I, like a few others, can't grow anything on my face to save my life. It looks like pubic hair or something if I don't shave for a week or something, it's really nasty. I used to rock a sweet ass goatee thing back in college that looked really nasty on account of my blonde hair. That was a mistake. Thank god I gotta shave pretty much every day now.
I have about 6 days worth of growth right now. 3 years ago that would've meant white trash/pube face sort of beard, but it has filled out nicely. A month or so ago I had a full on mountain man beard. My level of facial hair basically comes down to how lazy I am feeling. Shaving is a chore, so as long as I'm not all itchy and shit I often don't bother. Maybe I'll post a picture later if I can find my webcam.
Jeez. Picky picky. I think a guy has to know is limits. If you can't grow a full beard, or you look like an extra on Deliverance if you try, then don't. That being said, there's not many things sexier than a guy who can grow a full beard and leaves it as scruff (sort of 1-2 days growth) length.
I've been in various states of stubble for about the past nine months now, but here are some pics from early last year when I was in the process of growing/maintaining a full beard.
Well in that case, I love it if it's well-executed. I've even been known to drunkenly approach men and compliment them on their facial hair. They seem to appreciate it. Their wives, however, do not. And now pictures of well-executed scruff. Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler
I'll probably post a picture later when i get back home if I can borrow my neighbors camera, I haven't shaved in a week. I know you all are waiting in anticipation. Some people say it's Hawt, others say it's Nawt.
I have a full beard. I grow it out around Thanksgiving and keep it until the first of April or so. It keeps my face warmer in cold wind and does a good job of breaking up my big ass face when I'm hunting. I try to keep it trimmed/maintained, but sometimes that shit's just gotta grow. This pic was taken on Saturday.
I have had a beard for the last decade, with a couple of times where it has been trimmed down to a goatee for a few months. I hate to shave, my wife likes it and I seem to be able to get jobs (I am a lawyer) despite having a beard. The first time I grew a beard, it was itchy for a couple of weeks but if you fight through it, the itchiness ends.
I've never really been a fan of the full on beard/stache thing. The stubble/5 o clock is what works for me. And in case anyone was wondering: I'm on the left. What? I like purple. Get off me!
I sport a goatee, and have for better than 12 years. It's red and grey and makes me look distinguished and wise beyond my years. Until I open my mouth. I do weekly spot-trimming, but have it professionally groomed every 3 weeks when I get my hair cut. My last employer was definitely of the anti-facial hair culture, but I worked from home, so no one gave me shit about it. The whole stubble thing baffles me, unless you're going for the terrorist look.
I grow a beard every fall, and it usually sticks around to late April. When I shave it off I'll usually do something goofy with it, because whats the fun of facial hair if you don't? Last year I shaved it into the old west mutton chops/mustache, and it actually didn't look horrible. I have two reasons for this routine. The first is that waking up in the winter when it's cold and dark sucks, and if I can get ten more minutes in my bed by not shaving I'm taking it. The second is that it helps keep my face a little warmer in the cold. An added bonus is that if it's snowing while I'm skiing I get an awesome snow beard.
I find stubble to be sexy, but I really do prefer clean shaven. I don't like the scratchy feeling of the beard.
Beards are wonderful, when properly trimmed. A well-groomed beard conveys a manliness just not found on a shaven face. Also, the slight pain from passionately kissing a guy with a beard is fantastical. From experience, don't try to lie about the inevitable beard rash by saying your face got scratched on the carpet, because that only makes things worse.
While I enjoy the way two day scruff looks (Maltob and Chater are sporting something delicious looking) and feels on my hands, I don't like the way it feels against my face. I have gotten stubble rash before. I haven't seen many beards that I like. That being said, I think Dynamite Harry's is nice. And I ALWAYS despise goatees. I think they look evil or ridiculous, and sometimes a combination of the two.