Come GET some.... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -released/</a> I'll believe it when I see it.
It's funny because the creator of Duke Nukem , George Broussard, aka the guy whose excuse about the epic delay was, "there's a lot of mistakes and lessons we had to learn, but most of all, there's also been a lot of World of Warcraft," is acting extremely cocky on his twitter page ( ). Yes, congratulations, someone had to wrestle the game from your grasp after 12 years to finally finish it. You sure are awesome. Personally, I liked Zero Punctuation's take: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... em-Forever</a>
Duke Nukem Forever is Not Bullshit on IGN Xbox 360. It's worth posting the link just for this seemingly out of place quote: Anyway, sounds like a pretty standard shooter whose success will benefit from 12 years of anticipation and what I hope is not an outdated sense of humor.
* Benzilla = Benzilla 142 * Doormat = Deadlift 641 * MateFeedKillRepeat = VooDoo 409 * Parker = Parker 644 * Thorgouge = Thorgouge 833 * zwtipp05 = Stokes 497 * Fernanthonies = Fernanthones 412 * Douche Baggins = Dopefish 790 * Nalab = Nalab 662 * Spekkio = Spekkio 416 *sephedwards = sephedwards 287 Adding myself to the list. I'm only bronze league, but I'm looking to change that soon.
Finally got around to doing the 5 placement matches in SC2 for the 1vs1 league. Ended up winning 3 of 5 and getting placed in the gold league, which was way better than I expected I would do. I think I may have won 4 of 5, but the last round I played, the guy snuck a probe into my base without me seeing it, and started creeping mass cannons towards me. At that point there was nothing I could do. Won my first Gold League match too, I'm pretty pumped.
Just completed Metroid: Other M. Overall, with 100% item completion, took me about 15 hours to totally complete it. The controls actually seemed to get tighter as I played, but that may have something to do with getting used to them. I can see how people would be annoyed by them, but once I got used to it, running around and blasting people was a lot of fun. The storyline turned out to be okay, not anything great. Then again, Metroid games weren't ever known for their story. It does provide a little background for Samus. The rest is in spoilers in case anyone wants to play the game but doesn't want the story ruined. Spoiler The story started out as sort of like the movie alien, with Samus having to run around while everyone else is picked off one-by-one. By the end, it turned out the story was mostly an excuse to bring back Ridley, Metroids, and "Mother Brain", who had all supposedly been completely killed off at the end of Super Metroid. It also left it open for more sequels, in as much as "Mother Brain" (an AI, in human form, designed to telepathically control the Metroids, in the same way that the original Mother Brain controlled them) wasn't killed and there is no guarantee that all the Metroids were destroyed. One thing I have to give this game credit for is the boss fights. They were always fun, and difficult, without being impossible. One of the other complaints I've heard is that it is stupid that Samus has all of her powers, but she can only use them when one of the characters tells her it is okay. This is really just a way for the game makers to keep Samus from being way over-powered. By the time I fully unlocked everything, I was almost unstoppable. Screw Attacks killed just about anything in one hit, and what those didn't kill, Super Missiles and Super Bombs could easily destroy in one hit. Spoiler Far and away, the best boss fight in this game was against Phantoon. This takes place after you actually finish the main story. You return to the Bottle Ship (where the game takes place) and are basically given free roam of the place to collect the remaining items (some of which you couldn't get until you completed the game). The Phantoon fight was big and a lot of fun. A close second was the Ridley fight, which kept me running around. Overall, I maintain my previous review. This is a good game and a worthy sequel, and I'm glad they've gone to a 3rd person action/platformer instead of a FPS. My only real complaint, now that it is complete, is a lack of replay-ability. 15 hours seems somewhat short to be able to do everything, but otherwise it turned out to be a pretty good game. Now on to Dragon Quest IX...
Anyone here playing NHL 11? I just picked it up yesterday but have only played a couple games, so I can't give it an in depth review quite yet. I didn't play 10 and have been playing 9 pretty consistently for the past year or so, so 11 is a pretty big change and the comparisons I make are based on that. The pace of 11 seems to be a little slower and more deliberate/strategic (not a bad thing) and overall, it seems like it takes far more skill to play than 9 did. So far, I haven't picked up any surefire ways to score (deking the right way on breakaways and doing wraparounds from the right spot in 9 worked for me a good portion of the time, and I can't get those to work in this iteration). The new passing system is annoying at first, but after a game or two it gets pretty intuitive and really does make you think a bit more about what you're doing. Also, you can play as the London Knights, the best hockey team on the planet. If anyone wants to play on ps3, my PSN is Lahey.
Spoiler * Benzilla = Benzilla 142 * Doormat = Deadlift 641 * MateFeedKillRepeat = VooDoo 409 * Parker = Parker 644 * Thorgouge = Thorgouge 833 * zwtipp05 = Stokes 497 * Fernanthonies = Fernanthones 412 * Douche Baggins = Dopefish 790 * Nalab = Nalab 662 * Spekkio = Spekkio 416 * sephedwards = sephedwards 287 *rascuache = HoPE 771 Old BW player..trying to adjust to Sc2.
Same here, oldschool SC1 player trying to adjust. Rexmund = RexMundi #480 700ish plat, subject to change as I drink and play a lot.
100% and made it to the nearest navigation booth in 12:42:07. When I knew I was nearing the end of the game... Spoiler I kept expecting to have to fight the Mother Brain clone. I wasn't expecting a queen. That was a fun moment. Return of Samus was the first Metroid title that I owned and finished, so that was a fun throwback. All things considered, I loved the game. It was fresh and fun. Well done, Project M. I'll definitely play through the game again on Hard Mode. Spoiler And apparently on Hard Mode, there are no Missile or Energy Tanks. That'll be interesting.
I played some SC2 last night while I had been drinking for a bit. Played about 3-4 games and got completely dominated each embarrassingly so. So, no more playing SC2 while drunk for me!
Don't know what it is recently, but my 2v2 team has been getting its ass handed to us against Plat and Diamond players. We lose, watch tape, try again, and another ass raping. We've also begun watching with all the different scales on, like APM and all this stuff. I can't figure it out. If anyone wants go get some practice sessions in, it'll be great. The only person I've played with on this board has been Thorgouge, no one else seems to respond to invites or chats. \
Why do you lose exactly? Is it mid-game or early game? Give me some details, maybe we can find your flaw.
Here's a pretty funny satire of Starcraft:
I'm about to be going to the midnight release of Halo: Reach, I've never been to one before, but I heard for Halo 3 some people went all out and dressed up in master chief costumes and the like. I really hope people take it that far for Reach, I'm going to need some entertainment while in line. Here's to hoping that Reach isn't a crappy game like Halo 3 or ODST are.
Why do you think Halo 3 is crappy? I still play it all the time and love the multiplayer. Just curious.
It's absolutely killing me that I can't be in the US with my 360 for when Reach comes out. Guess I'll just have to get on with the business of living my life... Cult, if you played the multiplayer beta you'll know that Reach is a far different game from Halo 3 or ODST. The game plays kinda... crunchy. I like it.
Gameplay is way slower than the previous two titles. Gametypes where players start with assault rifles/pistols are horrifically bad, the spawning system leaves a lot to be desired, the ranking system doesn't consistently give good matches. Many of the weapons in the game are so weak they aren't even worth picking up a majority of the time. The worst part about Halo 3 is the maps though, they have no flow. All in all it could have been a decent sequel, but the maps were what turned the game from mediocre to bad for me. I still play it though. I'm a Halo fanboy, that and my XBL friends list is nearly exclusively populated by Halo players, most of whom I've been playing with for years. I played the Beta quite a bit. I was disappointed frankly. I've been keeping up with the changes they've made to core gameplay pretty closely though and I think all in all it will be a good game.
I closed the store tonight so I stocked all the Reach shelves (100 regs, 25 Limiteds, 4 Legendaries: 1 that had been pre-ordered and 2 of which the grinning DM strolled out with under each arm this afternoon, destined for another store or some such ridiculous bullshit). When I locked up at a little after 10, Gamestop across the street had a line at least 20 deep of gaming retards. My manager said that when it comes to big releases like this, Gamestop tends to not limit its pre-orders (that are non-refundable, BTW) so it can ostensibly have 500 pre-orders and get only 200 copies, leaving the overflow to come to us. Customers that are pissed that they are without a copy and are down 5 bucks for the privilege of standing in line for 2 hours and leaving empty handed. Yet another way Gamestop reams its lubeless customers. PM me if you want other examples of Gamestop's shady business practices.
I love Halo 3 with all of my heart and soul but Reach is pretty fucking awesome. Holograph class + all snipers = too much halo nerd awesomeness for my brain to handle. Dude, obviously you are entitled to your own opinion but I disagree with every party of your H3 review. "Gameplay is way slower than the previous two titles." Yeah, largely because they cut out glitches like super jumps, BXR, quad shots and all of the shit that made the game inaccessible to gamers who didn't want to devote a disgusting amount of time towards getting all of the glitches down with consistency. If you really find gameplay too slow try playing levels 40+ in the MLG playlist. You can hardly blink without a grenade being thrown at you. The SWAT playlist as a whole is non-stop action too. "Gametypes where players start with assault rifles/pistols are horrifically bad" Why, because you're bad at them? It means lots of close combat and constant battles for BRs, power weapons and power ups, and regardless, non-BR Team Slayer is vetoed 95% of the time. "the spawning system leaves a lot to be desired" I don't get this. I'm too lazy to find the article but the spawn system is intricate and about as unpredictable as you can get given map sizes. "the ranking system doesn't consistently give good matches" Only if you're in a party but to that extent I agree. "Many of the weapons in the game are so weak they aren't even worth picking up a majority of the time" Every weapon in H3 has a use if you, well, know how to use it correctly. Example: the dual spikers at elbow on Guardian. Close distance I fuck master chiefs up who don't know the purpose of those beautiful underutilized dual wields. "the maps...have no flow" Just like MW2, even in a fucking awesome game not every map can be perfect. However, in my eyes Construct, Guardian, Pit Stop, Narrows (the most heavily weighted maps) are seamless. If Pit Stop has no "flow" then I'd like to hear of a map that does. I just fundamentally do not understand most of your critiques. How much H3 have you played? Reach is pretty much Halo 3 and MW2's lovechild. I hope you can find it in your heart to embrace it.