I'm about 4 months late to the party on this one, but I enjoyed Little Big Planet and am constantly seeing features on new content available for this on IGN and other sites. The demo hooked me and I scrounged together enough money to buy it today. The creation & editing tools are easy enough to use that you don't have to spend hours to make a character, and like Little Big Planet, the community content is seemingly endless. All of that would be pointless if the gameplay was shit, but I can honestly say I dig this engine a lot more than the recent Mario Kart offerings. Buy this, and if you need a whipping boy (I suck) look for BAMF82 on PSN sometime.
I'm definitely going to pick it up, I've been dying for a Mario Kart with online that isn't shit. Soon as the price drops to where my cheap ass will grab it...
Anyone played Naughty Bear? <a class="postlink" href="http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductDetails.aspx?Product%5FID=76899" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.ebgames.com/Catalog/ProductD ... 5FID=76899</a> You're a stuffed toy bear that goes around stabbing, maiming, slamming others' heads into the BBQ grill, and lighting on fire. It has so much potential, yet my Blockbuster isn't carrying it and I don't want to sign up for an online service.
Gamespot gave it a mediocre review. It's still new enough that even if you can find it used at GameStop (I refuse to shop there myself but I wouldn't begrudge someone else), it is still probably really expensive. Because the reviews are poor, the price will probably bottom out soon though.
So it looks like I'm the only nerd that bought Dragon Quest IX the second it came out. It was actually kinda funny, the Gamestop I go to is in the same plaza as my BJJ dojo, and I went there immediately after rolling. I took the game box to the counter, had the guy look at me, look at the game, look at me again, and ask if I was buying it as a gift. I told him no, to which he replied that I just didn't seem like the kind of person that would pick up a DQ game. So that's good, I guess? I dunno. So far the game has been pretty good, although for some reason the character design seems EXTREMELY DBZish, even more so than DQVIII. It also seems like they put more of an emphasis on multi-player gaming. The story suffers a bit due to the fact that your whole party is player created, sans the main char (ala DQIII), so there's no backstory to your companions. I'm about 6 hours in, and it's enjoyable enough, but it doesn't seem to deep so far, although from what I hear there's a very involved quest system so hopefully that'll flesh things out a bit. The job system resembles the system in VIII, which wasn't great in my opinion, but I ddint hate it. Oh, and one big gripe. Only one save slot? Seriously? What the fuck?
I bought it. I was at Best Buy on Sunday morning when the store opened. Game wasn't even on the shelf and I wasn't the only person looking for it, so one of the employees had to go to the back and grab a few copies. He said he didn't even know that anything was being released that day. Unlike the Sunday when Mario Galaxy 2 came out, Dragon Quest IX was nowhere to be seen. I haven't had much time to play the game yet, but I'm liking it so far. I do like how your character's appearance changes with each piece of equipment. That's a nice touch. I don't, however, like the lack of random battles. Don't show me where the monsters are because I'll either avoid them out of laziness or the perfectionist in me will want to kill them all and that's kind of tricky when they keep reappearing. But while I'm talking about DQ... Square Enix, may I please have a DS port of Dragon Quest III, already? DS. DSiWare. WiiWare. I don't care. Just do it.
I just picked up NCAA football 11 last night and can't for the life of me figure out how to invite a friend to play against online. I can only do quick match and have x360 if that helps. It's really frustrating.
I'd like to get my ps2 dualshock 2 controllers to work on my ps3 and I've seen quite a few adaptors. I was wondering if anyone may have tried one of these with the multi tap as none of the descriptions I've seen mention their compatibility. Has anyone tried it?
I know this was brought up in January, but does anyone else use Gamefly and if so, does this still hold true? I really want to believe it's worth getting so I can stop buying video games that I play once or twice and never open up again, I've bought probably 10 games in the past year and the only one I can say I got my money's worth out of was Final Fantasy XIII. I'm getting picky in my old age and my tipping point was buying Red Dead Redemption, a game by all accounts I should love, playing it twice and letting it collect dust with the other games.
If I understand your problem/question correctly: Since I have a ps3 I could be wrong, but I believe you can go to the Xbox dashboard (or whatever it's called) and select your friend, then invite him directly from there, assuming you're both online, etc. The slightly more annoying way is to text him to join a public lobby that isn't as full (west 2 or something) and once you're both in, you can invite him from there.
You probably haven't entered your online code on the back of your game manual yet. You can't do anything online until you do so. Its lame and stupid, but I am guessing that is the problem.
Just bought Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II and it keeps crashing on my PC. I finally got it to where I can see the opening video but then it just stops working. I've tried what I can find online to fix it and apparantly its a fairly bugged game. Any thoughts on how to fix this?
I'm going to just drop this here. I saw this on N4G and it is fucking hilarious. Well done too. The weapons look real. It is a Metal Gear Solid and Modern Warfare 2 parody with the bad guy corporation being Activistsun. Main characters are Ghost and Old Snake. Pretty damn funny if you ask me.
Is anyone else as fucking excited for this game as I am? I'm excited for the single player campaign, of course, but I plan on getting into the multiplayer quite a bit. Anyone else gonna be playing? I would definitely like to play some games against some TiB members.
I'll be there first day, I'll post here when we get our names set up. I was in the beta for a while, so I'll probably run through the campaign once then stick to multiplayer.
I too will be picking up SC2 day one. I got into the beta during the first wave of invites and played it for about a month before getting bored so I don't really know why I'm going to buy it. The social aspects of it suck majorly with the lack of chat channels and the inability to view every league ladder (you can only see the group of 100 you and your friends are in unless they changed it recently). The game itself is a lot of fun though, but like any RTS game, you need to put tons and tons of time into it just to stop losing. The realid thing is also pretty dumb, showing your full name to strangers just to be able to talk to them through different games. Just because I played WoW with a few people for years doesn't mean I'd trust them enough to give my actual name to them. I don't even use fucking Facebook.
This is the first and only MMO that has looked even remotely interesting to me, and the fact that it is console based helps. I can honestly say there aren't a lot of games coming out the rest of the year that look interesting. This and the new Castlevania seem like they're the two I'm most anticipating. I really dig the Final Fantasy and Star Ocean games, and I've blasted through Dragon Age and it's expansion, Awakenings. I felt like I'd played them all, and I was looking for something new, so I recently picked up Resonance of Fate, which turned out to be shockingly good, even if it is pretty hard. The game really throws you head first into things, and the entire battle system is open from the beginning (unlike, say, Final Fantasy, where you don't get summons and other things until late in the game). The game really seems to make it a point not to sugar coat things, and until you get used to the unique battle system, the game is pretty tough. Once you figure it out, though, I find it is a blast. The battles are fast paced, and there is a good amount of depth to the whole system. The storyline is okay, and is told in Chapter form. There are apparently 18 chapters, and I'm through 11 of them, but I still feel like I barely know what is going on. However, the mission system keeps me fairly interested, and like I said, earlier, the battle system is tough, but it is fun once you figure it out. The dungeons and world map are totally unique compared to other games. The dungeons are really just one battle map after another, and I really enjoy that. Overall, I'd give it an 8/10. Not the greatest game ever, but if you're looking for a good, tough RPG, I'd recommend it. Just take the time to go to the arena and use the battle tutorial, and try to figure out the battles. Once you do, the strategy and planning is a lot of the fun.
I am really late to the game and finally got L4D after many moons of dying to play it. Ehhhh. Is it really just a run-n-gun? I have barely made it through one whole campaign mission and there doesn't seem to be much more to it than that. No bosses. No puzzles. No hidden items to find. It's not even really scary. Am I missing something? Is L4D2 any better?