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The drug thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by redbullgreygoose, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. ghettoastronaut

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    Oct 22, 2009
    A typical dose of LSD is about 2 microgams per kilogram of body weight. Do the math; 70 kilos per body weight, an estimated 0.05 g per drop weight, and that comes out to enough LSD to cause about 150 people to trip out.

    Actually, some drugs really do fuck with important core functions; respiratory depression is the dose limiting side effect of all opiates. Ecstasy is known to cause severe and sometimes fatal hyperthermia. Having seizures from a drug actually is pretty damned unexpected, and you're casually conjecturing about absence seizures? I've never heard anything about absence (aka "petit mal") seizures occurring from LSD. Ever. And did you seriously just say that CSF conducts nerve impulses? I mean, are you trying to pull everyone's leg here? That's pretty fucked up.
  2. nogro

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 20, 2009
    Not to shit on your post, which was pretty funny, but that last part isn`t entirely correct. The cerebrospinal fluid (or CSF) that you`re referring to isn`t the medium in which electrical impulses are carried.

    A peripheral nerve, say in your finger, fires off electrical impulses when your finger touches something. These impulses are transmitted in incredibly thin nerve fibers called axons. These travel into your spinal cord, which relays the signals to the brain. The medium in which the electrical impulses are carried is plain old intracellular fluid inside the nerve fiber, or axon The axon travels from your finger to the cell which sends it out; think of a ball with a long-ass tube attached to it, where the impulse travels inside of it. This cell in turn is in contact with a ton of other cells in the central nervous system (your spinal cord and brain), creating a network which serves to integrate these signals. CSF, on the other hand, is produced in chambers inside your brain, flows through some ducts and circulates around your brain and spinal cord to cushion and help protect them. While it is true that some neurotransmitters are released from the brain`s nerve cells into the CSF and disseminated throughout the entire central nervous system their function is unclear, and CSF is not the liquid in which nerve impulses from your body travel in.

    But, you know, drugs up your ass. Stevie Nicks was a crazy bitch in her heyday.

    By they way, after some careful thinking and cost/benefit analysis I have concluded that if I`m gonna do drugs, it`s gotta be shrooms or pot. To put it bluntly, cocaine seems a little wild and my nose is clogged enough as is, LSD scares the fuck outta me with regards to potentially permament psychological trauma, speed and ecstasy seems to have one helluva fucked up down period after and I like my serotonin stocked at all times, thank you very much, and heroin because, well, fucking junkies, man.

    EDIT: Didn`t see the response above, apologize for the redudancy.
  3. Jay-Bird

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    In regards to someone talking about the amount of active chemicals in the stems and caps of shrooms: I did a lot of reading on erowid and an article there was a study done and the caps have 33% more than the stem. I think the idea that stems = body high and caps = head trippy is because someone ate stems and didn't trip as hard as he did when he ate caps, but still had a body high. There is only one active chemical making you trip the more you get the more you trip. Also the myth has been passed around for so long and if you believe it, well there is always the placebo effect.


    Coke isn't as crazy as it sounds, and for the most part if you let yourself have a problem with it you're an idiot. It's not really any big deal to try it and blow a couple lines. Yea, your nose will be stuffed up the next morning if you buy some dirty shit, but quality blow has less of a crash, and leaves your nose relatively clean.

    Never done speed, so I don't have any input on that, but I've never had a problem feeling bad the next day or more after an ecstasy roll. In fact, the next day I usually have an afterglow that hangs around. Not one single time have I felt depressed or anything afterward.

    Anyways, that just a little input, not trying to talk you into it or anything, but that's my experiences with those drugs.
  4. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    Okay, this IS the drug thread after all, and some of you seem frighteningly knowledgeable about this stuff, so, can anyone tell me if this place is legit or not? If not, can any of you tell me where you can get pot seeds on line reliably? I really would like to grow my own this spring.
  5. zyron

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I know someone who orders seeds from the internet and he gets them. I have bought some really nice weed from the guy. Would I personally do it, No. I would never want pot seeds sent to me through the mail, UPS, whatever. This is why I save the seeds I sometimes find in kind bud.
  6. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    For the botanists out there, how hard is pot to grow outdoors?

    It's a weed, so I imagine it would grow on its own for the most part.

    Also, in regards to the legality behind it, if you have a plant growing in your yard, how can prosecutors prove you're cultivating it? If you have rows of it with tilled soil, that's one thing. But a random plant seems it would be hard to prove.
  7. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    I'm not a botanist, but it really isn't that hard to grow. I've grown it before and the seeds germinate very easily. The plant itself grows without much fussing. However, it's the buds from the female plant that produce the best high. If you get stuck with male plant it's pretty useless. I think that's why you see people cultivating more than one or two plants, the legality of which probably depends on where you live. Though unless you live somewhere in California, and it is for medical purposes, I suspect it's VERY illegal.

    That said, I'm looking for feminized seeds that produce only female plants. This way you can grow only one or two plants and be guaranteed buds at the end of a certain amount of time, which could be anywhere from 6 - 9 weeks from germination. One or two plants worth of pot would last me years. I don't smoke that much. Just want it when I want it, damn it!
  8. Seeker

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm posting this in the "Can someone help me with this?" thread too, cause I'm not sure where I'll get the best results.

    I need to re-attach the base of my bong. It was apparently glued on and it came off while I was rinsing it out the other day. Both pieces are glass. The adhesive should have a decent temperature range- I use pretty hot water when I'm cleaning it and I usually stick it in the freezer for a few hours before I use it for extra awesomeness.
  9. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Anecdotally, I know of a grandmother finding pot seeds in her grandsons draw and growing them in her bathroom thinking they were lovely. When informed by another grand child - she tossed them into the swamp behind her yard. A few months later she was the focus of a large scale investigation when the field of weed growing behind her house was spotted from the air. The fact that she was a lovely old lady who lied like a professional kept her out of jail, but yeah - it's called weed for a reason. It will depend on the grow conditions where you plant it, but it's really not hard to grow.

    Have fun making that argument to the judge. The small field that you're growing might also be grounds for a search and seizure warrant (depending on were you live) that would probably find evidence of possession or paraphernalia that when taken in consideration with your grow would be grounds to argue intent to distribute.

    There's a reason why sensible people conduct their grows hydroponically, in a concealed place, with an artificial light source.
  10. Magpie

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I have personally participated in a fairly good sized home growing operation (about 15 plants). All told, the care of the grow room was TONS more work than expected. And then even despite our constant monitoring, the bud still got kinda fucked up and we had to harvest early. But in all we still had a ridiculous amount of amazing smoke for almost a year. I would absolutely do it again, if I could...

    We built a freestanding "room" in the middle of my basement using 4x4s and drywall. You need to have a space where you can have control over room temperature, light cycles and air circulation. I bought a kind of pricey overhead light from a plant store (maybe $200 or so), with all the timers and such. I wallpapered the inside of the room with shiny mylar, so the light from overhead was reflected back onto the plants. For circulation, we used a cheap bathroom exhaust fan. This was plenty because we ordered seeds specifically bred for a discreet smell. You can't have the neighborhood smelling all skunky. I ordered the seeds from somewhere on the internet, I can't remember which site. There's a bunch of them out there. I just recommend that you have the seeds shipped somewhere the weed operation is not going to be. Our people shipped them in a CD case, tucked inside all secret-like. Then you get them sprouting in tiny pots, and then you have to keep moving them to larger, and then larger pots every so often. Ours grew to about 5.5 feet when they were harvested. There are really specific rules on light cycles and all that stuff, I can't remember how it went. There used to be a website called, but I think it's gone now. But I am sure you can the info somewhere. So all this time you're trying so hard to avoid "herming" them out. Herming means that the plant has turned into a hermaphrodite - it has characteristics of both male and female plants at the same time. This is bad news, since this is when your plants start making seeds instead of growing big fat buds. Sure enough, we didn't do it exactly right and our plants hermed out. So we shut down operations hoping to salvage some of what we had. From what we read, herming out was the worst thing and you wanted to avoid it at all costs. But really all that happens is that you get a few random seeds in your bud. Nowhere near the amount you'd get in a regular bag, though. After curing (a hugely important, and often rushed step) and drying our bud on clotheslines, it was absolutely some of the best bud I have ever smoked in my life. If we screwed up by letting them grow a few seeds, then I would have been okay smoking this fucked up week for the rest of my life...

    There is no question, I would do this again if I could. The only thing is my current boyfriend is not that into weed, and truthfully I have outgrown it for the most part. But damn, that was some really nice weed I used to have. Good times....
  11. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    Anyone ever been to the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam?

    I've heard Vancouver is the new Amsterdam, and considering it's on this side of the world, much more convenient. Anyone been to either?

    I sort of have this thing against air travel specifically to get high, but I suppose if a sales call in the Pacific NW were on my agenda, I could take an extra day off.
  12. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    How much weight would you say those 15 plants yielded?
  13. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    They're called coco-puffs where I'm from. Every time I've smoked one I get a strange high, in the sense that I no longer feel high. Each time (I only smoked these in one place, with the same people each time), I remember walking home well past sunrise and feeling perfectly sober and in control. Regardless of how much booze and coke I did prior. I used a coco-puff as a way to finish off the night on a good note. It's tough to explain, which I realize doesn't help all that much, but that's the best I can give.

    I get the same from time to time. It's barely noticeable, but reading your post brought out the memories. I'll be buggered if I know what causes it.

    FOCUS: I'm curious to hear about experiences people here have had while using opium. I've always wanted to give it a try because I've heard it is one of the most mellow highs available. I've read a fair bit of materials concerning it, but have never actually met anyone who's tried it. Any comments?
  14. DrunkenCokeHead

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    Oct 20, 2009

    Opium is nice if you know what you are looking for.
    Smoked it a couple of times, first on foil like smack(good effect btw) and then through one of them thin pipes.
    1- If you don't have the proper pipe, foil will do (chasing the dragon style)
    2- Don't drink with it. It will make you puke more and generaly lessen the trip/high.
    3- Not even a tenth as addictive as heroin(that does not mean smoke every day!)

  15. DrunkenCokeHead

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    Oct 20, 2009
    BTW I'm staying in tonight!

  16. Magpie

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    Oct 20, 2009
    It's hard to say in terms of ounces, or even pounds because we never really weighed it all out. We stored them in dry goods canisters, like the ones in the picture.

    We had several of them packed pretty well full, probably 6 of the largest size in all. So it's probably easier to estimate in terms of liquid measurement. I'd say we had about 4-5 quarts? I know that sounds ridiculous, that I really don't know how much we had. But when you have that much quantity, there's no real point in weighing it. I really didn't think we'd ever smoke it all, but somehow we did.

    Attached Files:

  17. JR17

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    Jan 8, 2010
    My question is, what could I have her read/tell her that would somewhat help her understand and convince her that smoking really has no harm on my life? At least much less than the amount of drinking I do. I tried to explaining to her what effects it has had on me when I do it and my life in general but I think it is hard to explain to someone who has never even tried it (well she tried pot brownies once but she claims they made them wrong and didn't get high).

    Reply: I would sit her down and have her watch " The Union: The Business behind getting High". By far the best pot documentary and hopefully an eye opener for your mom.
  18. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    Get a vaporizer and she can't argue anything.
  19. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Did I just shit myself?

    Oct 19, 2009
    I don't know there is some pretty strong pictorial evidence to the contrary:


  20. Supertramp

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've done Opium. It's really mellow, try it out, but the hangover is pretty rough.