I have this terrible suspicion that since Lindsay Lohan is so entirely worthless that she is completely immune to accidental death. She could do pounds of coke every day for the rest of her life, and we will still be stuck with her until she's 97.
Spencer Pratt and that Heidi idiot of a wife. ( Might be spelled wrong, but they're not worth the effort to get it right) And, I so wish a plane carrying the Real Housewives of Atlanta would crash mid-air into the plane carrying the Jersey Shore cast. I am not sure how or why, as I don't watch the shows, but these people enrage me. They've done zero in life and they are "stars"? Please.
To everyone who knows who the fuck this guy is: I love it when you old folks tell us stories. What was living through the Great Depression like, shegirl? Tell me! Did you know Abraham Lincoln?
Because...get this, THEY'RE STILL MAKING MUSIC. No shit, they've released 3 albums in the past 4 years. Who fucking knew?
Is it safe to assume that as a lesbian you knew this because you are attracted to them? I'm sure they are more girly than most of your lovers.
Does it HAVE to be limited to Hollywood? Christ, I haven't seen a single episode and I still hate those people.
I will always remember him as "Dinger" from the masterpiece titled Dream A Little Dream. Besides having one of the best 80's soundtracks, it also had the hottest female lead. What ever happenned to Lainie? EDIT: There is one scene where you can see a Lost Boys poster in Corey Feldman's room in the movie.
For those little kids who haven't seen Lost Boys, I was going to say fuck you, but really I just feel sorry for you. I got into a long discussion today at work about whether there were two Coreys or three. Apparently some include Corey Hart (Sunglasses at Night) as A Corey. I disagree, his career was too fleeting for Coreyhood.
I Agreed wholeheartedly with SheGirl. Suck it! You youngins can make fun of 80's children all you like, but the fact is... I feel sorry for you. You will never know the joy of seeing Andy finally happy. Or empathize with Ducky. You will never know the joy of watching Long Duck Dong fall out of a tree. You have never wondered about the joke that starts with " A naked blond walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm and a two foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table....." Or the gross out factor of watching Robert Downey Jnr blow a guy for cocain.... ok, so maybe you lucked out there. Make fun of us all you like, but we know it comes from envy!!
Unbridled joy? Actually, Robert Pattison seems like a perfectly decent guy in the interviews. I think he's even stated on record that he read the Twilight books and thought they were a creepy manifestation of Stephanie Meyers' sublimated sexual fantasies, and that he affects Edward's character by hating Edward, and thus portraying a person who hates himself. It's just every bit of press surrounding him that has defamed his reputation. I'm not sure who could be a better cultural equivalent from my youth. A now-washed up child musician/actor who started their careers in the 90's/early 00's... hm. Britney Spears, maybe. The Backstreet Boys, or N'Sync perhaps, but I never actually listened to those steaming piles of garbage. On topic, I'd like to see the Jonas Brothers dead.
Yeah, well, they were barking way the hell up the wrong tree. Who's that? Is that Corey Haim in Lost Boys? I think it is. And...wait a tic...what's..what's he doing? Looking at a poster, it would seem. But what's that a poster of? I, uh, I can't really see. Look closer. I still can't see. Look closer. Is that? Yes. No, it can't be. Is...is that Rob Lowe rubbing his abs provocatively? IT IS. IT IS ROB LOWE RUBBING HIS ABS PROVOCATIVELY. Go ahead and explain that shit away.
I had that Rob Lowe poster. The way he was touching himself. NO ONE COULD RESIST! Besides, Ducky was flamingly gay but I still loved him. So......YOU CAN SUCK IT TOO!
I feel bad for the guy, but only a douchebag would put this in a publication- You were given a rare opportunity and you squandered it. Not just that, but you burnt a lot of bridges in the process. So instead of doing the smart thing, and networking on the down low ala Mickey Rourke, you take the easy route-a gimicky reality show and outdated sequels.
I remember thinking he was cool, he’s 4 years older than me and the films he was in were exactly what a 7th and 8th grade kid eats up. Lost boys was one of my favourite films, but his best film was the awesome Silver Bullet, which if you haven’t seen you should. I had pretty much forgotten he existed until I saw the headline this morning. Looks like he never grew out of being a teenage douche. Stupid bastard.
If by watching Downey blow a guy for cocaine, you were referring to Less Than Zero, I got it. If you're talking about real life, well, ..... But yeah, that's the only reference I got...