I have to assume you mean the false king, because the 'final boss' of the game is actually the easiest "boss" fight in the entire game. The False King took me forever to get past, myself. First time I had to get help, but I did beat him alone once. I've always focused on building a character that is good from a distance, though, so I was able to stay away from him and just pepper him with spells and arrows until I took him down.
Yeah, it was the false King, I just assumed he was the final boss. I seem to remember my character being more of a magic user, or maybe a melee/magic hybrid, but it seemed that I could never stay away from the guy long enough to do any damage, and he would beat me in less than a minute. Having to run back through the level every time also really pissed me off, so I eventually gave up.
It's all about when you release your shot. When it's green it means your released it perfectly. Depending on the shooter changes how long to hold it, but you want to release at the top of the shot for the most part.
Let me know how the two stack up once you get some time into it. NBA Live was the only sports video game Ive ever put time in on as my roommates always had it and we used to play all the time. I was planning on getting NBA Elite (Live 11) but EA canceled it. Ive heard that the 2k games are supposedly better. In other news Guitar Hero as a franchise is dead. Surprising since these games were pulling in billions. I think they muddied the game by releasing 80 different derivatives every other month. It's only a matter of time before Activision ruins CoD by doing the same thing.
I'm a big fan of all the NBA series games; Jam, Live, and 2k. I probably liked the early to mid 2000s Live games the best, but 2k is also a very good, worthwhile series. Kubla Kahn, I would definitely give it a shot.
The graphics are phenomenal. I just wish there was a quick tutorial to run through the moves, but apparently, most people have been playing this thing since 2k7 or something, and the controls haven't changed from year to year. The computer steals every fucking pass that isn't perfect though, I've noticed that. Where NBA Live seemed to hardly ever steal a pass, the AI on this one goes after every single thing. Even playing on rookie is tough while I'm trying to get used to the controls. What is "shot/dribble modifier"? I've hit the button, doesn't seem to do much.
Go into practice mode and read the tutorial info at the bottom of the screen. It shows you how to do all the dribble moves, shoot floaters, use hop steps, etc. Also, really recommend running plays. They have the playvision option so you can see how each play is run. Most of them are either isolations, screen and rolls, or a down screen/staggered screens for a shooter. It should make it easier to pass to guys when you're not having to throw skip passes through 3 defenders.
Aftering being a NBA Live whore for years, even playing the NBA Street series up to Homecourt which sucked donkey balls, 2K is fucking hard. I still haven't been able to close out a game. Even on the lowest setting I've had problems beating Toronto with the Lakers or Boston. You really don't get a lot of fun breakaways and as 100 said you must have perfect passes. The thing that gets me is I know its me and the game is nearly perfect. I've seen my friends play and they have it all under control. So it hurts your self-esteem but you just gotta keep playing.
So I just got a PS3 a week ago. I fucking lost a weekend to Heavy Rain. I can't play it again because I feel as if I'd be rewriting a book I had already read. I'm kind of curious anybody else here has had an experience like that.
I"m pretty sure everyone who completed Heavy Rain felt like that after their first play-through, myself included. Didn't stop me from waiting a few days and seeing if I could do things differently. Spoiler Especially since my first play-through I took the Cowards door on the electric room, jumped out of the window with Madison instead of hopping in the fridge, and generally fucked up most of the major decisions.
Funny thing is the people that created Heavy Rain don't want people playing it twice. They want you to play it once and for that to be "your story."
I've been doing the tutorials... I figure I'll spend the next month doing that, then maybe I can play a game where I shoot over 8%.
I decided that I'm going to pick up Little Big Planet 2 and an extra ps3 controller after work today so The Girlfriend and I can play together. This will be the first time I will try to share my gaming habits with a significant other. I think LBP is the perfect game for it too, anyone else played it yet?
Yeah, it's just as quirky and fun as the original. Plus as the commercial says, you'll never really beat it with all the user created content coming out daily for it. It also holds the distinction of being one of the few games my fiancee can stand to play and actually enjoy. At least she did until I discovered the backhand and would chase her around the lobby and maps pimp slapping her Sackboy with mine. Avoid that.
Seriously? How do you backhand? My girlfriend and I play the first one and when I get bored I just chase after her sackgirl and try to sackrape her with R1.
Also, whatever you do, DO NOT PLAY WITH PEOPLE THAT HAVE PLAYED IT BEFORE. You will throw your controller against the wall. It really pushes in the point that "This is your fault you're losing, it's all you fault. You should know basketball better, it's all your fault you're losing by 30 in the first quarter and you have scored 3 points, 2 of those being from free throws." You don't play 2k11, it plays you.
No shit. I try to make plays like I would in a real game, and it just won't let me. Usually games are relaxing, but this one is starting to fucking piss me off.
I will say this: Gary Payton alley-oop to Shawn Kemp works really well. I did that about 6 times in one game.