My interpretation it was willingly lying to mislead an investigation - if there's a dead body and you start telling contradictory stories just to fuck with the police I think that's something you can be charged with.
She got the maximum sentence of 4 years, plus the $4000 fine. However, she has served 3 years already, and will get out on good behavior. She was smiling and laughing in the courtroom.
See, this hypocrisy is just ONE of the reasons why I hate cops*. Cops will fuck with people and bend the rules all they want to get what they want. I've seen them do it. But if you try doing it, you're fucked. This attitude that it's okay for cops because they are serving the greater good has got to go. Casey Anthony is sentenced to 4 years. *By "cops," I mean any law-enforcement official, whether it is a police officer, correctional officer (jail guard), probation officer, etc.
I would too and have a "Im not the father" dance ready and waiting if I beat a murder wrap. Fuck decorum, if I'm on trial for my life I get to act how ever I want.
You know, I gotta agree with KK here, she's a shitty human being, but how many feelings can be better than beating a murder 1 rap? I would probably smile too.
Huh, definitely read this as Mormons. Was pretty confused about my recollection of that incident there for a second.
Maybe there will be a reality show, "Casey's last year in the clink." We could watch her deal with the shitty food, get raped with broom handles and maybe break down and confess what she has done.
More like last week in jail. Reports are she gets out next Wed. (Fuck that day of the week. Too hard to spell)
I'm no lawyer, judge, or even constitutional expert, but if the body never crossed state lines, I don't think the feds have any jurisdiction. At least that's what some legal beagle on the radio said.
Here's the real question: is there any capital offense we can convict Nancy Grace of? I'd love to be on that jury. Just raise my hand three minutes into opening statements and when the judge gives me the "what the fuck do you want?" look I'd repsond with "Your honor, I believe we're ready to convict now"
Maybe we can kill two birds with one stone. Have Casey serve out her sentence in Nancy Grace's house. I doubt she'd get convicted of that murder, either, but at least she'd have redeemed herself partially.
Those cops didn't drag Rodney to Nevada, either. They were charged with a violation of some federal civil rights law and that was enough to indict them and try them in a Federal Court.
This whole trial is the exact result of smart people getting out of jury duty, leaving only idiots to get picked.
The lawyers do the same thing, too. If your case is weak, the best thing for a lawyer to do is to stack the jury with retards so that the jury isn't sitting there with a skeptical stare. Take the Duke lacrosse players. The prosecutor had clear evidence that the players were innocent, and decided to go with the case anyway. A smart juror is going to see right through his bullshit; a retard is going to go "Oh, the guy in a suit in the stand said it. He must be right!" If the guy's innocent, then you want the smartest jury you can find. If the guy's guilty, you want the dumbest jury you can find. Since statistically most people who get indicted are guilty, this leads to jury selection being weighted toward the idiot side of the spectrum.