Big name 360 Exclusives: Big name PS3 Exclusives: I of course listed game series instead of each individual game, and I also included games that were also on PC since this is between just the two consoles. Some of the games listed are contestable of course, I made this list so its a bit biased. I also only listed one XBLA game since I think Shadow Complex is the one of the best games I've played in a long time, but I didn't include games like Geometry Wars and Rez HD because while I love them they really aren't that big of a deal. Honestly, I think its pretty neck-and-neck. I have both consoles since there are games on each that I really want to play. In the end though I favor the 360 just a tad because of Xbox Live which is, in my opinion, better than the PSN.
Same here. Though I favor the PS3 b/c the 360 controller feels awkward due to my huge hands. A few that were missed. 360 - Alan Wake PS3 - Resistance, Socom, FF13 VS and FF14, DC Universe Online, Agent
I never owned an original xbox because the only thing it really had going for it was the Halo games, which I fucking loathe. But like Dmix said, this generation is pretty neck and neck. I'm more partial to the Sony titles, but bought a 360 instead because of the online play and it's what most of my friends have (and because of the announcement that GTA and Final Fantasy 13 would be cross-platform). Since my 360 committed seppuku a couple weeks ago though, Uncharted and God of War seem to be calling to me...
I'm playing the SCII beta as we speak. Its a simple me vs. AI match and we will see if the AI actually works. Still, its SCII. If it works, I'd be happy to let yall know what I did if you havn't already done it for yourself.
FFXIII comes out in a couple days. I feel like I'm preparing for a trip. There are so many things I need to finish first, and I don't know if I'm going to have the time.
I feel the same way man, I'm just glad I was able to get through heavy rain first. I'm even planning on taking vacation days next Thursday and Friday. This makes me remember when I played through FFX. I took every character through 80% of the sphere grid, and pretty much dominated every one of the monsters in that monster arena. I think I clocked 80-100 hours on that play through. Fuck I'm a nerd.
Oh dude. I have 100+ hours on my latest run through, and every character is strong in everything, especially since I got all the epic weapons (dodging lightning 200 times in a row is as much of a raging bitch as it was in 2002). But i've been rereading the Wheel of Time series, and I have about 1800 pages left to get caught up. I may start the game a day or two late... I'm very much looking forward to trying out this highly acclaimed new battle system. The videos of it look cool as shit. I only hope I can keep up with what looks like crazy fast timing.
About 6 hours into FFXIII and it seems like the review is most spot-on. The new battle system is absolutely sick, and if you aren't quick with tactical decisions, shit will start owning you just a few hours in. Controlling just one person directly is more than enough once everyone starts learning new versions of X's sphere grid. This is one of the more naturally story-driven entries in the series so far. Linear as all hell, but it doesn't feel constricting since it's always rewarding you with either new story scenes that push the pace along or badass battle sequences. And Shiva is now the Shiva sisters... and they're also a motorcycle. Yes. A fucking motorcycle. And they will throw wheels at the heads of punk bitches who stand in their way. Say no to drugs, kids.
As much as I want to applaud the creativity in "Heavy Rain", I thought the gameplay was entirely too loose. We all know the graphics are groundbreaking, probably the best of any video game, ever. But I think they were able to do that in regards to the controls being more of a vcr remote than an actual video game. Once you realize there's no "game over" screen, it feels like you're riding along with the game instead of actually playing it. Grand Theft Auto was groundbreaking- being able to manipulate a fully interactive world with few boundaries. Heavy Rain is more of an awesome cutscene with a few minor controls thrown in to call it a video game. I like the fact they're thinking outside the box, but without solid gameplay, it's just a movie.
Hopefully this will spur some debate: since I now don't have to study all the time, I'm looking to buy a couple new games but I don't know which one's at this time. I want the following: Mass Effect 2, Dante's Inferno, and Final Fantasy XIII. Which one should I get first? I'm thinking getting them in that order but I'm looking for more input.
Closed beta for SC2 began a few weeks ago. They just recently sent out another wave of invites for those who had opt'd in on their new accounts which has been an available option for a long, long time. Earlier today, I saw a little over 8,000 people logged in when I came on. If I had to guess, I would say there are maybe 12-16 thousand people invited so far. Maybe less but considering the Blizzcon invites plus the big wave of invites going out consistently and the amount of people that probably haven't even downloaded the client yet, that seems sort of accurate. Also, make sure you check your account and not just your email, a lot of people have been claiming on the forums that they've been accepted and have the option to download the beta client on their account but never received an email. Also, while on the topic for SC2 beta, anyone else in it? I don't know a single person that's been invited yet and I'm dying to play some 2v2. Oh and speaking of how lonely it is in the new, you guys should check some of the bullshit they are planning to do with it on the interviews released. So far, they are not putting in public chat channels, you can't view replays with other people, you can only have one SC2 account per copy of the game to discourage good players from making new accounts to play less skilled people. That is, by the way, fucking retarded as anyone at the top 10 ranks in their division would rather preserve their record/rank spot and not spam games on their pristine account but would rather still play and so they must buy a second copy to do so. The chat system fucking blows too, and anyone you add to your "real friends id" aka the friend list you need to add people to in order to talk to them while you play different games can see your full name attached to your account. I can go on and on about the issues with now and the released copy they talk about and if you want to hear more just pm me. People all over the internets are already going nuts. So far, Starcraft 2.0 is fun but god damn, is going to be a huge shitfest if things continue the way they are now. Mass Effect 2 is probably the best console game I've played in a very long time. After two and a half play-throughs, I'm not even bored with it when I would normally be sick of a console game within 2 weeks. Dante's Inferno was fun for the first hour, but I am on hour 4 and I just can't get myself to finish it. The game is insanely repetitive and just sucks when compared to God of War. The only cool parts in the game are the boss death scenes, the unbaptized babies you get to kill, and the stupid looking nipple renders. I recommend renting this instead of buying. I haven't looked much into FF XIII, but that's because I never cared much for the FF series nor its turn based combat, so I can't comment on it. Hope this helps.
On the indie game front... I've been obsessed with VVVVVV for a couple of days. Yes, that's the name of the game. Combine precise platforming with an interesting mechanic (i.e. switching gravity) and you get an addictive game. This game is the spiritual nemesis of Braid: whereas in that game you find tons of puzzles that require extremely lateral think but are easy to execute, in this one you find puzzles that are conceptually not that bad but require precise platforming skill. And it's presented with a charm that's not present in most other platformers. Check out the demo or buy the game.
My suggestion would be to go for Final Fantasy XIII first. It will probably be the longest game of the three, so you'll want to have plenty of time to play it. After that, you should look for ME2. Third should be Dante's Inferno. Given the fairly poor reviews, I'd be willing to bet that the price of Dante's Inferno will go down by the time you've gotten all the way through FFXIII and ME2. I've heard pretty poor reviews for Dante's Inferno, and it is pretty tedious (I've played through a decent portion of it). I'd recommend that if you do end up buying it, wait for a price drop. Honestly, you can really go either way with FFXIII and ME2. My personal opinion is that I'd go FFXIII, but that is me. Absolutely wait on Dante's Inferno, as I am willing to bet the price will drop, probably sooner than later.
I recommend playing Mass Effect before purchasing Mass Effect 2 as the storyline is based on what you have done in ME1. What i enjoy in ME2 is to see the repercussions of my decisions in ME1 and some of the feelings I got from old team-mates are carried through to ME2. Also I do think the Xbox 360 and PS3 are becoming more even, I just meant in general that Xbox has a wider range of titles, but in no way did I say they are better-I own both a PS3 and Xbox; I mean Socom/God of War/Gran Turismo/Killzone I prefer over Gears and Halo. But being from the UK, Fifa (soccer game) is better on Xbox 360 as EA update squads over Live and bring new game plays.
So, Portal 2 just got announced. But there's still no sign of more Half Life. Am I the only one here who is not going insane?
People on this board play FF13? I thought only Japanese teenagers and shut-in American losers who want to be Japanese teens played that game. Wait a second, that actually makes sense. Nevermind. I play a fair number of indie/casual games, and that was one I tried in the last weeks. It is completely average. It's not terrible, don't get me wrong, but the idea that the developer expects people to pay money for it is hilarious. There are several HUNDRED better games on that casual gaming site (Kongregate) alone. If you're desperate for platforming/exploration games, play Level Up on that same site or Iji. If you like platforming with a puzzle element to it, there's also a Flash version of Portal and 4 games in the Shift series. These listed games are not masterpieces by any means, but all are original, amusing, and well-made. VVVVVV is none of those.
I don't have any input on which to buy, but Amazon does have ME2 on sale for $40 for it's video game deal of the day. This resets every morning so it's a one day thing.
I have a link to get Madden 2010 and NCAA Football 2010 for the Xbox360 for 60$. Hit me up on PM and I'll send you the link