You should definitely get an RSS feed going. Make the feed show a summary or the beginning of an introduction to an article. Add a link to the complete article so people click through to your site to see the rest which keeps your traffic up. I've gotten so dependent on RSS feeds that I pretty much ignore a blog if it doesn't have one and I'm probably not the only one.
Not every thread needs 15 posts from you. We stuck the boys with my mother which just leaves the girl who goes to bed at 7:00. I bought margarita fixings and the sleazy lingerie I bought just arrived. Should be a good night.
This thread needs to start on thursdays. Crammed 20 people into a dorm room and got weird last night. Saki Bombing and Bars tonight.
I am officially on Spring Break. Although, I still have to go to work all next week, I'm celebrating by putting on a slutty dress and getting sloppy at my favorite bar tonight.
I went out to get some barbecue from a place out in the suburbs. People criticize the suburbs east of the city as being full of hicks, and I hoped this would translate into a (highly recommended) bbq place. The kitchen smells deliciously of smoke, but it's otherwise rather disappointing.
I'm going Mardi-Gras'ing tonight! It should be fun. This isn't one of the "major" parades but the order has a decent reputation.
Use Ninja RSS Syndicator for Joomla. It is an extension to install that makes configuring an RSS feed very easy.
Does your confusion lie in not understanding why an all-volunteer organization chooses to advertise where they can aim at their target demo, or in why the Air Force doesn't sponsor a hot air balloon?
I wasn't aware that the dirty shiftless long-hairs who watch the x-games were the navy's target demographic. What with the recent efforts within the military to save massive amounts of money by getting rid of useless command structures and task forces that have been around since the cold war you'd have thought that an organization that already has considerable recruiting efforts, PR and public awareness needs to sponsor a racing team / extreme sports event.
So its date night with the girlfriend, should I got see Unknown and watch Liam Neeson kick ass or go see Kings Speech?
A local be-better-parents type organization has begun airing a TV commercial featuring this opener "Got a minute? Give it to your kid", and while I understand the attempted message, I still can't help from wincing and shaking my head in disbelief when I hear it. How do these things not get filtered, so that the message is the same but delivered much more eloquently, and without the distracting innuendo?
Overnight snowstorm last night...shoveling and snowblowing for a good 3 hours. No "thank you" from my sister for digging her stuck car out of the shit ton of snow. Fuck me, it's beer o'clock....
Oh my God I love beer. Is there anything quite as nice as cracking open a cold one on a Friday afternoon right after getting home from work?