Just went to Gamestop with my brother to trade in about 15 Gamecube and PS2 games + a couple old 360 games for a paid in full reservation of Modern Warfare 2. Beyond psyched for this game.
Anyone know where I can watch the Cole Hamels MW2 ad? I didn't get a chance to see it before it got pulled.
Just got Uncharted2 and NHL10. Haven't played Uncharted yet but NHL10 is amazing, I still have trouble scoring though.
I'm still in the early parts of the game... bur Borderlands has delivered in every aspect of an action RPG I was skeptical about, and then some. The stage is a desert, mountain-side like area that is infested with dog like monsters (so far) and typical bandit gangs. The game is more RPG like than I thought because it progresses through accepting and completing missions from specific people you meet as you advance. It feels like the missions and things you end up doing are adding up to something so it's not like you're taking on random jobs for no reason. Besides the missions there is an overall feel of "survival" since regular enemies regenerate from time to time (mimicking random battles) and even if you can predict where the spawn points are every now and then you'll get caught off guard by something new. I rarely find myself running straight through a stage without stopping and looking around every 20 seconds or so just to make sure someone isn't sneaking up somewhere. The cell shading animation works really well. As you run around time cycles through day and night at a decent rate that you'll spend enough time sneaking up on things in the dark as you will blasting through towns in the day. Enemy deaths are brutal and damage displaying... heads will blow up, acid will melt things, guys will light on fire and run around as they die, and the dog beasts blow up into chunks "soldier of fortune" style if hit by something explosive enough. The only two shortcomings I have so far are; the map is integrated with the pause menu which also has your weapon customization, your item management, your skill upgrades, and game options. This wouldn't be a problem if you didn't need to constantly check your location as well as cycle through multiple missions. It's not a big problem, but would have been much easier if the map was detached from the rest of the options and assigned to its own button. The guns. There's plenty of them, and no two are unique, but while that makes them fun to discover it's impossible to get attached to a gun you like for too long since it becomes useless as you level up. As with anything that comes in abundance you'll be picking up 35+ versions of the same crappy gun with minor stat changes, and because gun's stats are static even if you like a particular weapon it becomes almost impossible to use it for more than 3-4 missions. I guess that's no so bad overall but its a little different from the typical "pick a weapon or class and stick with it" approach of RPG's. I loved some of my snipers but had to sell them because they were getting me more into trouble than out of. Additionally, because there are so many variations and so many possible mods on weapons it's kind of tough to figure out what guns you should bring when you're still getting used to the game. Power alone is a bad indicator to go by, and you really need to get in tune with your character to tell what guns to carry. I'm starting to figure this out as my "hunter" class isn't meant for automatics and I keep getting my shit ruined every time I try to use an SMG regardless of how good its stats are. In summary... def try this out. The game goes a great job of sucking you into the story, the environments and music work well together, and its almost impossible to just rush every area which forces you to stop and plan your moves.
Damn I loved playing games on emulators. A friend and I used to play online together Streets of Rage or Golden Axe or BattleToads just to go back to the prime of our youth. If anybody is ever down to play some old school games online, hit me up.
If you liked Baldurs Gate or any RPG then Dragon Age is a must. http://www.giantbomb.com/dragon-age-ori ... 8/reviews/ Its massive. There was a competition with teams playing 24 hours straight to see who gets the furthest and they didnt pass 16% of the game. I havent got my hands on it yet as its not yet released in Europe but all the reviews have been very positive and well its a Bioware game (NWN, Mass Effect, Baldurs Gate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire)
I've already played through it. Lots of new weapons (frying pan as a melee is top-tier), new exciting enemy types, a way to bring back dead teammates, and several new game modes that one can't access yet. It's more of a really nice expansion for Left 4 Dead than a unique iteration by itself, but the new content is good enough...for me to play it at my friends' house when it comes out.
Anyone else pick this up yesterday? So far, I'm pretty impressed. I'm 4 hours in already and I've just gotten to the meat of the plot and out of the intro both to my character and the story. The combat system is a bit tough at first, but it just takes getting used to. And boss fights are hard as hell, but fun.
I have been playing Dragon Age for a while now and it is awesome. I´m enjoying it a lot more than Fallout 3 or Mass Effect. The best way to describe it would be its like Biowares Lord of the Rings with even darker themes, gore. The world is very deep and its not as generic as i was afraid it was. I think this is the best written Bioware game. Im loving the characters and its hard to pick out just 3 in your party at one time. The banter between the characters is awesome aswell. Also what I like is that the "good" characters in the game arent bland like for example Carth in KOTOR who had no sense of humour. So far I have played the Dwarven Commoner origin and the doing the mage one and both were awesome. If you dont know then in the beginning of the game you choose your origin. For example you can start as a Dwarven Lord or a commoner both having different stories etc. The combat is fun aswell. You can turn it to easy and not think at all or you can play it as a strategy role playing game if you want.
Got my hands on Borderlands for the PC a few days ago and I am absolutely loving it so far. It's like they took all the RPG aspects from World of Warcraft and stuck them into Fallout 3. I'm playing with Lilith right now and put all of her skill points into melee damage but I am probably going to reset them and go a different path. I thought it would be cool to run up to an enemy while invisible and kill them in one crack to the head but even with +800% melee damage, her hits are still pretty weak. Probably going to change to the Elemental path. Online play is a lot of fun, you can join a person's game even if they are behind you in the storyline, you just replay the missions you've already done. I really like the animation style, too. Kind of like a comic book or A Scanner Darkly. One thing I am still really confused about: If a weapon says, for example, +35% damage or accuracy, is that already included in the gun's stats or is it not applied until you actually equip it. I keep finding myself deciding between two guns, one with slightly less power but a +damage modifier, and one that is straight up more powerful but no modifier and I don't know which one is stronger in the end. The game is so new that there aren't any good online sources yet. If anyone knows how it works, please let me know.
Picked up Demon's Souls a couple days ago. Holy fuck, I'd read the reviews but I didn't expect it to be like this. When they say it is ball-crushingly difficult, they aren't kidding. It reminds me of trying to beat Ninja Gaiden, both the recent version and the old school NES version combined. I mean when the tutorial FORCES you to die, something is up. As maddeningly difficult as it is, I can't stop playing. It isn't difficult in a rubber banding, blue shell on Mario Kart kind of way, but it makes you think about every swing of your axe or every defense of your shield and knowing that if you fucked up and died, it's usually because of a fundamental flaw in your strategy. I can't get enough of it right now.
I really like 2k, I've played the last three quite a bit (2k8, 2k9, just got 2k10). My friends and I play that shit all day all the time and I always get sucked into Association (Franchise) mode and next thing I know it's like 3 am. The last version of Live I played was 07 or 06 I think so I can't help you there.
I just bought myself a PS3. I wanted a blu-ray player but couldn't justify paying $399 until the recent price drop. I've always been a 360 guy so any PS3 exclusives I should be looking into?
I just played through Uncharted 2 and it's one of the best games I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. If you don't try it out I will find you and personally bludgeon you to death with the game case. There's also Metal Gear Solid 4 if you're into that series.
I got 2k10 for PC and its the first NBA game I've played in at least 5 years and I love it. I suck, but there are so many awesome modes and they updated the rosters almost daily. The gameplay beats any NBA game I've played. Other than NBA Jam Tournament Edition.