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the be all end all video game thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by hawt, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    The thing with this MMO that people fail to understand is that its going to be a lot like every other MMO. Boring pve garbage jerkoff-fest. Sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but I have a STRONG feeling it is going to fail to bring what the "hardcore" MMO players want. Actually, I can guarantee that because of how little money there is in catering to "hardcore" MMO gamers anymore. With WoW going from an amazing MMO to a casual shitfest day 1 of its first expansion, everyone is going to emulate that in the hopes of making tons of cash. I guess cinematics and long NPC chats are what people want in MMOs. Let's all just quarantine any sort of PvP into Battlegrounds. Er, I mean "Warzones." That sounds fun and innovative because its never been done before. Except for every MMO I have played ever, excluding Darkfall. I can't name one battleground in any game that has ever been fun. Now excuse me while I go crash my unique starship HUB into Bioware Headquarters.
  2. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    My dream came true, a new Twisted Metal was announced at E3 today. It looks AWESOME. The multiplayer game play modes look awesome and the additional combat elements added look like cool additions to the over all game. Like incorporating building destruction as a major aspect, always my favorite part of TM. Here's hoping they eventually get a new Jet Moto game released from the same studios...

    I also thought the new Metal Gear game looks fucking tiiiiiight. I have yet to finish mgs3 or 4 but it is cool they are taking it in a more action oriented direction.

    One game I haven't let myself get over hyped about it Killzone 3. I was sucked in twice before only to be burnt by two bland uninspired first person shooters. I only played a handful of KZ2 online and it was a total rocket fest. They need to have some serious changes to the gameplay, jet packs aint gonna cut it.
  3. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    You and me both, man. I've been a huge fan of the series ever since I was 8 years old, and was really excited to see the debut trailer and Nuke mode on Youtube yesterday afternoon. The original team behind 1, 2, and Black are doing it, (3 and 4 kind of sucked, but they were made by 989) so I'm pretty damn optimistic.
  4. Nohik

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
    Who cares what the "hardcore" MMO gamers like, there are already games that cater to that crowd like EvE (my favorite MMO) and you cant expect EA to spend millions making an MMO for a niche. And sorry to burst your bubble but there is more to life than MMOs. Nothing wrong with people who play them casually. Its obvious that it wont have free for all open world PvP with big repercussions for death. That was clear the second the game was announced so I don´t know why you are moaning about it. There are games out there that do it quite well so go play them.

    Whats wrong with a MMORPG with a storyline? You know for the RPG part. To me RPG is supposed to be immersive and well written not a Dungeons and Dragons statfest. If the story is anywhere near the level of KOTOR then I will play through every class for sure. 8 KOTORs put together with extra story missions to do with friends and a chance to shoot them as well? Sign me up please!

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ars/101643</a>
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ars/101641</a>
    Examples of how a little bit of story and cutscenes makes a boring fetch quest slightly more bearable.

    Player ships: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ars/101637</a> Which will work probably like the ones in the KOTOR games; as your home and a way to travel from planet to planet instantly with just some cutscenes in the middle.
  5. Nohik

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
    Some info off darth hater:
    When you die, you resurrect outside a small med center building in proximity to your bind station. You spawn with all equipment in hand -- no corpse run necessary.
    Blaine Christine specifically mentioned PvP acquired armor sets in his presentation.
    The group size in our demo was four players.
    You acquire new skills through class trainers in the main quest hubs.
    Class trainers are labeled "Elite."
    Side quests did not seem to be class restricted.
    You cannot initiate quest dialog if a nearby party member is in combat.
    Certain quest givers may be contacted via HoloCom, which works the same as a normal cutscene.
    A trade command and Lobby chat channel are available, but upon activating them we received a message that said "This function is not yet implemented."
    Chiss and Human characters both had a /dance action available, and the dance was identical for both males and females.
    Multiplayer dialog system allows each player to choose their own response, and an automatic dice roll decides the winning choice.
    If you are in a group and initiate a quest dialog, the other members in your group have two minutes to reach the conversation point. If they don't make it, you have the option to start the conversation without your groupmates.
    For non-instanced quest givers, the NPC doesn't move around much. Instanced quest givers tended to have elaborate cut scenes where they interact with the environment.
    Mobs have a leash radius, and some did manage to evade us.
    If you right click on an inventory item with a vendor trade window open, the item is sold. Values are in single credits with no fractional amounts.
    Auto-run is available.
    The taxi system was similar to World of Warcraft's gryphons. You pay a small fee and are transported from Station A to Station B.
    The character creation screen was very similar to Dragon Age: Origins
    The aggro indicator is blue when there is no aggro, yellow they are aware of you (mouseover status says "ALERTED") but not engaged, and red indicates in combat. The ranges for this varied depending on the type of mob.
    For completing quests, you sometimes received items, money, alignment points, and experience points, or any combination therein.
    For completing quests in a group, you received "Social Points." We don't know their purpose.
    If a quest is instanced you enter a green portal. If you aren't eligible for the quest, the entrance is red.
    All classes have a "Revive" ability, a 5s cast time, 10m range, no cooldown ability which can be used on a player or companion. The tooltip did not indicate if the ability is restricted to out of combat use.
    You can inspect the gear of other players in your group from any distance, even if they're on a different planet.
    You can inspect the gear of all other players in visual proximity. We don't know the maximum range of this.
    In our groups the loot rules were "Round Robin" without a dice-rolling mechanic, and the credits looted were split equally among players in the group that were in proximity.
    Loot was appropriate for what the mob would carry, such as a droid carrying a gun drops a gun (and often seemingly useless spare parts).
    Personal Ships are described as a "base of operations" for the classes, groups, and companions.
    Companions are seen in the "hanger," similar to the way that they are in the Mass Effect and KoTOR series.
    A Dashade Companion and Human (looks like one of the lightly armored trooper concept art images) are seen in the background during the presentation.
    Flytext seen during the gamplay hands on, works like scrolling combat text but more in the way of Borderlands where damage numbers pop out in different directions around the enemy as you damage them as well as yourself.
    Preferences allowed for the customization of Flytext in similar ways of Scrolling Combat Text.
    Preferences allowed for the adding of action bars, similar to the way they are added in the World of Warcraft default UI.
  6. john_b

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2009
    As soon as you start this level go to the right(?), climb the tree and collect the ? coin and the subsequent coins it drops for a quick 1800 points. Then successive jumps are the key. It's tricky but it's a whole lot easier if you spin in the air after each one. Finally, once you get up near the top of the level I think there's a free life mushroom that (I believe) is worth another 1000 points.
  7. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't know about the rest of the argument, but isn't the concept of a "hardcore" MMO essentially a contradiction?

    After all, with the insane server costs and upkeep required to put out an MMO on the major market, each game needs hundreds of thousands if not a million subscribers just to break even. It's why so relatively few MMOs have been made despite the success of WoW; the entry costs are exorbitant.
  8. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009

    Those videos were pretty boring. Its not much different to me than reading a quest like you would in other games. To me, and I know its different for others, having boring quests drawn out with slightly more boring cutscenes isn't going to make an MMO more fun. Other games try to make the pve more special but that doesn't save them from failing. I don't need a game to be super "hardcore" for me to enjoy it. Endless grinding for stats and gear isn't fun, I agree. It will still be present in this game though, in one form or another. The only thing that World of Warcraft has done was ruin anything not involving an instance. If they kept stuff outdoors and didn't force everyone to idle in a city and only leave to farm a raid or do a 5 year old battleground, I'd still be in love with it like I was pre-Burning Crusade.

    You say you are interested in the 8 "unique" stories that they might offer. I do want to let you know that this is an MMO and not a single player RPG that is done once you put 40 hours into it. The "story" is going to be a long grind of boring quest after quest, sprinkled with something that might be cool. And after you complete these story lines, what are you going to do for endgame? Let me guess, farm the same raid and do the same four warzones until you cancel out of boredom. These games never live up to what they should be. Call me jaded and bitter but if anyone thinks this MMO or any other is going to be something special is sadly suffering from a delusion planted in your head by smart marketing.
  9. manihack

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    Oct 21, 2009
    How are we supposed to call you anything else when all you have posted is what you don't want in the game? Apparently you don't want a hardcore pve-grindfest, nor do you want a super casual game like WoW, so what the fuck is it you're looking for? Maybe MMOs aren't for you.
  10. Nohik

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 28, 2009
    Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
    Well they are making Mortal Online which pretty much looks like the most hardcore niche mmo you can come up with and well EVE Online has been doing very well and its very "HARDCORE!!!" compared to the likes of WoW.

    Thorgouge have a look at EVE if you already havent or read up about Mortal Online. Both seem like games that would be for you. Mortal is supposed to have open world pvp no maps, radar, world chat etc and is in first person view you can build your own towns etc etc... It´s very indie but youll probably like that. It is as far as far from casual as you can get.
    #1010 Nohik, Jun 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  11. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Mortal Online looks a lot like Darkfall. I tried EVE and didn't care much for the game. Darkfall was absolutely amazing. Winning a 20v100 with two losses? Check. Having a guild of 30 cause enough grief to break up an 800+ member clan alliance holed up on a subcontinent? Check. Unfortunately the game was just too big of a grind, forcing you to spend hours each day facing a wall shooting off spells in order to keep your spell skills on par with the rest of the server. I do not want a super hardcore game, nor a super casual one. Why is that so unreasonable? As I said before, World of Warcraft was damn near perfect in 2005 when they had just released the honor system but didn't have battlegrounds. I never had more fun in a game then I did then. All I want is a game that promotes doing things outside of instances. And for me to be able to engage people in combat without them having to accept a duel. I don't care about death penalties. Its just a shame that developers refuse to add these features because it causes people who love to level worthless alts and players late to the game to be upset and post on the forums.
  12. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Isn't that why they have the PVP servers? (minus the whole repercussions of death aspect)

    My cousin just got me started into WoW. I'm up to level 51 right now with my Holy Pally. It's definitely hooked me as I've never really played a PC MMORPG. I think the closest game I've played to this is FF7 in all honesty. It's fun though trying to figure out what equipment combos will work best for your spec, but it can get frustrating when you get lost trying to find a boss in some of the big instances (Blackrock).
  13. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Man, Kratos, what I wouldn't give to go back to that game with full on ignorance. Its kind of surprising people can still have that much fun playing WoW while leveling when its so empty at that stage. The pvp servers really don't make any difference because developers spend their time making sure you won't be doing much pvp. For example, at level 80 in WoW most player hot spots are marked as a "sanctuary" meaning once you enter the perimeter you can never fight someone there. Not to mention the infinite spawning guards that are practically immune and two shot you, even at the the island of Quel'Danas during the first expansion. Oh well, I guess this is why I moved on from these games.
  14. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    Ignorance is bliss. All I gotta say.

    I'm more of the casual gamer, and get in it to go and do some dungeons, quests, etc and it's nice not having to worry about PVP all the time for me. Frankly, when I have time to go on, I like just being able to do my thing and not having some dickhead from the other faction come and own me.

    I'm excited to get to the point where I can do things like 10-25 man raids. That stuff sounds fun for me. Doing it is a group is way more fun then just fighting random people. Guess that's why my first character is a healer.
  15. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    It's interesting to see someone on the brink of teetering into the abyss that is raiding. 10-25 man raids sound like a great fun time, and they can be. They can also be a tremendous pain in the ass, unless you have a forceful, charismatic leader, who also know what he's doing in that particular instance.

    Otherwise there's 20-45 minutes of getting everyone prepped to raid, 10-20 minutes to reprep after a wipe, lots of wipes if you don't know strategy, etc. A quality guild significantly reduces all of that. It's why it's generally better to go with an established guild than try and start your own. It's amazingly hard even get enough people to make a raiding party who are skilled, work well together, and play consistently. I was an officer for a top tier guild back when I still played, and it's what made me stop wanting to play. It ceased being a game and became work.
  16. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Man, WoW changed so much for me over the 4-5 years that I played it. I miss the days of leveling just for the fun of it and exploring the various zones and things like that. Now the only way I can keep interested is to do lots of raiding and min/maxing equipment and all that kind of shit, just so I can get those crits just a little higher., typing that made me feel really pathetic. Good thing I don't actually play anymore. (until Cataclysm comes out)
  17. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I too for some super retarded reason will be buying Cataclysm. I know its going to be exactly the same as the first two expansions, fun and somewhat fresh for about a motnh or two and then so fucking bland and boring I'll quit until 6 months later then quit again until the next expansion. Hopefully by then the new MMO Blizzard announced but didn't name will be revealed at this year's Blizzcon. Probably going to be WoW with lasers.
  18. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I almost never contribute here, I am pretty casual.

    I also didn't go back that far so I'm positive these games have been mentioned but:

    God of War III and Red Dead Redemption are two of the best games I have ever played, not just this year I mean EVER.

    Excellent gameplay, great story lines, almost flawless. GOW is actually better than the first one, I really loved the second so when i finish it i will make that call. For years I have said "why don't they make a Grand theft auto type game set in the Old West, or Midevil times" there you have it.

    Until I got these two games I was wasting my time with whatever sports game that was handy or Assassins Creed II (which everyone knows is ok, but the guys who run up to you and play guitar have to be killed every time causing problems)

    Anyway I have not left my basement in weeks.
  19. Rick M

    Rick M
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    Village Idiot

    Jan 13, 2010
    For everyone talking about different MMO's and their different flaws, I thought I'd just direct you to some articles about Guild Wars 2 that Arenanet is currently making. Namely, the ones about Dynamic Events and the Personal Story.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -overview/</a>

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -overview/</a>

    There's quite a few other articles to read on the site about other aspects of the game as well, so if those two interest you, I suggest you check them out.
  20. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Has anyone else played Super Mario Crossover? It's the original full Super Mario Brothers game but you can play as Mario, Link, Simon Belmont, Mega Man, Samus or Bill R (from Contra). And you're not just playing like Mario with a different image, Link has his sword, Bill has his gun etc. I've spent hours playing it as each character, it's a blast. They're also supposedly updating it on June 25th giving most characters upgrades (thank GOD he's fixing Belmont's jump).

    And adding Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.

    #1020 Frank, Jun 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015