Downloading League of Legends right now, I'm gonna give it a try this afternoon. Anyone have any pointers for a beginner? (I did play some DotA back in the day.)
Play the training rounds a bunch of times before you actually play other people. It'll allow you to get the hang of what's going on in the game with minimal reprecautions. It'll give you a chance to see what characters you enjoy playing and what items they need to be successful. Also, check out their forums online for guides on how to play a champion once you pick a good one or two that you want as your main guy(s). And just keep playing, the more you play, the better you get. And add us, my name's devildogkill, there's knoatown, thachowda, javane, and a few others I can't remember off the top of my head, like wheelz's name, etc.
I'm level 10 in LoL now, my name is HammsBurgler. Just started playing last week. I bought Sion the undead champion today and he's badass. I do have a question though. If I buy the full version of the game do I get all the characters and skins?
You're playing the full version of the game. To unlock everything you can either play to get IP points or buy riot points. Both of those act as virtual currency in the LoL store.
Yeah I got that, was just wondering if I actually bought it they would all get unlocked. Maybe I'll have to drop 20 bucks down on some points. You can buy the game for under 20 bucks though so I was wondering if I was better off going that route.
Nah, if you buy the game, your're actually paying for some champions (20 I think), a few skins, a few runes and some riot points. You won't get everything unlocked and actually buying everything will take a hell of a lot more that 20$. I guess it actually is cheaper to buy that instead of just spending money purely on riot points when starting out though. Someone on amazon posted this in a review: Game Contents: ---Access to the Beta (No Longer Applies) ---$10 of Riot Points for use in the store ---4 Summoner Runes Greater Mark of Malice (Improves your critical chance) Greater Seal of Vitality (Increases your health per level ) Greater Glyph of Knowledge (Increases your mana per level) Greater Quintessence of Revival (Decreases your Death Timer) ---20 Playable Champions The actual champions that we are including in the collector pack are: Alistar Amumu Annie Cho'gath Evelynn FiddleSticks Janna Kayle Malphite Morgana Nasus Rammus Ryze Sivir Teemo Tristana Tryndamere Veigar Warwick Zilean
I'm on League of Legends if anyone want to get a game going. I'm not great at the game, but I would like to play with people who are actually good. My name on there is ElAhraihrah
LoL Addicts Parker - Javane PenetrationStation - Solcon HotWheelz - TheWheelz Konatown - Konatown Artic-Scrap - Hammsburglar Lindgren - ElAhraihrah Diablo - Devildogkill AwwwSNAP - AwwwSnap13 Likwid - LikwidNinja Franks n Beans - ? Celos - ? Anyone else?
YCOSeth - ycoseth (tricksy, I know.) I just added a smattering of people from the board, feel free to invite me whenever I'm on, usually I'm solo queueing
I have a ventrillo server to use as soon as I can remember the password. It's a friends and he's deployed so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get it from him. It's kinda funny, a couple of my friends and I always use it but no one remembers the password so we can't invite other people in.
A fed Master Yi is a BEAST. Just had a game where, thanks to an opponent playing Ezreal very safely, gold and xp were coming pretty easily. By the time I had my full gear bought (damage stuff), I could just run into a fiddlesticks ultimate and walk away with a kill and an ~85% full health bar.
So I'm thinking about picking up a used PS2. Is there a good place to get cheap games? Alternately, does anybody have a bunch of PS2/PS1 games lying around that they want to sell me?
Ya know, playing around with Blitzcrank is fun. Playing Teemo and building him as a tank is a good laugh. But nothing is more fun than just raping mid, getting 3-4 kills on their mid champ and forcing him out of the lane, getting both turrets down before the other lanes get 1 down is just awesome.
This gave me a geek-boner. Dark Souls Q&A. Dark Souls is going to be a spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls, and I can't fucking wait. I absolutely LOVED Demon's Souls, no matter how much I was massacred repeatedly. This game is supposedly (according to developers anyway) going to be even more difficult. Given how much I enjoyed Demon's Souls, this has quickly jumped to being my most anticipated game of the year.
Fucking Demon's Souls. I went through that entire game and enjoyed all of it, and then the final boss absolutely fucking destroyed me. I still to this day have not beat that game. Still a great game though, and I will definitely check out Dark Souls.