It sounds like you haven't played the full version, just the demo. Anyway, I disagree. I found VVVVVV original, amusing and well-made, and certainly much better than three out of the four games you listed (I haven't played Iji). $15 is too much for a game of its short length, but that's the only gripe I have about the game.
So I found this mini series on the net a while back when they had only made 2-3 episodes and thought that it was awesome. They've finally finished the last episode and I have been watching them this evening. Its an awesome story that involves all the characters from all of the Nintendo classics, but its very gritty and dark. There Will Be Brawl Its pretty hilarious and for something that is obviously just a group of friends putting something together on very tight budget, its pretty badass. I recommend checking it out. Basically, it follows Mario and Luigi in a version of the Mushroom Kingdom depicted as a modern big city. Lots of foul language, drug references and in addition to Princess Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom government there are four major organized crime groups each led by a big name Nintendo character. There is even a scene with Samus Aran as a stripper (and the actress that plays her is pretty hot, although no nudity). I'm really just impressed by the sheer number of characters and references they were able to pack in.
Anyone play borderlands? It combines the looting/rpg/quest elements of MMORPG games with CoD style FPS. Basically a first person WoW. I played both MW 2 and BFBC2 and this is THE fps game for rpg nerds. If anyone wants to play hit me up on xbox live: Pop Warlock.
Picked up my copy of FFXIII during my lunch break. Ended up picking up the collectors edition guide along with it, Final Fantasy games being the only ones that I would ever actually buy a guide for. If anyone else is thinking of doing the same, you get $10 off the collectors guide if you buy it with the game at Best Buy (and possibly other places I'm sure). Next four hours are going to last forever.
Looking to get a bluetooth headset for PS3. Since I dont want to spend 50 bucks for the Sony PS3 model Im wondering what others here have gotten? Im going for cheap. Do they need batteries or charging wires that would be separate?
I swear, God is mocking me. My pre-order of Final Fantasy XIII was to show up at my door today from It showed up at 3:45, 15 minutes before I had to leave for class. I planned to spend a good portion of my day before class playing, but nooo..... After class, I was supposed to come home and do some studying for my midterm tomorrow. That didn't get done (instead, I am 2 hours into the game). Now, I've got a midterm and a presentation tomorrow, followed by spring break. Oh, but my wife wants to visit her friends in New Orleans, so I'll really only get part of the day Thursday to play, in between packing and doing laundry for the trip. Then we leave Friday and we're gone for the vast, vast majority of my spring break. If I weren't going to spend my entire time in New Orleans in a complete drunken haze, I'd be way more pissed. Seriously, though... if it were up to me, I'd be doing nothing but playing this game for the next 5 days straight. Fuck, I am a nerd. Sony showed off its Wii motion controller knock off today at the Game Developers Conference, The Move. Im still apprehensive about motion controllers ability to have long term success with deep games. I really don't see coming home from a long day at work or staying up into the wee hours of the night furiously waving my arms about. The Socom 4 videos did have me interested, for a bare bones demo, the game looked great. Maybe if motion control can give shooters PC's mouse precision it could go somewhere. Also is it me or are these companies just getting plain lazy. Wii was a break out sales hit, Sony then creates its own version with the exact same demo style games as Wii, with a motion controller that looks like a Sony styled replica. Same goes with the new Medal of Honor, Cod does a billion in sales, fuck we got to get some M4's with Acogs in our next game shiiiiiiiit! Socom 4 looks fucking titties.
I am the same way which is why I never got a Wii even though I love Zelda and Mario games. I just want to sit there and play. Some of my favorite games are Tiger Woods Golf and Fight Night. I usually play late at night and don't want to stand there doing a golf swing or throw actual punches.
Picked up the new Final Fantasy. Graphics are awesome, but the game is pretty much playing itself right now. I heard around hour 3, the gameplay picks up.
My roommate had a wii a few years back and I got Tiger Woods for it figuring it would be sweet to actually swing. The swing control was actually pretty good but again, after playing a few 18 hole rounds, you just say fuck it. It got its use out of the Wii Sports during parties but eventually it got boring. It collected dust on his shelf for months and I think he recently sold it because he's a huge Madden fan and wanted it on PS3 (Ive heard the gameplay is no where near close to the other two consoles). There are a few niche games that it can do really well but I just don't see it as a main stay in the industry.
It'll be a main stay for the elderly and people who don't like video games like my parents. People who actually like video games consider it a form of blasphemy in the industry. I see all the shitty Wii games out that are selling for $20 that have 6 or so mini-games- extremely simplistic with shitty graphics. The anti-gamer's console.
Thats what I mean when I say "deep" games. You get a ton of frisbee golf and ping pong mini games but nothing that has a deep say Metal Gear or even Call of Duty experience. From what Ive read a lot of third parties are shying away from Wii because regular games just aren't selling on the system, even with the systems huge numbers. If I were sony I'd go after the hardcore gamers, something nintendo decided to wave bye bye to, and create some actual multilayer diverse motion control games.
Agreed. I'd consider it a novelty. I'm interested in seeing what Nintendo's going to do on the next gen Wii console. Sony and Microsoft are inching in on the market share, where their consoles will be able to do everything the Wii can and more.
Their consoles are already way more powerful, with a vastly superior library of games than the Wii has. The latter's success has little to do with actual quality, which is a true statement about a lot of games as well.
The problem hardcore gamers have with the Wii is that it isn't a 'gamer's console.' It was never intended to be. The Wii was never intended to be a gaming console for the hardcore gamers. It was always intended to be a party system, and a system for people who don't normally play video games. It targets the audience that Sony and Microsoft would kill for. That is why all the Sony ads tend to pimp the "It only does everything" slogan: they want the mainstream audience that the Wii has cornered at the moment. They want to target 'casual gamers,' because the 'casual gamer' market is significantly larger than the 'hardcore' gamer market. Truth be told, hardcore gamers are mostly upset because now everyone with a Wii considers themselves a gamer. It is like they were fans of a small independent band. Then, the band got signed and discovered, and suddenly everyone is a fan. The original fans all feel pissed and want to scream that they were there first, and that they loved the band before it 'sold out.' Its the same thing with gamers. They all want to scream that they were gamers before the Wii came out and made it so that our parents wanted to play video games. In the end, Sony and Microsoft want to do the same thing that Nintendo does: they want to make money. Nintendo obviously found a way to make money, by targeting a larger market and making video games more accessable. Sony wants to hop on that bandwagon. Microsoft does, as well. This tends to just make all the hardcore gamers upset, because they are afraid that they're going to lose their 'hardcore' games. They want to feel like they're a part of some kind of an exclusive club or something. The reality is, "Deep" games aren't going anywhere. As long as a game is profitable, they'll continue to crank out sequel after sequel (see: Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Call of Duty, Madden, etc). It just seems silly to shit on the Wii. Don't like it? Don't buy it.
I don't know about your hipster analogy but Im still saying that the market for motion control doesn't seem as brilliant as the numbers make it out. If you only provide content that is mainly novelty where is the future in sales? 17 out of the top 20. You may not like them or the fact that they're not putting out a "gamers console" but there is no denying that Nintendo knows how to garner an audience. At the end of the day that means $$$, which last time I checked is going to keep leading to more and more "novelties".
I don't know who you're responding to, but I don't have any problems with the Wii, nor did I write or imply this. I was simply stating the obvious; they have extremely few quality games, their console is weak, and can do less than the XBox360 or PS3. Everyone knows this. However, I'm not sure how this precludes quality titles being made, among other things. The Nintendo DS attracts gamers like flies, and in fact, outsells every major next gen system (Wii included) by a considerable amount. At the same time, it also has a library of excellent title in every genre. And it's also weaker than the PSP, but a better handheld nonetheless. Dude, I don't even know what the fuck a "hardcore" gamer is supposed to be, or whether I qualify as a "casual" or not, so before you take your lame analogy even further, how about explaining that? I occasionally play games as a fun waste of life, and the Wii doesn't have anything like that. What does this have to do with indie bands, or whatever the fuck else you were writing about? You're like the little kid who misunderstands everything he reads, replies with something incredibly obvious that all the adults know, and then feels like hot shit.
Nintendogs being #3 on that list explains everything. D26 is mildly retarded, but his mention of music makes a good point. Boy Bands top every chart and set records and it's shit. It's not music. So yes, I'm "underground". I don't like my games with the depth of a kiddy pool and you can only pretend to throw a football with the nunchuk, or flip an omlet so many times, before developers run out of ideas. And that kids, is what we mean by novelty. It's a one trick pony. There's no expanding on this. Traditional games will continue to improve, become more complex, etc. Now if Nintendo could get the licensing for Leisure Suit Larry, imagine fisting a chick with the nunchuk while you rub the clit with controller.