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the be all end all video game thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by hawt, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. bukowskionice

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've got to add to the Dead Space 2 love here. I was kind of lukewarm on the first game, but it seems like the developer went back and played Bioshock and Silent Hill 2 in between DS1 and DS2 and the latter absolutely reflects it. There are some serious "Oh, shit..." moments, and the approach to cinematography during the brief in-game cut scenes is just awesome. And for that matter, if you have an iPhone, definitely check out the new Dead Space app. Effing awesome.

    And thanks for Uncle Same, I'm finally upgrading to a 27" iMac from this piece of shit laptop I'm currently using, which finally means the ability to run Starcraft II! I played the bejesus out of the first one, and have been dying to get into this ever since release day. Can any of you guys recommend a good site with info/strategies to get up to speed on the game? I remember the first SC had a number of great resources out there that really broke the game down like a goddamn chess textbook.
  2. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    Alright, I've determined he's only absolutely awesome only when he has a decent ranged dude with him in a lane. If the two of us can get the first couple kills in on the guys in our lane, then we're unstoppable. I just finished a game where I went 7-1 (enemy surrender) and was top of my team, but the awesome thing was, about 12-15 min into the match, we were already hitting their second turret and my partner and I had about 5 kills between us.
  3. PenetrationStation

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Parker and I have been running some 5 v 5 games in the afternoon and night CST, if anyone else wants to join in just add us and msg me. Here are the names again for reference:

    Parker: Javane in LoL
    me: Solcon in LoL

    I've seen HotWheelz on a few times but haven't been able to catch him when we were both out of games. Would be awesome to get a 5 v 5 premade going sometime this weekend.
  4. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for $10. I love me.

    I loved AC2. I blew through it in a week because I found it so compelling. There's more depth to Ezio than Altair, and the gameplay was greatly improved from the first game. Can't wait to see how Brotherhood shapes up. Also, I'm itching to play the multiplayer. It looks fun as fuck. If anyone else plays, get at me on Xbox. Gamertag: AMAZINGOSAURUS.
  5. hotwheelz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I suck, but I'd be down.
  6. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Assassin's Creed II is awesome. The only thing I don't like about it is that after awhile all the optional side missions for gold become pointless because your property will give you enough money in an hour to buy whatever you want if you upgraded it fast enough. I love the storyline and it makes me want to go to Rome so badly.

    I just started Dead Space, the first one. I decided sometime last year that since I've been gaming since Altered Beast came out for the SEGA Genesis I should play games on hard. Then I popped in Dead Space. Fuck that. Any game that limits my ammo I cannot play on hard. It says shoot limbs, I shoot limbs and I still get ass raped, because I run out of ammo. I'm an hour in and I'll probably start over on medium, but I want the trophy for hard. Maybe I'll man up.

    LoL been fun. Its hard playing that game sometimes because I've been getting into games with a bunch of people from different countries who are having full blown conversations in their native tongue during game and never listen when its time to push and end the game. I've only ran into this after getting into the top tier. Also, anytime I hear some shit on TV about children being pure and innocent and they need to be protected from the world need to play computer games. The filthy crap these 10 year olds say when they lose a game is terrible Just terrible.
  7. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I could be in the minority here, but I never, ever play games on hard/veteran/difficult on my first playthrough. Then it just feels like work. I usually put it on medium, so I can chill out and take in the story and the environment. If the game is good enough for multiple playthroughs, such as Mass Effect, I may put it on hard, especially if an achievement/trophy is at stake. That way, I know what to expect and can at least plan accordingly. When it's my first time playing and I'm going in blind, I don't need a high difficulty setting to take away the fun. I'm too much of a tryhard as it is.*

    * If you've ever played Black Ops with me online, you know exactly what I mean.
  8. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    Alright I just started playing LoL. Seems like a pretty addictive game. I've been doing bot skirmishes to get better. My online name is HammsBurgler. I have a Ventrillo server also.
  9. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Brotherhood has an excellent remedy for this. Side missions, so far as I can tell, do not exist. No assassination or courier contracts have popped up on my screen yet. Also, treasure boxes contain miscellaneous items, in addition to florins, which are necessary to unlock certain weapons, under a feature called 'shop quests.' This means you'd have to bring back a certain number of various items before said weapons are available for purchase. It gives the player incentive to hunt down those boxes since they now serve a purpose, though that can be a pain in the ass at times. The boxes are no longer cluttering up your map, but you now have to find them if you want certain shit. It's a double-edged sword (see what I did there?). You can also upgrade certain things right away, such as a smoke bomb pouch from the tailor for 9200f. It saves you from having to wait until an arbitrary point in the game before you're able to use smoke bombs (which I love to do).

    The property acquisition aspect of the game is more engaging and practical, as well. Rather than talk to some dude while looking at a scale model of the city, you physically go up to shops and choose to upgrade them, which then add to your income. It feels more natural for it to be set up that way. Blacksmith and art shops don't exist until you upgrade them; until then, they just appear boarded up. They've also added banks, which you can then go to throughout the city to look at your property records or collect income. These things also remove the pesky multiple trips to your villa when you want to renovate something or withdraw your money, because you're already there in the city to do so.

    Speaking of the maps, I really wish the developers would add a little color to them. Say, blue for water, green for grass, brown for roads, gray for big fucking city walls that are impossible to climb, etc. Doesn't have to be bold colors; a slight tint would be fine. It's not just for aesthetics, but it'd make the map a bit easier to follow.
  10. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Oh, those side missions exist. They are split into three groups:

    Thieves Guild contracts (usually the races and protection missions)
    Courtesan Contracts (beat 'em up missions, follow missions)
    Assassination Contracts (find targets and kill them)

    You have to do some stuff to unlock these, but they're definitely in there. The entire "training assassins" thing is a little mini-game, too, so there are plenty of side missions to do, if you want.

    There aren't really any great rewards for completing those side missions, though.
  11. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ah, so I was mistaken. My bad, I'm still quite early on in the game. I just now completed the part where
    you renovate the brothel and view the courtesan missions that Claudia drew up,
    so I spoke too soon.
  12. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Some of those missions are fun, others are tedious (I fucking hate race missions), but like I said, for the most part they aren't necessary.

    One thing that sort of annoyed me was when I realized that getting 100% memory synchronization wouldn't get you a trophy or achievement. Didn't make much sense to me, as that was something to shoot for (and I was always redoing missions to get 100% sync, just because I am a perfectionist).

    I do have to say, though, there are side missions in this game that are a fucking blast. Those are the:

    Leonardo's war machines missions. One involves rolling around in a renaissance-era tank and blowing shit up, while another involved use of the flying machine again. Those missions stood out as the most fun and original missions in the game, plus they give good rewards, by allowing you to buy more items from Leonardo.
  13. shauncorleone

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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 12, 2009
    Has anyone played the Bulletstorm demo? It's a blast to play, and my faith in Epic Games is allowing me to overlook the potential of it being easy and repetitive. I'm definitely planning to play through a few more times to discover other creative ways to kill people.
  14. YCOSeth

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 9, 2009
    San Fran
    What! No one told me there was LoL talk on this thread.

    My name is ycoseth, feel free to add me. I haven't been playing a ton recently but it's easily one of my favorite games.

    I'm glad they are buffing Renekton in tomorrow's patch. He's one of the most fun champions I've played but he was on the weaker side, so tweaks would be welcome. Riot does a great job of managing the power level of the game, I can't think of anyone I consider grossly 'overpowered' or 'broken'.
  15. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    All this LoL talk is really making me want to check it out. I loved playing DotA back in its prime, so I know I would enjoy this. I'm so caught up with WoW at the moment though, when I'm in these WoW phases it's hard to focus on anything else.
  16. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I have and I liked it. I'm not sure if I was bad at it or there weren't that many combos in that section of the game. I'll keep going back and playing it. Its one of those games I feel would be great 6-7 months from now for $40.

    How many more people do we need for an LoL Addicts thread? I think we're up to 10 people now?
  17. SMUGolfer

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Chantry boards, mage's guild, and any other side quests are huge in terms of leveling up. When you level up, already know how you want your character to play (brawling soldier, badass mage, slick rogue) and build up those skills (as well as health). Lastly, if you aren't going to be a mage; be a soldier who has good shield skills. Don't worry about dual wielding or two-handed weapons, once you know what you are doing they are fun-but not before.

    The overall goal of your group should be that they complement your weaknesses, which allows serious ass-kicking because every facet of combat is taken
  18. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    I played through it a couple times. The story line mimics Lord of the Rings, it's kind of funny. Playing as a Mage is probably the easiest because you aren't in the thick of the battle and can be far away from a lot of damage. For that, area effect spells are probably the best things to use when you have your tank surrounded by all the enemies for obvious reasons. Don't be afraid to run around and "kite" the enemy shooting spells or hitting them then running and healing with your stockpile of healing potions. And get a stockpile of healing potions. Look online for help on how to unlock all the playable characters besides the obvious one's that join your party, the rock dude is an awesome tank, and the healing mage is money.

    I usually used my group of me as a mage, a healer, and the tank who takes all the damage and I beat the game with this combo.
    I played a rogue for about half the game but it got incredibly difficult to defeat the large groups of enemies without the Area spells mentioned above.

    I haven't played the game in about a year, and that's the gist of what I remember. I'll have to pick it up again and play this weekend.
  19. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    To agree with what a lot of people said, a high DPS (damage per second, guys whose job is to dole out the damage) rogue build is fun to play with, but very tough. I made the mistake of doing my first play through as a DPS/two-handed rogue. This requires you to be VERY smart about who else you bring along. In my case, I always made sure to have a tank who was maxed out with shield skills, a healer (this is a requirement for a DPS rogue build), and either a mage or rogue that attacked from a distance (in my case, I used a rogue with bow skills).

    The chanter's board is exceptionally helpful, but thinking ahead when building a character is very important. If you're going for a tank, build up their shield skills. The other important part is to know what YOUR build is going to be, and build your other characters to compliment it. If you're going to make your main character a healer, try to build your other mages towards damage (although two healers can be helpful if you're struggling). Here was how I did things:

    1 warrior character was a tank, with huge build in shield and defense
    2 warrior characters were DPS warriors, who had two-handed weapons and those skills. The only difference was the armors I used for them
    1 rogue (main character) was a DPS character who used dual wield weapons. Focus on skills that increase critical hits/backstabs, as those make the character a beast in terms of dealing damage
    1 rogue was a distance attacker with a bow. This character stayed back and just fired away with the bow and arrow and used skills that disabled and paralyzed enemies
    1 mage was a damage dealer, and she just fucked shit up when I really needed help
    1 mage was a healer. I used my healer way more than my damage dealing mage. I gave her one or two attack spells just to keep her useful when everyone else was full health
    1 rogue was also a dual wield DPS character, making the character redundant and meaning I never, ever used him.
    I, personally, found the dog useless, except as occasional comic relief in the camp.

    Also note that relationships are a big deal, as is building your relationships. Improving relationships can improve different character stats, and if your relationships are bad, characters will leave or not follow your directions. Also, if you build some relationships high enough, you unlock some side missions that net you some pretty good weapons/armors. Finally, if you're a female character, you can have hot lesbian sex (and as a male character, you can have some dude-on-dude love, if you're into that sort of thing).
  20. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Had me a little 'lol' moment playing AC: Brotherhood today. At the end of a conversation between Ezio and Machiavelli,

    Machiavelli points to Ezio and says, "I plan to write a book about you someday," to which Ezio looks over his shoulder and replies, "Well, if you do, keep it short."
    Made me chuckle.

    On the topic of putting historical characters in the AC games, I really like it. You get to see their personalities and philosophies fleshed out in a way that you wouldn't necessarily find in books. You don't see much, but you get a glimpse. That's the awesome thing about video games that you don't see in other mediums.

    That said, I'll get off my soapbox and back to the asskickery.