My PS3 died today. I have received the YLOD. I'm very upset. I was in the middle of Infamous. This couldn't come at a worst time. Its the snowpocalypse outside in Chicago, and I start my career/life in less than two weeks. I'm never going to catch up on the games I want to catch-up on if I ever want to have sex. I'll have to send it into Sony, probably pay upwards of $180 cash and buy/return (rent) an HDD from Best Buy because after repair the PS3 automatically reformats and I don't want to wipe my 400GB HDD. Looks like I'll have to whore LoL and play through Mass Effect 1/2 again. I could also beat Crisis Core and Star Ocean on PSP but that's only so much. She lasted 4 good years without problems. Now she needs some work. Goodbye two weeks of solid gaming.
I just had this problem, so some advice: First, if you still have your original HDD, put it back in. If you can still get on the system and back up the HDD, I highly recommend it. When I called their customer service, they told me that it is 'standard procedure" to throw away any HDDs that weren't factory standard. In other words when I went to send it in, I was informed that my HDD would be thrown away. The reason they do this is that they don't actually fix your system and send it back, they accept your system and send you a replacement of the exact same model. That is why/how you lose your info on the HDD, but also how the turn around is fairly quick. This was an issue for me because some of the screws in my 500GB HDD were too tight to get out, and became stripped, so I couldn't get my 500GB hard drive out. I ended up calling customer service and explaining the situation. After talking to the customer rep for a bit, he put in a special note on my service request to return my HDD, and told me to note the same thing. I wrote a fairly long note explaining the situation on the back of the packing/service request slip that I packed with my system, included the original HDD separately, and prayed that they'd send my HDD back. I got lucky, in that they did return the HDD. In fact, they sent back the entire HDD tray because they couldn't get it out, either. The bad news was the HDD still somehow got wiped. The GOOD news, though, was that I now have two HDD trays, so if it ever fucks up again, I can put the standard 40GB HDD back in, tray and all, and I won't have to send in the 500 GB HDD that I bought. Long story short: call customer service, explain the situation, get a special note put in, and put a note of your own in, that it is important to you that you get your HDD back. Otherwise, there is a very good chance you won't see it again. One more thing: there are cords and devices you can buy that allow you to hook a laptop HDD up to a computer as an external hard drive. You can do this to back up your information. I found a pretty cheap one on, but the quality of the thing is kind of crappy (you get what you pay for). Get one of those and back up the HDD before you send it in. That shouldn't be a problem as it'll take a few days to get you the box to pack your system in for servicing.
I actually have the old HDD that I'm going to put in and send it with. So I won't have to worry about being totally fucked. I just hope the new PS3 knows to accept the new HDD and doesn't completely fuck up all my saved games where I've put in hours of time. I can't access the HDD at all. It simple goes from redlight off, to green, then yellow, then to flashing red. Nothing ever registers on screen and I can't get the disc out either. I'll definitely call them and make sure they send me my fucking game disc back and not a voucher for the online either. I'm just sad it happened.
It won't recognize your HDD, it'll format it, and you will lose those games. It formatted mine, too. I only know everything was gone because I'd hooked it up to my computer and there were no save files or any other files found on it. You're going to have to find a way to access the HDD through your laptop to back everything up, because otherwise you're pretty fucked.
For those of you still on the fence about buying a Wii, Sport's Authority has the console on clearance for $80 in stores. It's really surprising but it's been confirmed a few deal websites as of yesterday. I'm sure most are sold out by now, but maybe someone here will get lucky.
I actually went on their website and saw this. Am I reading that right? $30 for a Wii console? Or is it just for the skin? It seems like it's for the console but it just seems too good to be true.
That's actually just for the skin, but in their physical stores you can find them for $80 at most stores throughout the country. I have yet to check mine out personally, but know some people on other forums that already bought out every Wii they could find at their local store to resell.
Upon further review, I'm a fucking moron. Edit - To be fair to me though, who the fuck would pay $30 for something to decorate a video game system?
So with all of this shitty weather going on right now, and with my Car in the shop at least until tomorrow probably, I am stuck staying at my girlfriends apartment. She has a new TV so I brought my ps3 over so we could watch blurays, but I don't really have any good ps3 games that I haven't played. Question is, does anyone have any suggestions for good PSN games? I tried the demo for Pixeljunk Shooter, and I'm thinking of buying that one, but I'm curious if there is anything good out there that I don't know about. I have already played Braid on my xbox. Any suggestions?
The fouir best games I've played have been Bionic Commando Rearmed, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Mega Man 10, and Bionic Commando Rearmed 2, in that order. All four are throw-backs. Rearmed is a remake of the NES game, with a few additions (and it is tough). Scott Pilgrim is an old-school beat 'em up, in the vein of the double dragon and Final Fight games. Mega Man 10 is a blast if you like old-school mega man games, and Rearmed 2 is good, but nowhere near as good as the first.
Bionic Commando Rearmed? I know people who loved the original on the NES that hated both those sequels. I hated them, too. They're shovelware garbage. Save your money. Despite how awful both the movie and comic were, the game "Scott Pilgrim" was legitimately good, although it has nothing to do with Final Fight or Double Dragon. Instead, it's a tribute to "River City Ransom" in everything from the graphical style to the weapons to the RPG-style leveling up. Megaman 10 was okay; I liked Megaman 9 a little more.
Battlefield 1943 is a fun arcade style shooter. It should be pretty familiar if you've played any of the other Battlefields. It should be about $15 and consists of 3 maps, 3 classes, and 1 game mode but it's definitely worth it if you were a fan of 1942.
Well, I'm doing it again.... back to the online MMORPG thing. Except I'm not doing it massive. I've been playing there for four years. Figured I'd throw it out, since people are talking about classic games... it's a completely custom server, based on the original (think 1999-2000) Everquest client. If you ever played EQ (before it was dumbed down to be a WoW clone), this is the original client. Except GM's & Dev's that give a shit, completely custom content, and only about 400 people on at peak times. One of the things I love about it is the GM's/Dev's give a shit. You won't see the kiddie spam in /ooc, they actually enforce the naming policy (no shamans named Dancingbearman), etc. Oh, and it's free, once you get your hands on a copy of EQ (need expansions up to titanium, can find on Amazon for like $10). No monthly subscription. They do take donations to keep the server going, but they don't bug you about it. Shards of Dalaya Oh, forgot to add, if you decide to check it out, PM me. I've been there long enough can probably help twink you some (if anyone actually plays these games, you know what I mean).
For you PS3 players out there, the Killzone 3 open multiplayer beta went live today. I played it for a while in the closed beta and it is a lot of fun. The controls still feel as weird as they did in Killzone 2, but I still manage to destroy shit with the standard bullpup rifle. You can also play it using the Move controller if you actually bought that shit. edit: Scratch that about the controls. Five minutes of playing the open beta and you can tell they altered the shit out of the goofy weighted controls. It's not perfect, but it is still a billion times better than KZ2 and the KZ3 beta.
I'll give you three, they might be tough to find since they were released a loooong time ago. Pain - Essentially you treat a guy like shit. The whole purpose of the game is to slingshot your character into an environment and cause as much destruction and pain to him as humanly possible. You get multipliers for things like hitting more than one object, cars etc. Any game that has The Hoff as DLC can't be bad. Girlfriends love it cause it's simple and highly entertaining. The Last Guy - A quirky zombie game. Uses Google maps or something similar as the levels. Basically a zombie outbreak has taken over the world and it's up to you to rescue survivors and get them to a safe zone. EchoChrome - Basically this game is a tribute to M.C. Escher. You have to navigate your character through levels inspired by optical illusions and some of the tactics used in Inception.
I've been playing the beta over the last couple of days and been underwhelmed so far. This is my first killzone game and I'm finding it to be very frustrating. The weighted controls get annoying as I try to get around corners or try to sprint out of a firefight only to hit a wall and get stuck. The class that lets enemies disguise as friendlies is really pissing me off. I've reached a point where I will melee friendlies just to make sure they are actually on my team. Some will say that my frustrations arise because I suck. There may be some truth to that, nevertheless, I will most likely be cancelling my pre-order. For me, this isn't worth 50 bucks.
This shit is not Call of Duty. If that is what you're used to then just walk away. KZ 3 has been about real heavy combat. The transition between the two games can be hard, but taken on its own and given time, its excellent. It is a much slower and more tactical game.