The only "art" I can produce is photography, but my roommate was looking over my shoulder and wanted me to add these two. This is another one of hers that I really like, but I'm adding it as a fan more-so than as her roommate
I've been trying really hard lately to learn how to draw better. Instead of just making sketches and doodles and calling them 'drawings'. Anyway, here are two things I've been working on: 7 The eye's a bit wonky, but it was a good exercise for a future drawing I've got in mind. Should you have some thoughts about these drawings, feel free to let me know. Just remember that I don't think these are master pieces or somethings, just stepping-stones towards some better works.
I've got some new materials. Most of which I didn't even knew existed. Oh yeah, I also had a shitload of free time. Which came in handy, because this drawing took fucking forever to finish. Should you have any comments, feel free to let me know.
I was helping a friend out with a comic he wanted to make poking fun at Twilight fans. This was my favorite panel.
Here's a few blurry phone shots of a new painting technique I tried out tonight. It was just a test so I didn't bother carefully prepping everything and sanding between coats. Not bad for cheap spraypaint, eh?
Don't know if this is really the right forum for it, but I picked up some cheap knotty pine at the hardware store and made an herb planter with removable planter boxes this weekend.
Coolest spraypaint ever? Goes on clear over a gloss black base coat (and I do plan on experimenting with base colors) Then, have fun with the sun and different angles! Woohoo this stuff will be fun!
I've been so damn busy lately, I haven't had a chance to do any personal work lately, but I did just finish two stencil paintings on steel panels that a Mexican Restaurant commissioned. It's in what used to be a slaughterhouse, so they wanted the paintings to pay homage to that. One good thing is that I got some nice results experimenting with manipulating how rust forms, so I have a bunch of ideas to play around with that. Attaching a pic of one of the experiments too.
After 293,000 miles, my 1985 Landcruiser finally died a few weeks ago - shot a rod on the Merritt Parkway. For the faculty show we just put up, Homage. A Death in the Family.
I'm digging up some of my really old sketches and try to render them in different ways. I'm still not at the level as some of the people who posted on this thread, but hey; it's fun and practice makes perfect.
Sorry I can't go back and edit, but I've been adding new pieces to it every day, for as long as the show is up. Thought I'd share the progress:
The dudes at the window shop next door gave me an old window so I tried to experiment with it today during lunch. Acrylic and spraypaint on glass. "Hellhound."