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The drug thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by redbullgreygoose, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Woody

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Ugh, you always get the "undesirables" in each group.

    Those pictures certainly made me cringe quite a bit.

    Fucking hippies.

    This is only semi relevant but I still like it. The Streets- Irony of it all.

    #241 Woody, Jan 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  2. nickygonzo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    In the sense of it growing and staying alive, pot really isn't that hard to grow. But to produce good herb, that shit is really tough. I would suggest getting a book like this one...

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 1931160171</a>

    to help you get started, and be prepared for a lot of work. but if you can actually put out some good weed then it's definitally worth it.
  3. Woody

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Seconded, I also have the legit e-book if you wanted to breeze through it. Also a few more to inspect,

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 570&sr=1-1</a>

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... gy_b_img_b</a>
  4. Southside Strangler

    Southside Strangler
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    Should still be lurking

    Dec 9, 2009
    Pacific Northwest
    What do you guys think about smoking Salvia? Never tried it but thought about it just for shits and giggles.

    Had a few friends say they tripped hardcore for about ten minutes and then that was pretty much it. my one good friend said he would not do it again and that it is worse than acid...probablly full of shit but it was funny as fuck when he told me that story. He said he felt he was on a conveyer belt and could not choose where he was walkin but just go along for the ride.
  5. thevoice

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 25, 2009
    My girlfriend's best-friend was out partying this weekend and while drunk she tried cocaine for the first time. The girlfriend is concerned because her friend has a very addictive personality and seemed very nonchalant about her decision.

    According to her friend, the cocaine only enhanced her drunkenness and enabled her feel more energized as the night wore on. She said the worst thing she experienced in the morning was a five-minute nose-bleed.

    I've heard that the first time using cocaine is amazing, and is unlike any other high that one can experience. Having never tried 'coke' myself, I'm only going off what I've read/and or seen in movies.

    Some questions I have for members who've done cocaine:

    - Does alcohol prohibit any of cocaine's effects?

    - Are nose-bleeds common after use?

    - What does the high of 'just' cocaine feel like?
  6. Bourbondownthehouse

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    Nov 16, 2009
    I'm not a doctor but I can tell you from personal experience that while coke is fun, its not a "chasing the dragon" type of high that is forever unattainable and will cause your friend to do nothing but chase it for all eternity. As far as alcohol goes, coke is a stimulant, the polar opposite of booze. It didn't "enhance" her drunkeness, it probably just made her more alert. What is a coke high like? Wildly varying. The problem with "just coke" is that its rarely just coke so you never know just how potent it is. In my experience, good coke does not make you a paranoid jittery monkey man. Thats generally the ephedrine or whatever else was used to cut the coke with. This brings us to the nosebleed issue. I know many people who have snorted many different types of drugs, and I have rarely heard of anyone complain of a full on nosebleed. Again this is just what I have experienced and by all means should be taken with a grain of salt.
  7. Benzilla

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    Oct 19, 2009
    All of these experiences I've heard about are various flavors of terror. A lot of people have told me that they've had bad trips on Salvia.

    Oh, and cheeto dolphins. A friend of a friend said that she saw cheeto dolphins.
  8. Jay-Bird

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009

    The first time I tried coke, I was puking drunk. My friends had some, and in the past I had been hesitant to try it. Also at the time I didn't want to add anything to my pot and booze fueled spinning. They said it would make me feel way better. And that is exactly what it did. I blew a small line and it was almost as if I was sober again, with a slight buzz.

    Coke makes you feel good. You talk a lot and chain smoke cigarettes. You can also drink incredible amounts of alcohol without passing out or feeling the effects as much. In fact the easiest way to come off a coke high is to slam alcohol and smoke a bunch of pot to bring you down.

    The coke/whatever it is cut with will dry out your sinuses. Your skin inside is very sensitive, so when it dries out it cracks easily and you nose may bleed. It's really no big deal. However Coke-HEADS will get nose bleeds all the time because they have completely fucked up the inside of their nose and sinuses.

    As for my credentials on the topic. I do coke. Not every day. Not even every week. Actually I haven't done it in a couple months. However I have done it plenty of times. I have always been very aware of its addictive properties, and have watched myself with it. I have also seen 2 very close friends get addicted and completely fucked their shit up, but I also have plenty of other friends that are casual users just like me. The biggest mistakes I/my friends have made was not telling the person that they had a problem long before it got out of control. So really. If your GF's friend goes and does some blow every once in a while, it's no big deal. But if she immediately is out buying baggies every weekend and shit. Tell your GF to do something about it.

    It's hard to describe a coke high in it's entirety, and it doesn't really very much when you add stuff like pot and alcohol to it. Lets put it this way. Coke is a great high, better than being drunk or stoned. It's also a stimulant so things speed up, not down like alcohol and pot. So When you are coked up, you are going miles a second, and every drink you have, and every rip of the bong you take, just brings you down/dilutes the high a little bit more, but does slightly augment it. There is also the difference in the high depending on how much you do at a time, which largely depends on what the user prefers. Some people like to take a lot of small "bumps" throughout the night, which keeps a nice small buzz going with out much comedown. Others like to do just a couple "rails" and only have a few during the night, but doing a ton at a time will get you completely blasted. Others fall in between.

    In conclusion. Don't look at the amount done in a night. Look at the frequency of use, and if she starts hanging out with people who do coke frequently. You'll know she has a problem by changes in her behavior. If nothing really changes and she does a little bit of blow every once in a while...whatever.

    As for the dude who asked about salvia. Go try it, you can pick it up at your local smoke shop. I know a few people who enjoyed their time on it. I have done it a few times. When I did a little it was good. What we would do is throw a little on top of a bowl of weed. It was pretty nice, added a little extra to a weed high. Thats the way I enjoy it the most.

    One time was bad though. I did rip an extraordinary amount. More than I have ever seen anyone do. It will take you so far out of your mind you won't even know. It really is a fucking trip. I think the reason so many people have problems with it is because it comes on so fast and so strong. If you are able to get your hands on some regular leaves. You can chew them or essentially "dip" them, and the trip lasts much longer, but comes on more slow so you can sort of get acclimated (at least that is what I read off of Erowid). But I have o idea where to find the leaves. You have to find a plant growing somewhere.
  9. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    I've known quite a few people who get small papercuts on the inside of their nose from using a very crisp bill to do a rail. However, as was said above, it's usually a result of badly dried out sinuses. It's nothing to worry about unless you're planning on laying down a full gram every night for months on end.
  10. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I've heard it's dysphoric as opposed to euphoric like acid/shrooms so that's why people are more likely to have bad trips on it. From personal experience, I have had a great trip that involved me giggling for 15 minutes and then I had a terrifying one and when I tried to get out of my chair found my feet glued to the ground which made it worse. I felt like I was hopping on these platforms like in a video game where you can only stand on the platform for a few seconds before it falls. Each platform was a different world to me and I was trying to get back to the real/right world. When I finally did, I didn't think it was the real/right one because one of my friends looked like a bronze statue and one looked like he was made out of stone. I hopped to the next world/platform, and as I did I realized I had just left the world I was looking for. This terrified me and I tried to get up out of my chair to kind of "end" the trip. I fell over, as my feet felt like they were attached to the floor, and finally was able to crawl and pull myself and my feet into a bed where I curled up in the fetal position for about ten or fifteen minutes.

    edit: this was also my first experience with psychedelics and my friends had never done any either. I was the guinea pig and they filmed me. I snapped five or six bowls in our brand new bong myself, then packed a heaping bowl of salvia. I tried to do it all in one rip cause it hits you fast and you don't really have time for a second. I got about 90% through the bowl when my lungs completely filled up and I put the bong down (so it wouldn't break) and immediately started coughing out an enormous cloud and saying "I don't like this I don't like this" (it tastes bad). Then I stop talking mid sentence, look around the room and put my face in my hands and didn't say another word for like fifteen minutes and would look up every now and then to look around the room, before I tried to walk/get up and fell over.
  11. seelivemusic

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    Oct 20, 2009
    the people's republic of Cambridge
    One thing about doing cocaine while drinking, when the two are combined it produces something in your body called cocaethylene.

    I always thought the combo felt great.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
  12. Jay-Bird

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I can't say there have been very many times that I have ever done coke and not had some alcohol to wash it down with. Frankly it doesn't make sense to me to do it otherwise. It's party time and we're getting fucked up.
  13. scotchcrotch

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    Nov 21, 2009
    I'd be interested from the tokers how much you smoke?

    My buddy, a fellow pothead, thinks I have a problem because I go through a quarter in 2 weeks or so while it would take him 4-6 months to go through the same amount.
  14. Bourbondownthehouse

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    Nov 16, 2009
    I don't smoke pot, or take any other illicit drugs anymore for that matter, but the vast majority of my friends are pot smokers. What kind of pot do you smoke? If you only smoke super awesome chronic, obviously a larger amount will last longer. The flipside to that is someone like one of my friends who smokes an eighth a day of brick weed. If he happened to buy an eighth of chronic is would last him longer. As I'm sure you know, a quarter is around 7 grams depending on where you buy it. If you smoke one joint a night that weighs a gram thats a quarter a week. So in short, no I wouldn't say you have a "problem" unless your potsmoking is somehow negatively affecting your life but you continue to use.
  15. zyron

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I smoke every day and it is kind bud. I buy an ounce at a time and it lasts me about a month and a half. So I smoke a little more than you do. When I was in college a quarter of brick weed would last me about 4-5 days.

    A quarter lasting 4-6 months? Does he even smoke? Jesus, that weed must be so dry a joint is gone in 2 puffs.
  16. theking23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    It varies, I've gone through phases where I'm smoking all day, every day and an eighth lasts me 2-3 days, other times I'll smoke more occassionally and an eighth will get me through a week or two. Recently, I've been smoking one or two .7 gram blunts usually with 2-3 other people which would work out to about 3 eighths a week. I'm about to be forced to drastically cut down on smoking (read: none) by the State as one of the terms of my probation :(
  17. BaseballGuyCAA

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Asked this on the Trees subreddit this afternoon, figure there might be some Idiot Boarders able to offer up some prime advice too.

    Here's the situation: I just found out today that a pizza place in town is offering a deal: if you and a friend can eat an entire 28-inch pizza in one sitting, you win $500.

    Several basic facts sprang instantly to mind: 1. I've eaten very close to a whole 14-inch pizza by myself when hungry before--and that's without the aid of weed. 2. I need money. Bad. 3. With a little green motivation, this is legitimately doable.

    Here's the thing--me and my friend are trying to maximize our chances of success (since if you don't finish you have to pay for the pizza, and we can't exactly afford to piss away $50 like that). Part of that is getting cheeched as hell beforehand.

    What strain do you recommend to give me a historic case of the munchies?

    EDIT: Worth noting, if it is something that can be found in Wisconsin, that is obviously a huge plus. Knowing what will help doesn't do me a lot of good if I can't get ahold of it.
    EDIT 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO: Yep, not the first to tell me that two 14" pizzas does not equal one 28". I was never good at that shit.
  18. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    A 14" pizza does not equal half a 28". Half a 28" is a lot bigger.

    Edit: What you both would actually have to eat would be two 14" pizza's each. That is why they give you $500 because it sounds a lot easier than it is.
  19. slippingaway

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Half a 28" pizza would be approx a 20" pizza. To halve the area of a circle multiply by .7, to double the area multiply by 1.4
  20. Sean Daley

    Sean Daley
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    Oct 20, 2009
    I normally go through a bag (1/8th) in a week easily. I always smoke out of glass (I always get too impatient trying to roll joints/blunts), and will normally do 2-3 bowls a day on weekdays and around 5/day on weekends. A quarter in two weeks is not uncommon with me or the people I know.