Fuck your Moosehead, keep that foamy shit out of such a manly thread. How can you even think about putting a picture of such a terrible beer remotely near a picture of my or shegirl's facial awesome.
I've been shaving since about 13, which is when I started rocking the side burns. I had a beard at 16 to match my fake ID, which is also the last time I gave a chick a rash (from facial hair). I can grow a full beard in just a couple weeks. It sucks. Thankfully I don't have to shave for work, so I see a razor twice a week max. Here's a pic Monday evening, after shaving Saturday afternoon. Spoiler The girl friend is a fan of the 'man beard' as she calls it. Sucks to be you neck pube guys, but I hope that at least gets you out of having back hair.
For the last couple years, I've been sporting the winter beard - it's fairly soft, and it's a blend of red and blond, which I think is unique. I usually trim it every couple days with a shaver set to level 3, but it's a little scruffier than that now since I let it rock a little harder during my ski trip last week. It's not the manliest frock of facial hair, but I have had several ladies tell me that while they don't normally go for facial hair on a guy, they like mine. Over the years, my ears have become finely tuned to the fact that they're just being nice, but whatever. Come the first day of spring, and it'll be gone....for a few days. I hate shaving and so does my skin.
I have been growing a beard since November 2008. I found that it was generally just easier to trim the beard than shave. My problem is that my beard is reddish, while my moustache is dirty blonde. So unless the light is right I look Amish. It kept the wind off my chin in the winter, and kept the bugs off while working in the field this summer. A couple months back, one of my friends took one look at me with my bushy beard, flannel shirt, flannel jacket, blue jeans and steel-toes, and said: "You look like you could rape a bear." I think it's here to stay.
I don't shave more than once a week. I didn't shave until I was 16...and at that point it was once every like three months. I was also 5'2'' until 9th grade, and am now 6'3'' and 19. Therefore I am not worried about the facial hair. I expect it will make an appearance in a couple of years. My dad has enormous amounts of facial hair, and he said he didn't shave until 22. Talk about late bloomers. My genes for growing are a permanent 3 years behind. On the other hand armpit hair and pubes came in right on schedule.
My scruff. I have a short goatee but no moustache, and anywhere up to three days growth depending on how lazy I am about shaving it. I trimmed my goatee this morning, so this is as short as it gets. And for some strange reason, my beard is multi-colored. I've got light brown, dark brown, red and white hairs in there. The rest of my hair is dark brown. My apologies for the crappy Blackberry pic.
Mikes restaurant, with JoeFresh in his bath robe in the other half. Just wait till I bust out the pics of me in the neon green speedo Vin.
I know this isn't my board, but would anybody tell the gals of the boobie/booty threads that one pic is enough? Let's not be hypocritical here. And I am pretty sure that neon green speedos will earn you extra rep points.
SHUT UP I like how most of the girls who post on the boobie threads show more of their face than the two mods showing off their beards.
From that angle you look just like a young, bearded, drunk Tom Hanks. Congrats. As for my beard, I don't own one. Only in the past year has my facial hair come in with any sort of consistency. I still have a few bald patches here and there, but when I get lazy and don't shave for a week I end up with something approaching a black, course, pube-like carpet covering my face. I'm blonde though so some of it is blonde, especially my mustache. Yeah, it looks real classy. Someday, I will reach that level of manhood where I am able to grow a respectable beard. Till that day comes, I'm doomed to a cycle of nasty neckbeard, clean shaven boyishness, then some ok stubble for 2 days. Bah.
Fuck yes, a beard thread! I'm fairly proud of mine: I like to think of it as the hiding place for my third fist, a la Chuck Norris. Really, it serves partially to cover the fact that I have a bit too much chin. It also serves to make me not look like a 12 year old when I sing with my band.
I'm like this: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.spike.com/video/scrubs-muttonchops/2825389" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.spike.com/video/scrubs-muttonchops/2825389</a> I wish. I like how I look after about two or three days, which is just when it's long enough to effectively use to scratch an itch on my hand or finger. Right before it gets too long and consequently, softer. I can grow a natural goatee without having to trim it though. It grows on my chin pretty well. Then the sideburns. All of the connecting spots are mostly blank though, so growing a beard is out of the question. My left side comes in much better than my right, which is spotty. And I have almost nothing to talk of on my upper lip. Like others have said, it also doesn't connect down to the goatee. I went almost a month without shaving last summer, because the Red Wings playoff run motto was "The Beard is Back" and I was trying to support my boys. Unfortunately, like I said, it was kinda gross. I might get a pic in a couple days when it reaches the ideal. I shaved this morning though, so gotta wait it out. Also, what's the female consensus on this look. If I could, I'd make myself look like this I think. Spoiler
No one is fooled by full faced people covering their extra chin with a beard. We all know it's there, and laughing at you when your back is turned.
So I'm a little late to the party... I fucking love facial hair. Stubble, scruff, full on Amish beards, mutton chops, handlebar mustaches, whatever - I adore it all. Wear it with pride. Unless you look like a pedophile or a fifteen year old. In all seriousness, part of my obssession with Clutch is my desire to make love and eventually babies with Neil Fallon's beard. Oh, yum.
I've been shaving since I was 12. Usually I'm too lazy to shave more than every week or so, so I go from clean-cut to stubbly to porcupine over the course of the week. I have really straight and thick follicles, so it gets really pokey when it gets long. Recently I've been trying a sort of chinstrap thing.