I don't suppose anyone has a SC2 guest pass they are willing to part with? Just wanna try it before I drop 60 bucks on the game. Thanks
I think if you enjoyed the original, you'll love it. I'll shoot you a PM with a guest pass since I don't really see myself needing them for anything else.
Decided to finally sell my N64 collection, so I went ahead and bought my first 64 game from the Wii's Virtual Console this afternoon. Super Mario 64. I was pleasantly surprised at how crisp the game looked. Much better than playing it on the actual 64. And the GameCube controller is a pretty good substitute for the N64 controller.
Just got back from the Madden tournament that my store put on for the midnight release. My oldest participated and got his ass royally handed to him. From the general consensus of the other players, they've changed this one up quite a bit, not that that would have helped my son. He's never played Madden a day in his life.
I'll add myself to the SCII list when I finish work. For now... Any of you who are planning on playing Fallout: New Vegas, there have been a few updates. I'll summarize here: Voice Actors include: Ron Perlman - Narrator Matthew Perry - Benny (a smooth talking gangster) Kris Kristofferson - Chief Hanlon (a grizzled soldier near the end of his career) Renee Auberjonois - Mr. House (the owner of Vegas) Danny Trejo - Raul the Ghoul (gunslinging companion) There are a few others, and everything can be found here http://fallout.bethsoft.com/eng/home/pr-081010.php But the best news in my mind (I'm an old school fan of the franchise) is the return of Marcus from Fallout 2, with the same voice actor - Michael Dorn.
Because I am a little (okay, a lot) slow on the uptake, I have recently been informed that there is this fellow named Yahtzee Croshaw and he does hilarious video game reviews. If you have never heard of him, you are missing out! <a class="postlink" href="http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/ ... unctuation</a> Oh and hidden in the standard text disclaimers at the end of every video is some funny shit. Pay attention.
He's pretty funny, but his shtick gets old after a while. It's also impossible to take his overly negative criticism of good games seriously most of the time when it's obvious he sucks at/doesn't understand the genre, and because his own amateur games are so fucking awful.
Blockbuster is competing with Gamefly now And their prices are WAY lower. I was teetering on the edge of whether or not to do Gamefly because of all the horrible things I heard about availability, but damn, for the prices Blockbuster is charging I don't really care if it's that crappy. Just signed up for the 2 week trial. I really wish Netflix would jump in on this. Blockbuster doesn't even compare to Netflix when it comes to movies, especially with the free streaming feature (Blockbuster is pay per play). Oh well, I'll have to deal with 2 subscriptions until Blockbuster gets its shit together with movies or until Netflix jumps into the video game mix.
To the guy above about blockbuster competing with gamefly. I too liked the price of blockbuster so I signed up for the trial. I picked a few games for my list, mainly the big ones for 360, black ops, new Vegas, and halo reach. Soon after picking I realized that their lead time for shipping new releases is FOUR FUCKING MONTHS. Seriously that's a little rediculous. I'm no pro gamer but waiting 1/3 of a year to play the new game isn't worth it. Also I tried to get Metro 2033 just to try it out, a mediocre game released months ago had a low availability. Also the choices of games was underwhelming at best.
Yeah, I did notice that they don't get a hold of new games for a while (probably one of their cost cutting strategies), but I am so far behind in video games I wanted to try but didn't want to buy that I'm up to over 20 games that are available now in my queue. I wouldn't be surprised if I blow through them all inside of a year and cancel my subscription because all the games I want aren't available yet.
Board name = SCII ID & # * Benzilla = Benzilla 142 * Doormat = Deadlift 641 * MateFeedKillRepeat = VooDoo 409 * Parker = Parker 644 * Thorgouge = Thorgouge 833 * zwtipp05 = Stokes 497 * Fernanthonies = Fernanthones 412 * Douche Baggins = Dopefish 790 * Nalab = Nalab 662 * Spekkio = Spekkio 416 The new list, with me on it! I'm going to add all you newbs. Sorry but I have to brag, I'm a level 4 Diamond. I've only had the game 6 days.
What's with all the pissing in Heavy Rain? I've played the game for like a half-hour and have pissed twice and I didn't even get to shake it! I guess that's the closest I'll ever come to standing up to pee.
I need to get into the multiplayer much more. I've just been trying to finish up the campaign so far but I have been pretty busy lately so I am just now on the final mission...which is pissing me off to no end.
Interesting day at Gamescon in Germany so far. Resistance 3 & a new Rachet & Clank came were announced by Insomniac. Some Killzone 3 multiplayer was shown. Here's the live action Resistance 3 trailer, impressive. However, I think EA and Bioware just pissed all up in Microsoft's corn flakes though. EA announced the Special Edition of Dead Space 2 for the PS3 will come with Move-enabled version of the Wii's Dead Space: Extraction Bioware announced that Mass Effect 2 is coming for PS3 January 2011, which presumes that Mass Effect 3 will be no longer 360/PC exclusive.
Starcraft 2 Question. I've completed the third mission, Zero Hour, several times, to completion. It is not giving me the next mission though, and keeps saying I haven't completed it. Anyone have this problem, or any idea why it's happening?
The Metroid story leading up to Other M. Narrated by Samus Aran. Neat video, but it excludes the Prime series.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2010/08/blizzard-wins-88m-judgment-against-private-wow-server.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.virtualworldsnews.com/2010/0 ... erver.html</a> Ouch