Fucking Bad Company 2. Is anyone else having retarded bad graphics issues? I've updated the drivers on my video cards (two NVidea 8600s) so far with a beta driver patch. Any other ideas?
Bad company 2. Just finished playing the main story. The characters are back and funnier than the first game. Spoiler "Favorite scene in predator...go." The shooting is cool but, harder than MW2. For me anyway, I like the MW2 multi-player better.
SO I tried to go on gta iv multiplayer today. When I tried to set up my own match of free for all I couldn't change the fucking settings. I remember it used to let me hit the arrow pad and I could decide the weather and auto aim, cops, weapons, cars and all that shit. But now it won't let me do that and it's just giving me some preset settings that I seem to just have to go with. Can anyone explain to me how you change the settings? I know other people do it, because I've seen them. But it's not fucking letting me. I'm sure I'm just a retard, but I don't know. I have a 360 in case that matters.
Thanks for not answering my question, you fartheads. Because of this, I hunkered down in the car for a 9 hour drive to NY with my brand new PSP and the new Silent Hill game only to find out I couldn't play because I didn't have a memory card. You couldn't take 2 minutes and help a sista out? That was a long, boring ride!
Yes, yes, yes, it's ALL our fault. Just like it's YOUR fault for not blowing us in advance to ensure you got the help you needed.
I was thinking of getting Final Fantasy XIII. Here's my background though: I am not HUGE into rpg's, but I do appreciate a good one. I played parts of FFVII (didn't finish, but loved what I played) and played FFX, also Chrono Cross. So some of the classics. Where does this game stack up against those? Thanks guys. Also, I have a 360, no PS3, if that makes any difference.
Okay, lets start here: Did you like FFX? Because I would say that XIII stacks up most closely to X. The gameplay and storylines are similarly linear, the leveling system is fairly similar, as well. Having played entirely though XIII, as well as a lot of the after-game side quests and whatnot, I can say that I loved XIII. I felt it had a fantastic storyline that really didn't slow down much throughout the game, so you were usually motivated to keep going. The fights were fast paced, and once the system really kicked in with paradigm shifts and different jobs, there gets to be a lot more strategy involved too. Look, long story short on Final Fantasy XIII: Fast paced fights, require strategy, can be very fun. Storyline is excellent, but gameplay is, for the vast, vast majority of the game, extremely linear. If you liked X, I think you'll very much enjoy XIII. As for the system? I don't think it matters at all.
Agree completely. I've only played a few of the FF titles, but I thought FFXIII was very similar to FFX. Only, you remember when FFX came out, that first cutscene where the blitzball pool was filling up with water, and you thought to yourself, "No game will ever have graphics this good again"? This whole game is that quality. The walking around graphics are that good. Very linear, similar leveling mode to FFX (though you can only level your spheres, can't over lap into other grids and become all-powerful). Compelling story line, and, as with all Final Fantasy titles, a woeful lack of "New Game +". God damn would I love to play through this game again ripping shit up with the stuff I've already learned. Rocking low level shit with 11k+ health and crazy strength and magic would be pretty sweet. That being said, for anyone who is just now picking up the game: do not use any of your materials, do not level weapons, do not use aerosols until level 10 at the earliest, 11 for the weapons and accessories. Sell shit once it hits 99, if need be. That shit will all be way more useful once you need it to make good. I plan to replay, not using anything til then, see what I can do. And there is no shame in looking up which weapon will be best to level when you have all the mats.
As I FINALLY finished my first playthrough I went back and read all the comments, and I heartily agree with his one. While I enjoyed gathering up all the different soldiers there wasn't really a "building towards the finale" feel to the game, and that last battle was mediocre at best. The only ones that died were Jack and the entire human crew, so I'd like to go back to a previous save point and rectify that.
I just got up and running on my new box, thus I'm looking to start playing some games. I've already been playing CS (if you want to add me, my Steam name is "ForeCheck"). I'm looking to get some more games. I read some reviews on Crysis and it looks pretty good. What do you all play?
One of the few games that I play consistently on the PC is Team Fortress 2. It's quite a bit different than a game like modern warfare, but its pretty fun. I'd be willing to play that one with anyone who would be interested.
I just got done watching the StrikeForce fights on CBS tonight. They were using EA's MMA video game to show how the fights might go and to demonstrate techniques. I've got to say that the game looks like shit. I know it's got a while before it comes out but the fighters looked like shiny plastic action figures and the animations looked choppy. If they don't make some drastic improvements from what I've seen, they will not be able to compete with the UFC 2010.
I just find it funny that EA initially scoffed at, and declined to even meet UFC representatives about making an MMA video game with them. Their arrogance is coming back to bite them...
I just upgraded from PS2 to PS3. Yeah, I know, it took a while. Anyway, I grabbed GTA4 for myself, and "How to Train Your Dragon" for my two kids, ages 6 and 7.5. Do you guys have any other recommendations for games for the munchkins? I'm trying to keep it 100% age appropriate, so no shoot 'em up games.
I'm about 10 hours in FFXIII, and I have to make a comment: Spoiler I just watched the flashback where Serah learns she's become a l'cie, and I had to pause it 3 times before I made it though. It was that God-awful. Am I playing a Final Fantasy game or watching Dawson's fucking Creek? Please tell me the story gets better because all this cliche teenage angst and melodrama make me want to retch. And that fucking pop song that plays during the flashbacks just makes it worse.
I assume you've never played a Final Fantasy game before? Yes, it gets better. But there's always some Japanese shit in it, sort of the franchise's trademark.
No, I've actually played almost all of them. The dialogue in this one so far is the worst I can remember. It's just terrible. It's trying way too hard to be super-dramatic and in doing so is killing any real potential for drama. Someone needed to tell the writers that not every exchange between the characters has to be some profound moment of poignency. It's Final Fantasy so I've come to expect moments of melodrama, but FFXIII so far as tried to be nothing but, and it's really annoying.
For them: Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction R&C Future: A Crack in Time Those do have weapons but it is all cutesy-er stuff. I'm sure you've played a R&C for the PS2 so you know what I'm talking about. Unfortunately that's about all the kid friendly stuff that I know of for the PS3. My 6 year old sticks to playing the Wii mostly (he finds the PS3 a little intimidating - too many buttons) and my 11 year old plays the Bioshocks and Batman: Arkham Asylum (too dark and violent for little ones but an awesome game overall). What kind of games are you into? Do you like weird stuff? Scary stuff? I highly recommend The Darkness if you're up for bizarre games. Dead Space was pretty good in the horror category. Resident Evil 5 is barely worth a rental - if you set it on Easy, you'll fly right through it before it's due back. NFS: Undercover would be great if it wasn't for the fucking framerate problem. I wasn't crazy about Burnout: Paradise but I can't put my finger on why. There's a demo for it on the Dead Space disk if you happen to pick it up (there is also a demo for Battlefield Bad Company). I can keep going if you want. I'll go on forever if you don't stop me.