Why? Just because he might lose badly? I'm sure $100T2 is an adult and won't throw a temper tantrum like a little toddler. In fact, that's what I would recommend; play NBA 2k against someone that knows the game well and can show how you how to execute the plays and shots. Yeah, they will destroy you, but who cares? You're learning, right? No one ever became good at a game without suffering many one-sided defeats.
Yeah, I was actually thinking about setting up a game online with one of you guys just to try to learn the ropes.
I'd play with you if you had PS3 and my PS3 wasn't heading into the shop. Make sure you learn all the basics first before playing against other people. Playing other people will not help you unless you understand everything. Even the post-up drills, even though that sounds silly. And run all the plays you can in the tutorial. That gives you an idea of what is going to work in general and how to get guys open. The best part about the game is that you can't keep doing the same thing over and over so you'll learn a lot.
Pretty good lists on Amazon of games to look forward to in 2011, for anyone looking for suggestions to put in their gaming queue: Xbox 360 PS3 (Part 1) PS3 (Part 2) What I'm most looking forward to on the 360: Mass Effect 3 Batman: Arkham City Rage I Am Alive Dead Space 2 Brink From Dust (this looks like Minecraft and Planet Earth had a baby) Homefront Crysis 2 BioShock Infinite Mortal Kombat Duke Nukem Forever Jurassic Park Portal 2 Tomb Raider Prototype 2 (looks like it's actually slated for a 2012 release) Battlefield 3 F.E.A.R. 3 NeverDead Let's try not to get caught up in the rankings, since it's just one Amazon user's opinion; rather, discuss which games you're most looking forward to this year, and were there any omitted from his lists that the rest of us should be aware of? As far as my above list goes, were there any omissions that I'd be remiss not to check out? For example, I didn't include Silent Hill 8, Gears of War 3, or Max Payne 3 because I never played their respective series, but if anyone says they're worth giving some serious attention, I may go back and remedy that. For what it's worth, I play pretty much anything, and don't stick to one particular genre. I'm not an FPS-only guy, or an RPG-only guy, or whatever. I have a fairly eclectic taste in video games, so nothing's out of consideration for me. I really wish I had the expendable income or very generous friends so I could get a PS3, if only for the Uncharted series, Heavy Rain, and a few other exclusive titles that make me salivate.
Here's a better ME3 trailer: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIyVSbspaPU" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIyVSbspaPU</a> Shit looks bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
I cannot say enough good things about the Mass Effect series. Fuck all the talk about the menus, and the minor meta details. The story and the decisions you get to make during the story touch part of you. Very few games get you that emotionally involved where you have control over the game, but it pulls you in. I cannot wait for the third one. Now that I have a new job I'll be paying for the third one on PC. I cannot fucking wait. That trailer was sick, and it caused me to feel that "Fuck yeah! Let's save the world!" feeling only great games can give you.
I still remember where I was the first time I watched the ME2 trailer, during the Yankees-Phillies World Series a couple years ago. It singlehandedly got me into the franchise, even though I literally had never heard of Mass Effect before. First one was dope, and the second one's even better. I guess I'm about midway through ME2 (starting to do the missions to gain team loyalty and have recruited everyone but the assassin). I'd kept passing over it on my shelf in favor of other games (to wit: Black Ops shortly after release, and getting back into the Assassin's Creed series), but when I heard ME3 was announced, I wanted to catch up. I'm very impressed thus far. I agree that the characters and their stories are much more fascinating than in most other games. And Garrus is the fucking man. Got shot to shit and keeps right on ticking. Question concerning ME2: Spoiler On that note, what was up with Ashley being all pissed of on Horizon and essentially telling Shepard to go fuck himself? I just did that mission a couple days ago. Kind of surprised me. What a cunt, eh? If she reappears later on in the game, I'll reserve judgment until then, but it didn't sit right with me that she'd be so quick to dismiss him just for working with Cerberus. [/nerd]
There are a lot of games I'm looking forward to for this year (all PS3): Dragon Age 2 InFamous 2 Batman: Arkham City Final Fantasy Versus XIII Uncharted 3 Dark Souls Metal Gear Solid: Rising (I think that is this year, but not positive) Those will be the seven that I am absolutely buying. I might look into other games, depending on reviews and playing them a bit before actually buying them. There is also Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword that is supposed to come out for Wii, but I don't know if that will be this year.
HAHAHA, you nerd, Final Fantasy Versus XIII? ... In all seriousness though is there any reliable information on when the release date will be? As much as I hate to admit it, I loved FFXIII and have been dying to play Versus.
Rockstar has me on the fence with their latest project, LA Noire On one hand, I consider GTA4 one of the best games of all time, and Red Dead Redemption was fun as well. But I'd really like to see Rockstar step out of their comfort zone on a game. It feels like a pattern emerging of a GTA engine with a different themed skin slapped on the game. The gameplay, mechanics, everything is the same with a different look. I feel LA Noire will continue this pattern- go to the circle on the map, kill a bad guy, return for reward. Repeat. Come on Rockstar, take a risk and try something completely different.
I've thought about this as well (though I've yet to play RDR, I've been told it's "GTA with horses"), and to be fair, Assassin's Creed is very much the same way. The visuals and HUD are better than GTA, but overall it's the same formula. Unless your concern lies in them repackaging the same material between different franchises, as opposed to staying within the same one, like AC. I don't plan on getting L.A. Noire unless the reviews are sky-high, if only because the noir style never really does it for me. I foresee myself getting very bored with the setting. Something cool I read on Wikipedia a couple days ago:
The PC version of Crysis 2 leaked recently and the gameplay footage of the campaign looks great. Did any of the xbox players here play the Crysis 2 demo? If so, what were your thoughts on it? Below are some multiplayer trailers that have made me really excited for this game. Also, the approach to killstreaks is interesting. Rewards are based on the number of dog tags collected from dead bodies, rather than kills.
That is an EXCELLENT way to do it. It will hopefully discourage people from camping. If not, I could see people somehow using a team effort: one person camps back and kills enemies, while a teammate goes in and reaps the benefits of the dog tags, with help from that armored suit if necessary. Supposedly it's going to be on dedicate servers. If that's true and I end up really liking it, I will no doubt trade in Black Ops. I've already decided it'll be my last COD game until they move away from p2p, and even then there's the possibility of a better FPS multiplayer coming along, like Crysis 2 or Homefront.
I think it is due out later this year, but I'm not positive on that. I think the game is supposed to be more action based (think Kingdom Hearts), so it'll be different, but I am interested to see what they're doing with that world.
Just to clear this up, Rockstar isn't developing this game, a small Australian developer called Team Bondi is. Rockstar is just the publisher. Don't be fooled by the "Rockstar presents..." thing. Also the game isn't built on the RAGE engine like GTA and Red Dead, but a different one entirely. So LA Noire isn't really running a high risk of being another GTA clone. In fact I'm thinking this game is going to be much more story intensive or at least more structured because of the amount of detail that went into the character animations. Also Rockstar called this game an "open-world" game rather than a "sandbox", suggesting to me at least that it's not going to be quite as varied in random activities as GTA was but still in an explorable world. I'm pretty damn excited to see how it'll turn out, considering how much I love noir. Here's a video about the facial motion capture. Apparently a big part of the game will be reading facial expressions.
Its a multi-platform title. I ended up switching my pre-order from Killzone to Crysis because t looks more fun and has more maps. There was a beta recently, but it was only for xbox. So far, dedicated servers have only been confirmed for PC.
At first, I was ultra-skeptical about L.A. Noire, too. Seemed like another GTA clone, only with a new coat of makeup. After reading some developer interviews, it seems like this game is actually going to have a lot in common with old school point-and-click adventures, with a little dash of Heavy Rain mixed in as well. If I have to play one more goddamn game where I have to constantly run from the police (GTA, GTAHorses, GTAMars [Red Faction]), I'm going to punch a baby, but L.A. Noire seems like it's going to break the mold a little.
I'm actually having real difficulty figuring out why everyone is labeling L.A. Noire as a GTA clone. From all the trailers, footage, interviews and articles I've seen and read I can only spot one definitive thing it shares in common with the GTA series. The Radar. Other than that, nada. First of all, you will portray a cop throughout the ENTIRE game. Not only with you play a cop, but you will rise up the ranks of the LAPD. If memory serves you start out as a simple beat cop, but then progress to Theft, Robbery, Vice and finally Homicide. The main "gimmick" is actually using investigations and interrogation to try and solve crimes partially based on all the corruption and murder in 1940's Los Angeles, which is where the revolutionary facial mapping technology comes in. Based off facial tics and the like you can alter your style of interrogating, ranging from consoling to accusatory in an attempt to solve the case and clear it off the books.