Not necessarily, the a fully filled rune page may give them an extra 100health points, 6% cool down reduction, 5% dodge, the masteries may build out to 4% damage reduction. Not insignificant but enough to tilt the tables in their favor. The biggest factor would keeping your character's level on par with the rest of the players in game. The items and character level are all started over each game, like DotA. It'll take around 200-250 games to get to level 30 unless you spend some money to buy the XP boost packages. You gain more XP for winning a game than losing even if you drag ass in a win and wreck everyone's shit in a loss.
I don't think this has been totally clarified but there are two leveling systems. Summoner Level - Effects points for Masteries, Rune Slots (also Rune Tiers), Summoner Spells. All of these apply to whatever champion you are using. Champion Level - Every match, this starts at level 1 for everyone, depending on how many kills on enemy minions or champions, you can level up way faster than anyone else and chances are you're not going to kill someone 2+ levels higher than you unless you catch them 50% less health or more unless they didn't buy any gear. Play the tutorial 5 times or more, then play "Custom" games with whatever available champions of different types. When you start playing, most of the people will be +/- 7 levels of you within your tier. Also, no one has mentioned this. The game will make an hour vanish so quickly. And rage-quitting is highly discouraged. Take your beatings like a man. Side note, I trashed talked a victory from the jaws of defeat last night. All lane turrets down, down 10 kills, their carry was 17/4/10 and it was a 4v3. He kept destroying me in mid lane, he kept saying things like "Pro tip this" "Pro moves Ezreal, you're so good" (I was Ezreal) I just kept saying things like "Is that all you got?" "Oh you must be doing so well because your adopted parents ignore you." "Do you brag to girls about your League of Legends skills?" "So hey baby, I was playing this Ezreal in League and he was so bad. What? Wait, why are you leaving?" After that last one, the hw got quiet, didn't talk for about 5 minutes. Then said "this nigga got jokes" and surrendered. Just kept up the clean trash talk, no swear words or anything. Sometimes you don't need to be better, you just need to break their spirits.
This game is awesome. Got my first 2 wins in a row today after 3 or 4 losses. I turned on my Master Yi, grabbed some +attack speed and life leech, and Highlandered my way through everything. My first win I was 11-0-0 and it kept telling me how legendary I was, which was sweet. There's definitely a bit of a learning curve though, my first few games I was getting crushed. Learning the items you want/order to get them in seems a bit more important than I'd like, but oh well. Also, at ~50-100 IP per game, it's gotta take FOREVER to unlock new guys. And then what happens if you spend your 6300 hard-earned points on someone who ends up sucking? Otherwise, though, very awesome. I'm awwwsnap13 there if anyone wants to make a group that won't quit halfway through. Probably won't be on again til next week some time though
The average game will last ~40 minutes. If your team is getting destroyed, you can start a vote to surrender after the 25 minute mark. The quickest game I've ever finished with 18 minutes. We had all the lanes' first turrets down in 12. Bum rushed the middle lane with everything and kept picking them apart 1 by 1 and finishing the towers. The combination of Sivir's ult (Increased attack speed and movement speed for nearby allies) and Taric's ult (increased Attack damage) means your team is unstoppable. However, I've been on both the winning and losing ends of 60+ minute games. Those are pretty rare though. Also, there is a +150 IP bonus for your first win of every day. A bonus for consecutive games finished, to cut down on leavers, caps at +23 IP. And a bonus for winning quickly or losing but holding out for a long time.
Insanely addicting and fun game. Thanks for the tip. I just picket up Sivir and after getting the +attack speed items on the recommended list, everything is just melting in my way.
Think we might need an LoL addicts thread to go with the CoD Addicts thread and give these people their thread back. Back to other games. I just beat KZ2, and if KZ3 wasn't around the corner, I'd be pissed about the ending. Then again, I played it on hard, and the last stage where you you're fighting Radec is so fucking hard I was happy after the 3 hours it took for me to beat it. Holy shit that stage is hard. Now I can move on to Dead Space or Red Faction Guerrilla.
I followed that 6 game win streak up with a 6 game awful loss streak. Bad decisions, way smarter enemies. Oh well, got a win with Blitzcrank grab-smash-silence combo of fun under my belt today.
No worries me and Leblanc picked up the slack. Fiddle should almost always defer the mid lane to Anivia though.
Anivia controls space better than most champions. Its pretty fucking sick. I've never used her, but she is pretty serious. Played with a guy that got her AP up to 720 or something sick. She nuked everything. I need to keep saving up IP to get Cassiopeia. She was awesome when I used her, I just am also trying to upgrade my runes to Tier 3 and that's hard.
What are you people even talking about? In real news, March is shaping up to be an awesome month for gaming; Shogun Total War 2 and Dragon Age 2. Goodbye sleep
Anyone playing DC Universe online? It looks awesome, but I am questioning whether or not I should invest in it. Not sure if it is worth the $15 a month price tag.
I loved Origins, never played Operation Flashpoint. I am a huge fan of the old Baulders Gate series, and fell in love with Origins. Then i went and bought Awakening and almost cried. There is alot of content in Origins, and different ways you can play, evil or good, the people in your party can leave if they dont like the way you are playing, or if they do like the way you are playing, you get little perks. If you do everything i think it is like 50-60 hours, really cant remember been way to long. So then i went and bought Awakening, same price as the original game, thought i would get some good amount of hours out of it, i hit 15 hours, and all the sudden the game ended. Really fucking shitty.
I have $25 left on my Best Buy gift card and I'm debating what I want to get more: (a) Civilization V, (b) Assassin's Creed II, or (c) Bioshock (the first one). I do love me some turn-based strategy, yeppers...
I've written about AC2 before and how disappointing it was, but Bioshock was good, and Civ 5 was alright. If you're into turn-based strategy, check out Spectromancer, by the way.
Speaking of Turn-based Strategy, check out the Jagged Alliance series. They're all available on The first Jagged Alliance and Deadly Games are a good introduction to the series and quite fun on their own. However, they pale in comparison to Jagged Alliance 2, which has sucked up nearly a hundred hours of my time. The depth in the game really brings out the need to use strategy and keep an eye on everything that's happening. I usually write notes for myself during combat phases just to keep a step ahead of the AI which is pretty solid in itself. They do have their downsides though, one of which is a counter-intuitive control system, which requires some serious practice to get down pat. That, and gameplay can get tedious when you're just mopping up an area.