Did that route when I was 22, except in reverse. Me and another guy flew to Seattle to pick up a buddy and we drove downtown to San Diego and then back-tracked a bit to cap the trip off in Vegas for 4 days. Was an absolute blast.
Yep. This was later on in the year, when some of the offshore winds were really picking up, so there was huge surf crashing into the shores, and a big kite-board competition going on... just those great blustery fall type days with the sun shining.
I was lucky enough to be in a position to take a year off a few years ago and spend it traveling, so a bunch of bucket list items got knocked off during that year. Paragliding in the Swiss Alps, SCUBA diving on the Great Barrier Reef, doing aerobatics in an open cockpit biplane, hitchhiking in Thailand... Between that year and the other trips I've taken, I've hit many of the countries/travel experiences on my bucket list - sailed through the Galapagos, climbed Kilimanjaro, went on safari, biked down a volcano in Peru - but I still haven't been to Antarctica, and want to do some hiking in Patagonia. I would love to win a lottery spot on one of the sand bars in Alaska where you can watch the grizzlies fish for salmon. I've also always had it in the back of my head that rally racing looks like a blast and would be fun to try, but I've never been quite sure where to start.
For anyone looking for an amazing roadtrip-ish experience, I can’t recommend Iceland enough. I’ve been 3 times and I’m planning my 4th.
I forgot to include that in my post. Iceland is also on the list. The only reason we didn't go on our year long trip was that we ran out of time in the Shengen region, and didn't want to limit our time in Iceland to the few days we had left.
Long road trip in the US. Almost went once but the prices for everything threw me and my girlfriend at the time for a loop, so we did east Canada instead. And the rest of Canada is on the list, too. Doing a multi-day cycling tour in a nice place. I guess doing that by myself, love being in nature on the bike thinking my thoughts. For now, getting one whole season of riding in without me hurting myself or something on the bike breaking would also be nice. Learn to play the guitar properly. Like pull it out and just start improvising something nice and understanding what I'm doing.
A trip to the three “I’s” used to be my bucket list: Ireland, Italy and Israel. But as I’ve gotten older I care for travel less. Christ I had anxiety about going to NYC back in Feb. so I don’t know those trips will ever happen. That and the expense make it less likely.
Italy is incredible and I always said if I couldn’t live in the US or Canada I’d try to live there. The Amalfi coast is insane.
Yeah I guess the bucket list item primarily is financial freedom to go do some of this stuff. I don't have an official list but there are definitely a handful of places I'd love to explore. I'd love to have the time and money to visit a place for a couple months or a season and really dive into the area... Culture, food, historical places. Just walking the area and seeing every day life. I went to 3 cities in Italy with my family over 10 days when I was a teenager and it was great but way too fast. Too much pressure to cram as much "experience" into your time there. Not a lot of time to just soak it up.
A bucket list item for me has always been to ski and go to the beach in the same day. Also, I've never been farther west than Houston, so I would like to change that at some point. There's so much of this country I haven't seen, and I want to see it before I'm too old to enjoy it.
My bucket list is different than most. My oldest son has some behavioral issues that we are trying to work through and I really hope we figure out how to exist in harmony. That’s it. I just want to come home and not have a five year old fight, yell and scream at me. Now on to more tangible things. I have several ideas for restaurants that range from food trucks to dive bars all centered around cheese burgers. I’d kill to get one of them off the ground. My ultimate dream would be to live on the road making cheeseburgers in destinations (ski resorts in the winter, other places in summer). I don’t really have the desire to travel and see things like a lot of people. I feel weird for that.