it make sense, which is rare in gaming. Cracked into the God of War Collection to try and catch up before III comes out. The only one I've beaten was on PSP. lol Does anybody have a rough estimate on GoW I & II's lengths if you're trying to go through pretty quickly? Oh, and for anyone who's looking for a surprisingly good Mario Kart clone, only without a bunch of items that ruin the goddamn game, try the new Sega All Stars Racing. Totally shocked at how solid it turned out. Not to mention seeing the main character from Shenmue ram Aiai from Super Monkey Ball in a go-kart owns. And for the earlier poster who asked how I manage to play (almost) everything early; every once in a while, it pays to have an undergrad in journalism. It pays even more to have a couple buddies you graduated with work for semi-major gaming review sites.
I am doing the same thing with God Of War. I played the first one in about 4 days Id say ten hours total. I really didn't clock the hours but there were a few hiccups with infuriating puzzles that added a substantial bit more to my run time. I had a 6-7 hour bender yesterday with God of War two and am just about half way through it.
There were a few things/plot holes that bugged me about the game. Mainly: Spoiler When the old woman reveals to Madison who the killer is, why is she so shocked? Up to this point, as far as the game knows, she and the killer had never met. and Spoiler What's the real deal behind all of Ethan's blackouts? He blacks out, is found by the warehouse where all the victims go, with origami in his hand. We're lead to believe that he never learned origami, so what's the deal? They just completely forget about all of that. Still, this absolutely is a top 5 game of all time, and definite GOTY candidate.
For anyone who's as frustrated as I am about this fat PS3 deathglitch thing that's going on, apparently opening up the system and unplugging/replugging the internal battery fixes it. It does void the warranty though, but if you do have an old ps3 the warranty's probably expired anyway. Here's a video: Also, to get the case open, you need a 6-point screwdriver (torx?), which is pretty obnoxious. But if they don't fix it soon I think I'll be purchasing one this evening.
Yeah, shit happened to me last night. It gave me that error code and said something about trophies not being able to load. It wouldn't let me even load CoD. I somehow bypassed it and played for a while online. This morning I simply cannot log onto the internet with my PS3 but no error code is displayed. I got cocky with an old laptop that needed some internal fixing and I ripped it apart only to fuck it up more and was never able to turn it back on, I think Ill just wait until a proper update it released. It's pretty weak.
Sony announced a fix just recently for the whole error going on. Its on the front page of IGN. For those of you that applied to the Need for Speed World beta, I just got my invite so check your email. I want to thank Nettdata informing us of the beta and giving us the chance to sign up.
Holy shit, you guys were spot on with your comments about Heavy Rain so far at least. I've been playing for around 2 hours so far and I am really impressed with how it plays. Already some of the scenes have been pretty intense. I just hope the idea I already have about what's happening isn't right, because that would be way too obvious.
If this is not allowed, just delete if need be, but ... A few friends of mine started a Battlefield website/community, I've never played any of the Battlefield games, but like a good friend I told him I would let people know it exists, hope you like it and as I said, hopefully this kind of post is allowed. Thanks. <a class="postlink" href="http://battlefieldbadass.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://battlefieldbadass.com</a>