Get them as you level up. Although you can get the base game and the first expansion in a battlechest now I believe for pretty cheap.
Battlenet has a special for WOW going. I bought the battlechest and Return of the Lich King for $20 bucks and just started playing. I'm going to get the new expansion when I do my Christmas shopping from Amazon.
So, Vashj'ir is by far my new favorite level. It seems like an awesome story and the environment is pretty kick ass. There's one problem: I'm stuck at 142 quests there. There is a quest: "Ascend No More!" that is bugged and completely stops the quest chains from progressing. Both my buddy and I are stuck on 142. We can't seem to find a way around it.
Anyobdy played the new NBA Jam on PS3? I used to love the original game on Nintendo way back when, does this do it any justice?
Nothing to do with NBA Jam, but sports games in general: NBA Live is always inferior to NBA 2K. In fact, 2K games >>>> EA Sports games in general. NFL 2K5, College Hoops 2K8, NBA 2K. The only good lines EA puts out are their NHL series and FIFA. That's it, pretty much. Everything else is worse than its competitor, or would be worse if EA didn't have an exclusive license (e.g. Madden, NCAA).
I watched the Gameplay and trailers for the classes of Diablo 3 last night. Fuck I can't wait. Looks like a really updated version of Diablo 2, thank god they didn't make it all cartoony like WoW. Barbarian and Demon Hunter look pretty much bad ass.
I did the first five or so quests in Vashj'ir, I thought it was okay at best. I'm not a big fan of the swimming mechanic, but I'll give it more time since there is an entire zone to go through. I've done most of my questing so far in Hyjal and I'm really enjoying it. Looking forward to Deepholm and the Twilight Highlands. Right now I just need to figure out if I want to buy master riding or wait a little longer. I have enough gold but just barely and it would leave me pretty much broke.
I think it does; I enjoyed it a lot. My only gripe is that it's hard as hell to see some of the power-ups on the court sometimes (not a problem in the original) and the CPU gets it too easily and cheaply (was a problem in the original) at times. Overall though, they replicated the experience nicely, and even introduced several cool new game modes. Definitely a worthwhile title.
I'm at Hyjal and the first couple of quests have been BORING. I've heard it gets much better but as of now (on my realm) Hyjal is overcrowded and annoying. I'm sure it will get better, I plan on doing that complete zone after I finish Vash. I wouldnt worry about the Master Flying yet. Plenty of time to do it. Archaeology is pretty interesting. It's kind've cool that you have to piece 25/30 things together to make something and you can just farm spam it like you can with the other professions. It will make it last a lot longer and be worth so much more when you get to the top level. Having a Holy Pally is epic for leveling. I essentially don't die and with a PVP build I can actually do enough DPS to tear down pretty quickly. I can imagine having a DK would be even better (or any other class that can self heal). I'm guessing if I specced into Prot Pally it would be even easier. It's really crazy how quickly some people got to 85. I know most of our realm-first achieves have been done as well (only a couple of professions to go).
Gameplay is really good, just like the original except it looks a lot better and the controls are a lot more fluid. Works best (by FAR) playing 2-3-4 player though, you go right back to trash talking like you used to. My big issue... as a kid I had it on the Genesis and would always be Seattle, I'd be Detlef Schrempf and have the computer play as Sean Kemp because Kemp was a beast on the boards and Schrempf absolutely drained 3s. So I started playing as OKC figuring once I unlocked Schrempf, I'd have Durant and Schrempf and be unbeatable. Then I unlocked Schrempf and... he's on fucking INDIANA because it's based on the goddamn arcade game. So I was stuck with a completely useless Russell Westbrook, who can't hit a shot, or Jeff Green who sucks at everything. So. Fuck that shit.
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, for late 2011... <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... irst-look/</a>
People are going ape-shit over new mats like Embersilk from the new zones. On my realm they're going for 7-10 a piece. That's a pretty ridiculous price considering they're just a trash mob drop. I've made tons of gold based on this fact (probably close to 600). It's not a bad idea to get leveled up to 83-85, go to one of the starting zones (Hyjal or Vashj'ir) and just farm the shit out of monsters for those things. You can get a stack in about 30-60 minutes if all you do is farm. That's about 200g in your pocket right there.
I'm lvl 84 right now on my DK. I'm just hitting Uldum now. We're supposed to get a big winter storm this weekend so I hope to hit 85 tonight or tomorrow if I don't go hit the bars tonight. 9.6 million XP from 84-85 though sucks. I'm not sure if I'll ever get the courage to level my other 7 toons from 80-85. I tank a lot of randoms and am enjoying the extra challenge though. I am on the servers Cho'gall and Bonechewer. I really wish I know how people were hitting 85 in under 24 hours. I know some people leveled fast with something to do with the guild XP but that got fixed. Still, others just outright leveled that fast.
God, I hate WoW. This thread is full of complete gibberish now. Take your Holy Pally and get out of here. Just... get out! *runs away crying*
Haha. It's funny because I always made fun of my cousin for playing. Then he got me to try it and I became hooked. It's just one of those games. Uldum is really really fun. Got about 20 quests done there last night. Tons of great rewards and XP there. I think the biggest thing to level quickly is to keep going to the new zones as quets/mobs give higher XP the further you go. The dungeons are way more fun now, they're actually challenging. I did stonecore for the first time last night, and lets just say as a healer, it is WAY tougher now. It's absolutely crazy. Granted, we were probably vastly undergeared but we wiped 3 times on the princess before we beat her. That would be unheard of in Wrath. Although, the one thing that still pisses me off is tanks not waiting for healers to mana. So take note. In one mob I'll generally burn through about 35% or so (15% if the tank holds all aggro, 50% if he doesn't). If adds come in, you can expect me to be below 30%. So make sure your healer is mana'd up, otherwise there WILL be a wipe.
Yeah, the mats and stuff in Cata are pretty ridiculous right now. I thought about buying some embersilk to level my tailoring but it was just outrageous. I did sell some volatile earth for 30g a piece though. Easiest 240g I ever made. I spent all day yesterday leveling in deepholme and it is a very awesome zone (I skipped the water areas for now). So far I'm pretty impressed with the quest flow and how it seems that they are really telling a single, cohesive story across the zone. At least that's how it was in Hyjal and that's how it seems to be going in Deepholme. I've only done Black Rock Cavern so far, but you're right about the instances being much more challenging. They have come up with some cool mechanics for fights and from doing BRC and reading about some of the others, there are no "tank N spanks" hardly at all anymore. I have a feeling that heroics are going to be a challenge.
"World First" 85 was achieved by some European bloke, about 5 hours after release. How? He simply flew out to Twilight Highlands with a raid's worth of helpers. He'd tag mobs, and the group would take them down en masse. Non-stop in a high-respawn area (keep in mind every other player was busy in their level-appropriate zones), the XP came fast and furious. Personally I'm having a blast doing it the old fashioned way. I've done Hyjal and Deepholme to completion, and just started Uldum (those two zones, plus dungeon XP were enough to get me to 84). The quest rewards are impressive, the quests themselves fun and worth the time. I'll get to TH when I'm good and ready.
Athene. He and his guildmates did the same thing in Wrath (and they got banned for a while because of it). They spend TONS of money on flasks, elixirs, etc to make sure they did it the fastest and quickest possible. How much fun was it tossing bear cubs out of the tree? Watching them fly end-over-end was fantastic. I'm at 83 right now but I really haven't progressed through the zones like I should (and I wasted a ton of time in Vashj'ir looking for quests that didn't exist). The quest rewards are pretty sweet too. I did stonecore once before I went to Uldum and once after. The quest gear I got from that made the second go around 100x easier (granted it was still a little difficult).