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The drug thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by redbullgreygoose, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. clickclack

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I also wanted to add. I'm currently residing in India, and decided to live here for a bit after my work here was done. [quick tip: $2500 equals 1 lakh which is basically 100,000 rupees. With that money, you can live pretty fucking good in this country. Just in case you're looking into watching your money multiply]

    Anyways, being the paradox exploring lowlife that I am, I've come to see some notable differences between the drug cultures between the US and India.

    Ganja: It's illegal, but it's taken much less seriously here than in the US. In the US, weed is more of a pop culture thing, with people making songs, movies, etc. about it. Over here, weed is many things. Because of the distinct class differences, the rich, snobbish fuckers consider weed to be a cheap addiction. And believe me, it's very fucking cheap here [50 rupees for a bag= 1.something dollars]. But their rich, snobbish fuckers so fuck them.

    Then there is the religious aspect of it. You'll see sadus and priests hitting chillums [bowl...kind of] like their life depended on it. Then there is the new generation of kids in India [middle to upper class] who smoke a joint or two with their glasses of scotch. It's become sort of a luxury thing here. Most parents don't give a flying fuck what their kids do. Definitely better parenting skills here in India than in the US, because 90% of these kids who smoke probably 20 times more a day than your average pot-smoker still manage to graduate with a masters and everything. Coming here to India truly made me realize just how harmless weed really is.

    Hashish: Unless you're broke, hashish is basically the good weed of India. The local weed usually sucks, so you need to get hash. And man, it's so slick. Hash over here is made naturally with hands on the mountains of villages like manali and other such places instead of filteration processes and all that shit that happens here in the US. Grab a toothpick or something, stick a little bit of hash and bake it until it's just a tad warm. Break it up. Mix that up with tobacco. roll it. light it smoke it. Gets you high. It's so fucking convenient and fast sometimes I can't even believe how easy it is to get high. PLUS, the hash smoke blends in perfectly with the tobacco, so you can smoke a joint in front of a cop OR EVEN YOUR DAD and nobody would be any wiser. Yes, I smoked a joint in front of my dad who is firmly opposed to anything other than alcohol. Pretty fucxking hilarious.

    LSD: Hard to get, but not impossible. It is expensive though compared to US prices. 1000 rupees per hit which is roughly around the 20$ mark. There are two types of acid here: orange sunshine and shiva. Orange sunshine is for daytrippers. Shiva is basically acid with a touch of amphetamine for those speedy night trips. Other than that I didn't notice any differences between acid here or over there.

    E: Expensive as fuck here, but no notable difference between the E here and the E in the states.

    Alright, as far as the drugs you guys know, this is all I've come across.

    NOW, in case you didn't know, there are several other ways to get high as fuck in India that I don't think the rest of the world knows about. I might be wrong though.

    1. Dendrite: Basically just a tube of adhesive glue. Rub half a tube in the inside of a plastic bag, close bag, let the fumes fill up the bag, sniff..... and the high is like wippids times a hundred. It's THAT fucking intense. At one point, you'll start hearing some extremely weird sounds, and EVERYTHING will be VERY far away. Good trip, but it literally makes huge holes in your brain if you use it on a daily basis. If ever you find yourself in India with a tube of dendrite, try it once and fuck off. That's what I did.

    2. Brown Sugar: OK. Probably not exclusive to India. This is basically dirty heroin. You make a line of it on aluminum and start burning from the bottom. Then you basically chase the fumes. Never do this drug. It's just bad heroin nothing else, and besides doing all the bad things that heroin does to you, it will fuck you in the ass physically. All of a sudden you'll wake up and your right arm stops working forever. I never tried it. Thank god that dude with the numb arm told me what happened to him.

    3. Enten: This one is fucking insane. I took this shit for a week, and I swear I never had a crazier week in my fycking life. I'm not 100% sure, but apparently they give this to clinically insane people in India, so you can only imagine. I seriously felt like I was a goldfish in a fishbowl for most of that week. I was talking CONSTANTLY with people, but I'd forget what I was talking about within 5 seconds. If I'm in a group, I'd drift off into my own world mid-conversation, then suddenly come back to reality likw "Where is FUCK AM I? I'm with these guys? How the fuck did I end up here? I don't remember shit about what I did today... or yesterdya......" Not to mention, I must have injured myself more times than the rest of my life combined. No motor skills as far as my legs were concerned. I must have fell off 10 or 15 flights of stairs that week. And probably three times that amount just on flat fuckin cement. Just SLAM! face first on the ground. By the 6th day, it was time to call it quits. I am most definitely an addict, but this drug will make anyone stop once you've experienced everything about it.

    4. Nitro-something: Forgot the full name of this one. They give it to pregnant women to stop the pain or something like that. It's not exclusively for women, just a painkiller designed to help out pregnant women in need. This one was crazy too. I felt like I was in a roller coaster for the next 5 hours. Like, all of a sudden while walking, I'd get that feeling in my stomach when you're about to drop. Then every step I took seemed like I was going 200 mph. haha. Crazy.

    That's about it for my foreign drug-log. I don't do any of these drugs except for weed and alcohol and sometimes lsd.

    I highly recommend checking out the rave scene here in India. Best in the fucking world. Hot desi chicks, ecstacy, cheap ass hash, and sick psytrance make for nights to remember forever.

    If anyone has any questions about anything I've posted here, please feel free.
  2. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Just picked up a prescription for Xanax and the wife asked me what the little symbol of a martini glass with a slash through it meant. I told her it means "game on".

    I can't make it through the holidays without it.
  3. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Is that what you told your doctor? If so, he's a good one.
  4. krusht

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    What cities in India have good party scenes? It seems like the laws vary a lot from place to place.
  5. clickclack

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    As far as laws go in India, that is a very deep topic that would eventually sway from the topic of this thread. But, to try to give you a gist of how law works in India: Money talks and people could care less what you put in your body. Your mainstream drugs are illegal, but it's kind of like speeding in the US... it's not that serious. You could fucking murder someone, but if you've got money, even the most respected police officer will take your cash and tell you to fuck off. Obviously, for a murder suspect that bribe will be much higher than someone who gets caught with drugs. If you're into drugs, India is easily the safest place in the world. There is no way the law could fuck you over in any way, so you shouldn't worry about that. I can elaborate further if anyone is interested. I am not an expert in this topic, but I can tell you what I know.

    As far as the party scenes go: There are tons of places to party. In fact, I can safely say that India is the most fun place I've been to, which is why I've decided to stay here. You just have to know the right people and the right places thats all.

    I'll break it down for you:

    Kolkata: Great city. Very nice people. Awesome nightlife here. You come across many people from many walks of life in this city. People from Northeast India, etc. Only thing that annoyed me was the number of stinky hippies I came across here. People from Italy, England, etc. The bars and clubs are open till 5AM on the weekends. It all depends on crowds really. If you ever go to India, make a trip to Kolkata. I highly suggest it. You can pm me as well if you need contacts.

    Goa: This is the main tourist spot in India, but it's highly overrated, in my opinion. It's really for rich people, even by foreign standards. A drinking state really. Not to say I didn't have fun there, but nothing really that exciting except for tons of hot girls.

    Delhi: DON'T GO HERE! Trust me. Excess pollution. Rude people. Hardly any nightlife. Stay clear.

    Darjeeling: Not a city, but a really nice place. Good weed to be found here. Beautiful scenery, Awesome weather.

    Manali: Good weed grows here like it's fucking grass.

    Agra: Taj Mahal. Worth seeing once. Make sure you're tripping when you go. It's fucking amazing! Not worth it like that if you're on a budget and just want to party.

    That's all the places I've been to. If you're gonna go to one place, I suggest Kolkata because you meet very interesting people here and it's easy to find lowlifes such as you and I who will introduce you to what India is really about. Don't let the shitty infrastructure and pollution in the city fool you. It's like going into a dark cave and eventually finding a chamber full of treasure.
  6. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I guarantee you that there are more prescriptions for Xanax filled in November than any other month of the year. My entire immediate family takes it so that we can deal with our extended family. We can't be the only ones.
  7. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Sure, I have no doubt that's true. I don't mean he's a good doctor like "This guy is prescription crazy let's go get lots of crazy drugs" kind of doctor. I just meant he really is a good doctor. You had a problem that he took care of with the proper medication. It's just that there are so many doctors that under prescribe things like xanax/painkillers/sleeping medication/anti-depressants/adhd medicine etc because of the abuse potential. They let that interfere with giving their patients the best possible treatment.

    So just hang on to him. Because he sounds like a good one.

    edit: Just noticed your username and the fact that I said good doctor like 12 times
  8. The Good Doctor

    The Good Doctor
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
  9. Benzilla

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    Oct 19, 2009
  10. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Does this happen to anyone? You do some blow one night then the next day water smells weird to you? It's happened almost every time I've done blow in the last year and some of my friends have noticed it too. Is it something that's part of the coke or something it's cut with or just my imagination?
  11. Tyty

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I bought about a pound (~$12 bucks) from the super market. After mixing it with a little lemon juice and water I made three batches, drinking each one after making it (in the hopes that I recognize when the high is getting to be too much). The ones a the market seemed to do the trick for me, as well as the others who were in attendance, and they brought other brands from markets as welll, so I don't believe that they do any treatment to them.

    Perhaps this was just me, but both times I have tried this I was hung over in a strange way that made me unable to function at a working level. So just be aware of that.

    Lastly, a friend of mine says that using orange gatorade is the best thing, its acidic level and taste both get the best out of the poppy seeds as well as mask the taste.
  12. CubbieBlue

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have read this before a few years ago and upon reading it again I am amazed at the abuse those folks put their bodies through. I wonder how all of those people are doing now?
  13. Wadget

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    Does someone want to discuss/explain to me the relative merits of acid tabs verse acid cubes?

    So far no one has been able to give me any clear points capable of understanding, but maybe i'm just dumb.
  14. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Sugar cubes have more volume than a piece of paper, so they theoretically could hold more if the doser isn't using a micropipette or feels like giving you a little extra. Also, what do you prefer the taste of, paper or sugar cubes?
  15. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    In regards to vaporizers, if you get ANY smoke, you need to turn the vaporizer down. You're supposed to be inhaling....wait for it......VAPOR. The weed isn't supposed to combust, and you actually get more THC this way.

    The high with a vaporizer seems to take a little longer than the almost immediate high from a bong and isn't the same. But if you smoke regularly, it's definitely better for your lungs in the long run.
  16. Pap

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I have recently informed my mother that I from time to time enjoy smoking marijuana. I did not tell her that one summer I smoked it everyday but I think just that fact that I do it semi-regularly freaked her out.

    She has told me that she would vote for the legalization for it and my dad use to be quite the pot head back in college when they met so she is not completely naive to what it does to you and that is actually not very dangerous.

    The thing is that when I told her she was flabbergasted and was trying to convince me how I didn't need one more vice to live with, how it was illegal, and how I need to be able to find a job in 6 months or so. She also was trying to understand why her son would need to do this "drug" to have a good time and enjoy life.

    My question is, what could I have her read/tell her that would somewhat help her understand and convince her that smoking really has no harm on my life? At least much less than the amount of drinking I do. I tried to explaining to her what effects it has had on me when I do it and my life in general but I think it is hard to explain to someone who has never even tried it (well she tried pot brownies once but she claims they made them wrong and didn't get high).

    Also, has any ever tried 2CE? Apparently similar to 2CB. This was my first time trying a "harder", "psychedelic" drug. I'm not sure if it was just my environment or what but I HATED IT! I sat in the same chair for 8 hours straight, getting up once to piss. I would go in and out of not knowing what was going on to not wanting to be fucked up any more. I don't think it helped that every 15-30 min a bowl was being past around, and there were times when people came in the house that I did not know. I really didn't know to much about it before I took it and realized it is fairly new and man made.

    I have wanted to try shrooms for some time now, would anyone who has done both, 2CE and mushrooms, recommend I don't if I had such a bad experience with 2CE? I'm hesitant to try another psychedelic after this experience.
  17. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Tabs are blotter paper soaked in a solution of diluted LSD and then hung to dry. Tabs vary in strength dramatically based not only on the initial dilution ratios, but where the tab that you're chewing was on the paper while it was drying, how long it was soaked, ambient conditions while drying, etc.

    Cubes are a sugar cube with a drop of diluted LSD dropped in from an eye dropper. Dose is pretty consistent - in that if your dealer is using the same dilution ratio every time - it'll always be the same. Most dealers aren't exactly scientific about it though - but you can at least assume that when the same eye dropper from the same bottle puts two drops onto two different cubes - they'll be pretty similar.

    Notionally, a fair portion of a tab will be ingested through the surface cells in your mouth - this isn't the same as inhaling/plugging/jacking up - but it stills hits your blood stream faster and harder then if it goes through your stomach. A sugar cube has a notionally slower and smoother absorption rate after it goes through your digestive track. Practically - I don't know anyone who's noticed much difference.

    Personally - I'd rather work with a dealer who keeps sugar cubes in the kitchen and a bottle with an eye dropper stashed somewhere then a dealer who's drying sheets and shit. It's just a lower profile deal and I like my illegal drug distributors to adhere to a low profile policy.
  18. Wadget

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    This is exactly the response I was looking for, thanks man.

    The guy we're going through charges 20 for cubes but 30 for tabs. What's that about? Is it just more expensive to make a tab than cubes or what?
  19. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    He didn't treat the problem (dysfunctional dynamic with his extended family), he treated a symptom (anxiety). And for every one MD that "under-prescribes" there are probably 10 that over-prescribe, running their practices off their Rx pads. IMO, a "good doctor" would have sent him to a trained professional for a battery of assessments for clinical diagnoses and then set the course of treatment. Would that include xanax? Probably. But anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds work best in conjunction with a therapeutic treatment plan to determine the root cause, which usually requires the individual to make changes in their life...something most people aren't willing to do. It's easier to pop a pill, treat the symptom, and ignore the problem.

    No doubt Rx's for xanax and the like spike this time of year. So do sales of alcohol as well as the suicide rate.
  20. Crazy Wolf

    Crazy Wolf
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I would suggest asking the guy you're going through. Maybe he uses more chemical, maybe he just doesn't like dealing with tabs. I don't have any personal experience with LSD manufacture or dosing.