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the be all end all video game thread

Discussion in 'Pop Culture Board' started by hawt, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Killzone 3's Multiplayer is solid, fun and eats like a fat steak. It's going to be great, but you're going to be tired as shit after 2 hours. I couldn't get the fucking Crysis 2 demo to connect and work so I have no idea there, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be good. No idea about the multiplayer but I've been getting word the campaign/story will be better than KZ3s.
  2. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I've been talking to Dmix about it in PM, but is anyone else going to be picking up SOCOM 4 or is anyone else part of the beta? I played s1 and s2 religiously for a few years, then s3 came out and everything went to shit. I didn't even really bother with Confrontation since my first impressions were overwhelmingly negative, but I've heard better things about 4.
  3. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I was going to ask about this. I bought a brand new KZ3 and my beta key doesn't work. Was it like the first thousand people in? I'll have to read the reviews, because SOCOM 2 was one of the greatest games ever. I played one mission with the third one and sold that shit. I was furious.

    I really wonder what the programmers were thinking:
    "So we had a cool SOCOM Navy Seals game, bad ass guy named Spector and 3 other cool guys, some sweet missions and great gameplay, what do we do for the third?" "Oh I got an idea, how about we make a hillbilly yokel the main character, toss in vehicles, take out most of the stealth, and fuck up everything we did right in the first two?!" "Fucking brilliant! You're promoted immediately to CEO, doesn't matter you've been here for a week. What's your next idea?" "Next move is simple we'll make a few more solid games, BUT for the PSP."
  4. Thorgouge

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    Oct 25, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    Private invites get to play early, followed by Playstation Plus members. Those of us with KZ3 codes don't get in until the 29th. It becomes open to EVERYBODY on April 5th, and ends on April 13th.
  5. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    They fucked it when they tried to be like Battlefield, or at least some retarded lovechild of SOCOM and Battlefield. The inclusion of vehicles ruined the game. I'm all for evolution of a series, but completely deviating from the established formula of the series, especially when it was received so fucking well made no sense to me. Maybe if sales had dropped and nobody liked it any more because it had grown stagnant, then yeah, maybe try something totally new as a last-ditch effort...but to completely change what everyone loved about the game pissed me right off.

    That said, I'm still mildly wary of 32 person maps. If it was CoD or some other fast-paced shooter then yeah, give it a shot. SOCOM, however, very often comes down to finding 1 last person that's alive, and assuming they plan to basically double the size of the maps, that will get annoying in a hurry. Even on normal maps on crossroads when you had a 4 vs 1, it wasn't uncommon to not find that person even if you had a few minutes remaining in the round.

    Ah well, I guess we'll see and hope for the best. I'll be starting up with the KZ3 people so if anyone wants to play, let me know. For anyone I don't already have on PSN, my PSN ID is Lahey.
  6. awwwSNAP

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Jax is pretty badass. With Rageblade and Phantom dancer he can get like 3 attacks per second and its hilarious. I just caved and paid real money for Nocturne and, thank god, I'm not regretting it at all. If your team is halfway decent he is a badass. Speaking of needing decent teams, Galio may be my favorite champ. If everyone else knows what theyre doing his aoe taunt ult is gamechanging. It's a big IF though. I've started telling everyone at the beginning "hey guys, when I ult its 2 seconds of free hits on their carries please kill them." It works... sometimes.

    If we can get board games going I'd definitely be in. I know I've gotten a lot of invites from Javane (cant remember your name here?) but I'm usually doing something else and just forgot to close LoL. But whenever theres a group going I'd be down to be part of it. I Galio good, but I'd rather Nocturne because he is awesome
  7. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    Never tried Socom 3 or Confrontation. I was clanned out in the first two and played them to death. Im seriously curious on if Zipper can manage to return the series to its former glory. MAG has quickly been put in the dust bin of gaming history. Hopefully they can make a more compelling game this time around.
  8. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    From what I've seen thus far, the 32 person games are strictly respawn rooms only, Classic (i.e. Socom 1 & 2) mode is 8 vs. 8 just like the old days. I'll give my impressions of the beta thus far, starting with the bad.

    The Camera - It isn't horrible all the time, but for the most part they need to pull it back about 6 inches. Certain instances it is WAY too up close, so much so that your guy will take up half the screen, making aiming sometimes impossible. The good news is that a patch is already underway towards fixing it. If they make it the same angle that spectator cam is currently in it will be perfect.

    ADS -Honestly aside from sniping this has no business in a Socom game, no word yet from the devs if this is going to be removed or not.

    No grenade arc - On the boards one of the most prevalent sayings is "I throw my first grenade so I can get my second one right". Plus your guy hurls 'nades like Barry Bonds in his prime gunning a runner out at the plate.

    No party system - None, if you wanna meet up with friends you gotta join his/her game and then swap teams like the old days, no plans to have a party system in the beta, unsure if it will be in the retail version.

    The nitpicky shit:

    Current mic settings - Kinda dumb so far, no beep to tell you that your mic is live, you have to look to the top right of your screen, plus pressing up on the D-pad to talk is a bit of a hindrance, hopefully the feedback will convince them to move the mic button to L2, and make ordinance changes left and right on the D-pad.

    Hip firing accuracy - Needs to be improved a bit, makes gunfights a tad tricky.

    Snap to cover - I personally don't mind the cover system, but tons disapprove.

    The awesome:

    That Old Socom Feeling - That rush is back, the one that comes with it's down to you vs. two or more of their guys and you've got to camp to save your ass, that feeling is back in spades. Plus the team feel is really there when you've got a group of people who don't play the game like CoD and actually coordinate to win.

    New Game Modes - Three I've seen so far.
    Uplink - Capture 2 pieces of intel from the enemy base and make it back to your base without dying, this seems like Socom 4's CTF mode.

    Last Stand - There are three stations on the map, take and hold all three to reveal the enemy HQ, which you must then capture to call in an airstrike.

    Bomb Squad - Every round, a member of your team or theirs will be the Bomb Technician and he and only he can disarm three sets of explosives around the map, so teamwork is vital towards keeping him alive b/c if he dies the round is automatically over. However the Bomb Tech is given substantial body armor, and auto-shotgun, and a grenade launcher.

    Maps - Only two in the beta thus far, Port Authority and Assault & Battery. PA is set at harbor with a Destroyer in the middle, more of an urban map. Assault & Battery has the most Socom'y feel, with tons of foliage and places you can go prone and lay in wait.

    Dancing Taunts - Yes, you can dance over the corpses of people you kill, and you get XP for it. So far I've done the Robot, the Crane Kick, the Kid 'n Play, the Hulkster, and I'm not sure but I swear I've seen the Bankhead Bounce and A-Town Stomp.

    Overall with a few tweaks and listening to community feedback Socom 4 has the potential to erase the shitstorm abortion known as Confrontation.

    And of course the [TiB] clan is accepting new membership, so if any PS+ members pick it up today and want an invite, PM me or send a PSN message to Voorhees, we'll scoop up the Killzone 3 guys next week and when it goes public to everyone, come one come all.

    Edit: Almost forgot, pre-order at Gamestop and you get a voucher to download the Socom 1 map Abandoned
  9. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    I want to hold out on DA II, but today's Amazon deal is making it hard.
  10. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Shit, I forgot that today Amazon was having all day Gold Box video game deals, I'm glad you mentioned it. Too bad I already have DA2.
  11. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I am officially excited. The ADS thing sounds odd, but whatever. So to clarify -- the maps are still built for 16 people, and things will just get crowded in 32 person respawn rooms?
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009

    Yeah fuck it doesnt take much for me to be excited as a school girl when it comes to Socom. Sorry for the noobie question but what exactly is ADS?

    I never played 3 or Confrontation, has it fallen pray to the upgrade/ranking up system that has been popularized by CoD?
  13. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    Oddly enough it doesn't seem to get too bogged down, thought from what little I've played of respawn rooms it seems that with a coordinated team spawn camping could become an issue.

    The two maps themselves are quite large, with several levels in additions to buildings, foliage, camping spots etc. Here's the best part. NO DEATH CAM, if you wanna snipe you can rest comfortably in your nest and not worry about every person you kill knowing your exact location.

    ADS is Aiming Down the Sight. As it stands right now ADS needs a nerfing badly, it's waaayyy overpowered.
    Basically you can hipfire using R1, which has been the same in every Socom. You can zoom in, but still in 3rd person using L1, but if you have a scope equipped you can click R3 and enter ADS mode, which is what everyone seems to use since there's no noticeable recoil or scope jump.

    There is XP and Rank, though to be honest I'm not sure what they are for right now, as from what I can tell you don't unlock anything with ranks. I guess this is more for bragging rights.

    You can level up guns, which unlock mods, which are scopes, suppressors, front grips, bipods etc. I think for the beta they made weapons readily available, as it stands right now I can have a sniper rifle as my primary, and any gun I want as my secondary, be it a shotgun, SMG, LMG or assault rifle. Or any combination thereof and I'm hoping that changes either with a patch or on the retail version.

    Rep Edit: Kubla I'm not sure how they are gonna work Abandoned if you don't pre-order it, but I don't think that's gonna be an issue for me since from what I've played I've enjoyed more than i disliked thus far.
  14. WickedBitch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 1, 2010
    Looks like the upcoming deal that starts in about 6 minutes is going to be for Dead Space 2, based on the hint. If you were on the fence about it, it is worth it. I liked it better than the first and I LOVED the first.
  15. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
    Expand Collapse
    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    How are the Socom 4 graphics and animations? The originals were never inspiring and MAG also under preformed for this generation.
  16. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    Graphically it's a current gen game, I agree with you about MAG, I think the main draw for it was the 256 player matches. Seems like Zipper has the network down with Socom, as I can't think of a single instance where I've had lag, player skipping/warping or frame rate slowdown thus far.
  17. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duke Nukem Forever has been delayed. Again.

    I guess I'm not surprised, and it's only about a one month delay, but considering this games history I can't help but laugh. If I were in charge at Gearbox Software (who are now making the game), I would say that with this game in particular, there will be no delays. Period.
  18. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    Duke Nukem Forever is delayed yet again.

    Surprise surprise.

    #1958 Nettdata, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  19. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    League is pissing me off now. I'm literally losing 3 out of 4 games now it seems. Even when I do good I still lose. Last night I had 18/6/5 and 24/4/9 games and lost. It's like people get dumber the higher the level they get. I need to get a new game.
  20. manihack

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    Oct 21, 2009
    IGN to announce $150k+ SC2 League

    North American Star League ($100k prize pool for Season 1 and 2, $200k for Season 3)

    Is e-sports finally going to have a decent presence outside of Korea? As a gamer for basically 3/4 of my life this is something I've been hoping would happen for a very long time. Starcraft 2 seems like it just may be the game to do it.